Hey guys how are we all. My name is Fraser from Scotland, I hsve been smoking off and on/ light and heavy since I was 17. I have half hearted tried to quit a few times but never got past a few days. On Saturday I will turn 23 so I decided a couple of weeks ago that that is the time for me to vanish the cancer sticks from my life forever.
Its hard to say how many Cigs I smoke per day all depends on what I am doing. When I was in Europe on a Uni trip in Feb I was on about 12-20 a day, nights outs 8-12, stress day (like studying writting reports) 8-12, with people who smoke I'l light up as well. For the first 3 years I was probabaly just a social smoker only smoking when drinking was involved or if someone would give me one but I could easily live without them. Its only really been over the last year that I have been smoking daily (with at least 4 a day -- with the majority of my cigs consumed at night).
I realy want to quit for a no of reasons now. Most concerning is my heavy cheast. When I wake up in the moarning I find my breathing can be very heavy for the 1st hour. On Monday I was back down at the gym after a 2 month abscence because of studies, I done 15 mins on the treadmill and I was gasping for air (sure other factors such as weight gain played thier part). I never been more out of breath in my life.
Phelgm is another reason, I can feel it in my throat from time to timeand its is just disgusting, brown and tary can't believe I been posioning my body with that gross substance.
Finacial cost, can spend between 10 - 25 quid a week on fags which is expensive for me as I am job hunting just now and in a bit of debt from Uni that needs to be taken care of.
Feeling like an outcast, when I 1st started smoking half of my friends did as well. I now hang with a different crowd and maybe only a couple of them smoke, so if the smokers are not out it can be a lil embaressing poping out for a smoke.
Smell - I dont care about the smell on my breath or cloths its the way it sticks to your hands that get me.
Looks - I see what some people can look like after smoking for years apon year I dont want to waste my good looks (lol) because of a harmful expensive stick.
Tapping a fag - Nothing is more humilating that being on a nightout and asking a ramdomer for a smoke (usualy only do this because I ran out and dont want to leave the club).
With all these reason and the may more I prob should have quit months or years ago I stil regreat having that 1st ever fags cause it just leads to more and more. Gone are the day when I could say I only smoke when I m drinking now its I only smoke when I am smoking. Well anyway no point quitting today tomo or Friday cause I have that mindset that I will stop come midnight on Saturday. I been preparing by cutting back a fair bit over the last few days only on a few (say 3-4 ) just now.
Quiting - I plan to make use of this forum as a method of support. I will also be giving up the booze for the time being (one or two beers is ok but not over the limit) as I know that if I get drunk I will smoke. I will try my best to do it cold turkey but I do have lozengers left over from the last time. So if I need a few of them so be it.
Thanks guys any other tips