Heading for no mans land.....: Should I be... - No Smoking Day

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Heading for no mans land.....

Dippy_Egg profile image
19 Replies

Should I be afraid?

I have but one day left in the week 3 forum before heading where others have been before me into the forumless no mans land that is week 4 :eek:

Did any of you think to leave things to make my lonely float through the ether more bearable? I dont know.....maybe a candle or two.....some nibbles......or better still a little breadcrumb trail leading me safely all the way to month 1. This week 4 thing really is turning into something of a rite of passage. Well....I shall dive into the abyss and do my best to pop up gasping for air a week hence.

Who's behind me? I forget. Dottie? Karri? Well anyway. If I survive this i'm going to do better than my predecessors (sp). For you there will be the breadcrumb trail (obviously) and daisies....lovely daisies.....slabs of chocolate cake.........crisps and assorted nibbles........twinkly things.....and secret things you'll only find out about when you get there.

Wish me luck.

Before I go I should mention. I'm on day 20 and feeling wonderful. I have absolutely no desire at all to smoke. Not ever. Not even once a day. I know. I cant believe it myself but its true. I'm not even eating like a pig anymore. Just eating quite normally.....making, if anything, better choices and thoroughly enjoying the tastes. Earlier in this experience I tried to describe a lightness I feel. I still cant find the right words but the lovely light lightness is the best thing i've ever been addicted to and I AM addicted to it.

My boss said to me the other day (she's a smoker). Lizzie...she said. How's the not smoking? I've not really wanted to talk about it to you in case its too difficult for you and I say anything that might make you crack. Ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ME CRACK? Not a chance. I proceeded to reassure her that on the contrary I LOVE to talk about it. I do. I really do coz its so exciting. I only didnt bore her with my excitement coz she's a smoker....not like you lot and me who've seen the light. So I launched into excited chatter about how bloody free and happy and healthy and all round damn flipping great I feel. This....my friends....is how she responded to my excited chatter. She said.......bear in mind this is she who said she wouldnt want to say anything that might break my quit......she said......Well you know Lizzie. I think if you're gonna get cancer you're gonna get cancer. Smoking, she said, is abosulutely NOT a proven cause of lung cancer. She went on to site all sorts of members of her family who apparantly smoke like troopers till the age of 140 and never got cancer. You know what. I didnt even bother to argue with her. I just sort of ahhhh'd...and mmmm'd...and oh really'd at her. Then she went out for a fag. When she came back all I thought was......urghhh.....you stink. And it was honestly the first time that I smelt a smoker and really did think urghhhhhh....thats horrid. I was very glad that I could still smell my l'occitaine body lotion on my arms.

Sorry......bloody hell this is a longer post than I meant it to be. right tarra. Love you all. Off to the abyss :)

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Dippy_Egg profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Well done Dippy,

A wonderfully light, happy, sparkling, full of energy and motivational post.

You just keep on sparkling :D

Gaynor x

Dippy_Egg profile image

You're the sparkliest Gaynor and look...you're 5 days behind me so no worries. I'll leave extra special shiney things in little corners just for you as you pass through the abyss. You deserve them coz you are the genius who thought of wurthers originals as a quit aid! I'll have to live the rest of my days knowing I missed a trick there. :D

nsd_user663_46317 profile image

Well done Dippy. I also have a boss who smokes. I'm on my 8thweek and she hasn't once asked me how it's going? She is now the only full time member of staff who smokes. I almost feel sorry her because I know she is really jealous that I've made it this far.

The abyss is not too bad and the reward is month 1 - Way to go girl x

Dippy_Egg profile image

God yes magz its quite sad isnt it. I'd ask you how you are to make up for her lack of interest but no point. I know the answer. You're tops tickety boo. Poor your boss and mine. They are getting left behind and still living in fear. See you on the other side. Thanks for reassurance vis a vis the abyss :)

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

I left a hermetically sealed capsule there. It contains a cheese sandwich, a DVD of Eddie Izzard, some pink foam shrimps, dental floss and a copy of the Beano.

Oh, and a photocopy of my bum.


nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Oh, and your boss is in such massive denial it's just tragic.

nsd_user663_47108 profile image

What a fabulous post, Dippikins! :)

Just truly wonderful. Well done you!

No Man's Land is a breeze. You are just in limbo for a few days because of one of the quirks of this forum, that's all.

Peeps on here talk of "quitting buddies". A couple of people have been kind enough to say that they are following my posts because they find them helpful. That's very humbling.

For what it's worth, Dippy, I look forward to reading how you are getting on. You give me confidence to keep on, keeping on...

Thank you. :)

nsd_user663_46811 profile image

Dippy egg! ha ha

U must b a writer?

no average person could write like that,

Well done and keep it up, I would write something great if I could think of it, but I can't.

just know you will help loads of people with your words and strength. thanks and speak to u soon.

Dippy_Egg profile image

I left a hermetically sealed capsule there. It contains a cheese sandwich, a DVD of Eddie Izzard, some pink foam shrimps, dental floss and a copy of the Beano.

Oh, and a photocopy of my bum.


Hells Bells Helsbelles! You know me so well :) Pink shrimps? Its like a sign. An omen......my destiny to be here heading for the 1 month room with pink bloomin gorgeous shrimps to light the way and a cheese piece. Love it.

Yes my boss. Denial or what.....and she's clearly terrified she might get cancer. Poor thing. I'm not attempted to persuade her away from fags though. I remember stubborn, die hard, smoking me. It just wouldnt work. So i'll just carry on looking happy and smelling gorgeous. I'll waft around her like a dancing, freshly washed tinkerbell. Tee hee (might work)

Dippy_Egg profile image

Sounds like your boss is the life a soul of the party :rolleyes: You're doing fantastic Dippy. I've left you a life jacket, dingy and rubber ring to help you sail through the abyss, plenty of sweet snacks in the lifeboat awaiting. I'll be arriving in the 1 month forum on Sunday and i will wait for you to arrive before we start the party :D

Nice sensible. practical choice of supplies there Sue....thanks.....but..........

THERE'S A PARTY? Hot diggety dog. Can't wait :D

Dippy_Egg profile image

For what it's worth, Dippy, I look forward to reading how you are getting on. You give me confidence to keep on, keeping on...

Thank you. :)

The feeling is mutual Papster...............and its no wonder. Its easy peasy to tell what a sweet natured lovely fellow you are. .... and just a joy to see and share in your success here. We are all so lucky.

PS.............dippikins :D

Dippy_Egg profile image

I'm a long way behind you dippy egg so won't benefit from all the luxuries you leave :)

Congratulations to you and don't worry, you'll be in the one month room before you know it.

You're not so far behind Karri. Not really. I honestly cannot believe how quickly the days turned into weeks. Just keep on keeping on as Pappy says......and now I know about hermetically sealed tubes i'll make sure there's luxuries for you too. :)

Dippy_Egg profile image

just know you will help loads of people with your words and strength. thanks and speak to u soon.

Yes. Speak to you soon Maura and thank you too. For the record....I like what you write :)

nsd_user663_45894 profile image

Well done Dippy u are doing great :D xx

nsd_user663_45204 profile image

Well done Dippy, enjoy the buzz you are experiencing now as i can remember that phase with fond memories. It doesn't last sadly so remember the good times of quitting to get you through the hard times which are just around the corner.

nsd_user663_47108 profile image

As it's Friday...

Just thought I'd share this little piece of loveliness...

Keep on Keeping On :)

nsd_user663_44157 profile image

Well done Dippy, enjoy the buzz you are experiencing now as i can remember that phase with fond memories. It doesn't last sadly so remember the good times of quitting to get you through the hard times which are just around the corner.

Dippy, what Rogue said might prove to be true but I must say I have not had any real hard times and I'm at nearly four months so you just keep being as chirppy as you are and the hard times may never come. If they do just ride through them.


Dippy_Egg profile image

Well done Dippy, enjoy the buzz you are experiencing now as i can remember that phase with fond memories. It doesn't last sadly so remember the good times of quitting to get you through the hard times which are just around the corner.

Ouch....ooh. Said with such certainty and not even a smiley face on the end. I'm scared. :eek:

Thankfully the two H's came to my rescue before I needed to be scraped up from a depressed heap on the floor. The first with what is indeed a little piece of loveliness (yay Pappy) the second with some timely optimism regarding what may or may not be around the corner. Thankyou Aitch.

Forewarned is, as they say, forearmed however. So I thank you too Rogue. Will look out for it. Meanwhile......no harm in remaining 'chirpy' Hope things arent too hard for you.

Dippy_Egg profile image

Ooooh heck :eek:

My thoughts exactly Karri. Wanted to stick my fingers in my ears and shout la la la la laaaaaaaaaa laaaaaaaa cant hear you. Still might. :eek:

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