The Norse Course: Cheers everyone. I have... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_1655 profile image
8 Replies

Cheers everyone. I have been ultra busy since the start of the weekend. It has been a lesson in survival. I survived two 10 hour car rides. I survived a 23rd floor presidential suite with open bar and smoking balcony. I survived an NHL hockey game with uncomfortable seating and lots of smoking exits. I survived a bunch of pubs, wearing a suit, and networking. I survived every crave, every thought, and every chance to lose my quit. I thought about smokes many times, watched smokers and their habits, and continuously told myself NO. Lungs are starting to hurt less now. I hope to survive the weightloss kick also now. I am still searching for something to do when I am bored that gives me instant relief from life. So far I have been filling up on coffee. It is still tough, but I am adding on the days slowly. Breathe easy everyone! Hello to all my friends, and all the new quitters out there.

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nsd_user663_1655 profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_43995 profile image

wooohooo glad your still with us now going the gym and it feels so great to go and takes your mind of smoking completly :D

Hi Vike,

Great to see you back and breathing healthily!

And so many challenges to conquer .. :)

I'm hardly ever about cigarette-smokers and got to thinking that I could probably reasonably cope with never smoking again if nobody else did so suppose it comes down to strength of our convictions and not being swayed by what other people are doing. So well done on your survival!

I think we might search for that particular something to relieve the everyday boredom for the rest of our lives .. :D but in the meantime have a look at the music thread on here .. might give you some new ideas. I also think the hand masaging that Jubilee mentioned might give a bit of instant relief. I think a lot of alternative therapy is in the mind but then that's ok as it's the mind we are trying to reteach.

ps Great to see you are up and running again PLL x

nsd_user663_45836 profile image

YAY Vike, you're still here!

bet you felt great when you got back home and hadn't succombed? well done mister :D

nsd_user663_1655 profile image

Just a quick note to say good morning. Crisp cool air is defiinitely a better feeling than burning cough. Breathe easy everyone. Another invite out for drinks tonight, a trigger that I squashed day 4... only thing is that I don't really care to go out drinking with smokers that much now, as I can smell the stale smoke on their stoops, and the just smoked smell around a table reaks of all kinds of stuff I would rather avoid. I may show up for a beer or two, and use the "getting ready to workout and lose the belly" excuse early on. Then I need to kick myself into gear and actually lose this belly haha. I am the largest I have ever been, but not beating myself up for it, I'd rather have a spare tire than live in an iron lung. Do they even do that anymore? Still on the search for what is missing... it had better be working out haha. I can't handle any more food or laziness!


nsd_user663_1655 profile image

An interesting change in my head.

Good morning everyone. The drive to work this morning was a turning point in the quit I believe. I had an overwhelming feeling of calmness associated with the thought of not smoking ever again. It was short lived, but it was definitely there. I am from now on going to refer to this as the first anti-crave. I am guessing that these may appear once in a while, and I am not letting my guard down at all as I am still early on. The guard will come down in 54ish years haha. It is just a nice feeling to see a faint speck of light at the end of the tunnel. This has been a very tough time in my life, and I know lots of you will agree that it may be the hardest thing you have dealt with... I cannot think of anything that has consumed me, exhausted me, fought with me and caused floods of depression and anger for such a continuous long time. I'm not out of the lions den yet by any means, but at least some hope has been restored. Also, I think I am breathing without bronchitis and inflammation today... Maybe these things are connected... I am still going to get checked out again to ensure no lung trouble relapses. It is nice to post a message where I am not cursing the thought of not smoking haha. Breathe easy everyone, I wish you and yours a wonderful day.


nsd_user663_44157 profile image

Those little moments will get more often as time goes by until they just become the norm.

Pleased to hear your lungs and chest are getting better.


nsd_user663_45836 profile image

a tiny little speck of light at the end of the tunnel perhaps? :)

It always encouraging for me to hear positives from others, it keeps me going.


nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Great post, Vike.

This quitting lark has so many benefits associated with it. It's not just the obvious health and wealth plus points that wing their way into lifes tired grind.

Saw a comment today which resonated, "...When you are centered within yourself, outside influences no longer have the power to terrorize you."

And dotdot, the positives definitely are evident as Vike's noted in his post. So many of us 'oldies' have posted how we've gathered not just the energy but also the impetus to breathe new growth into our lives. For instance: Boo with her college course and previously taking up running. Of course maybe that's not what you're aiming for whilst you fight the good fight. You'll be pleasantly surprised what else pops up along that road.

Breathe easy, y'all :)

Not what you're looking for?