First smoke free day of many...hopefully! - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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First smoke free day of many...hopefully!

nsd_user663_45953 profile image
32 Replies

Good evening (or late afternoon?)

I had a quick look for a UK based quitting forum and this seems like as good a place as any to seek a bit of advice on quitting, so here goes...

Basically, I've been smoking 20 a day since I was 17. I'm now 33, sick of being totally dependent on fags, sick of feeling almost obliged to follow every meal or accompany every cup of coffee with a fag and to be perfectly blunt, sick of spending an inordinate amount of money on something that's ultimately going to kill me. This is the first genuine attempt I've ever made at quitting.

I'm currently sitting typing this out with one of them inhaler thingys hanging out of my mouth (it's working, by the way), a bizarre blue and black thing called a "Tangle" wrapped round my wrist (handy) and a box of gum for later use, all obtained from my local friendly pharmacist earlier today. All a bit pricey and I realise the "Doctor" route might have been a tad cheaper but it's the NHS...they can't get me in for ages. Swines.

If anyone gets the reference, I'm feeling a bit "Renton from Trainspotting" such is the extent of my addiction with all this paraphernalia...although you'll be glad to know I'm not using his methods.

Anyway, I just posted here to a) get all that off my chest and b) find out exactly what the hell i'm letting myself in for!

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nsd_user663_45953 profile image
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32 Replies
nsd_user663_44157 profile image


No one can really tell you what you are in for because everyone has different experiences.

For example, I seem to be one of the lucky ones who has not struggled too much. Would not be as glib to say its been easy. You will find other people who are really struggling and some on second, third, fourth attemps. We all have one goal in common and that is to stop smoking. You will find loads of support and info on these pages. Suggest you just spend an hour or two scanning through the posts and you will soon get the idea what sort of things to expect.

A positive mind is half the battle.

Good luck with your quit.

nsd_user663_45953 profile image

Thanks Aitch.

I'll be honest and say I'm determined but at the same time quite tentative simply because of the amount of time I've been smoking. Saying that (and after having taken your advice) I've had a look through the forum and noticed lots of people have managed to quit after they'd been smoking a lot longer than me. A bit obvious I suppose really! All quite inspirational though.

I also noticed you've cracked it using the gum. A few people I know have done it that way but have also advised me to use Champix which has also been mentioned on this forum. I guess ultimately I'll find my own "best way"

nsd_user663_44157 profile image

Can't really comment on Champix as I have never used it. I know a couple of people it worked for.

I got up one morning and my chest was so bad and had a terrible cough. I still tried to smoke but it was awful so I said thats it, I am stopping and have not had one since. I found the gum gave an instant hit and it worked for me. I managed to keep it down to 3 or less tablets per day. I kept taking them until I ran out then didn't bother anymore.

I think feeling so bad brought it home to me what I was doing to my body. Think it frightened me a bit and that has given me a positive attitude to stopping.

The first few days a probably the hardest. You need to stay focussed, tell yourself you can and you will stop. Keep telling yourself over and over, it does help. You will be suprised how quick the days go.

Good luck and look forward to seeing your posts in week 1, 2 and 3 etc

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Hi Dave,

Welcome and don't worry about the length of time you have been smoking!! At 33, if you quit now, your body will go back to that of a never smoker, so there's an incentive!! For us a bit older, we won't get that but still feel a lot healthier for not smoking, and quickly too!! :D So it is so worth it!! Use whatever aids you need to get you through. I am on Champix, which suits me, but it is not right for everybody.

And read, read, read as much as you can, it does help. is good and if you can read Allen Carrs Easyway it does help cos it changes your mindset. No good feeling deprived when we are quitting, we need to realise we have escaped from a trap!!

Wishing you all the best with your quit, its hard at times, but the good times make you feel so great, trust me :D:D

Zoe xx

nsd_user663_43815 profile image

Hi Dave,

You've been smoking about the same amount and the time as me. For me the realisation came that I'd been smoking just about half my life and it made me think enough was enough.

As Aitch said everyone finds it different. I actually had an attempt two years ago on NRT but I've found this time easier cold turkey, I'm more determined. Although it can be hard at times I just remind myself I've smoked all my adult life and it will take more than a few months to retrain myself out of all the smoking triggers I have. Just taking it a day at a time (or a minute at a time if needs be) and slowly but surely racking the days up.

All the best of luck on your quit.

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Welcome to the site, and great decision to quit. You are officially already doing great :)

This is a great place to find support and help. For what it's worth, I wrote a mahoosive post for new quitters the other day... you'll find it in the 1 year + section of the site. It might help, I hope it does.

Quitting is, almost entirely, a subconscious thing. Nicotene addiction is part of it yes, but the bigger part by far is the habit. So keep focused, keep your chin up. Try to understand what it is that triggers your desire to smoke - each trigger broken is a step in the right direction.

And remember, one crafty fag will send you right back to that prison, do not pass go, do not collect £200. Don't let it happen!

Happy quitting,


nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Welcome DB :D

At 17 years smoking you're a mere amateur compared to many of us!

There's going to be ups and downs and there may be side effects such as sleep disruption, constipation, bleeding gums and some sense of loss, boredom and irritability etc.

I'm not trying to put you off, I'm trying to prepare you for what to expect.

Forewarned is forearmed and all that.

None of it is too uncomfortable and all of it is beatable. There are plenty of long term quitters on here which prove that.

Just take it 1 day or 1 hour at a time if you have to. Keep saying that you'll stay smoke free for 1 hour or 1 day more etc.

It's surprising how you start to rack up the days and weeks.

Will there be wobbles? Yes. Can you beat them? Yes.

Good luck to you. :D

nsd_user663_45929 profile image

Good luck Dave...if i can do it anyone can!

I really thought i was a hopeless case until this site and others turrned my thinking round.

Go for they say have nothing to lose and everything to gain :)


nsd_user663_45953 profile image

Only just logged back in after last night.

Thank you for all your replies!

Zoemac - About my body going back to being like a "never smoker"...this morning was the first morning I can remember not waking up feeling like I'd had a breeze block on my chest all night. Not sure if that's standard given I'd only been on day 1?!?

Helsbelles - I didn't come across your post for new quitters but I'll search it out after I've posted in the "Day 2" thread.

Midmale - The "hopeless case" thing I can really identify with. For ages I've thought about quitting but always ended up with the mindset of "meh, I've got no willpower anyway so what's the point in even trying"...I've obviously decided that was an idiotic way to think!

Anyway, off to the Day 2 thread...

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Shurrit snuman. Blatant advertising.

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Get ****ing stuffed. I have complained to the Moderators about you and can't wait till your account is deleted.

nsd_user663_44157 profile image

I wonder if a good dose of Exlax would get some of the Sh** out of manhates smurfs?

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Go for it mate. There are alternatives that may be much more help when quitting smoking that aren't prescribed by doctors and you can get in Scandinavian countries much like doctors don't prescribe hypnotism for smoking but it can help some people.

Why do you persist in trying to push a product that is illegal to be sold in the whole of the EU outside Sweden and Denmark?

Why do you find it necessary to have the name of the product in bold in your signature?

Why don't you go to one of the many forums who are interested in the product you use? There are lots of them.

People who register on this forum not only want to quit smoking, they also want to quit tobacco and nicotine.

Your constant pushing of this product is not helping them at all. Neither is your user title "Enjoying Nicotine".

Go to a forum that embraces the product you like, stop pushing it on here.

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Well said Capitan. I am awaiting a response to the complaint I put in to the Moderators, but don't suppose I will get one :rolleyes:

But day 17 for me, NO TOBACCO AND NO NICOTINE WOOT!!!!

Zoe xxxx

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

But nobody wants to hear about the product you keep trying to push.

Why stay on a forum that has no interest in it or you?

You stated you needed help and that's why you're here, but then in many posts state you have found it really easy. You clearly don't need help do you.

You have an agenda and I repeat, why are you pushing a product that can't legally be bought in the EU outside Sweden and DenmarK?

I wonder what the charity will have to say about it.

People here want to quit nicotine altogether and you are not helping. Don't you care?

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

I'd love to hear what the charity has to say about it - and why can't i legally buy it? Like i said many times to you i am here to quit smoking.

You can't legally buy it in the UK.

Once again, people here are trying to quit nicotine altogether and you are not helping. Don't you care?

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Yeah right :rolleyes:

Like i said many times to you i am here to quit smoking.

But you don't want to quit tobacco or nicotine????

You're off ya trolley matey :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

I asked why you can't. They are here to quit smoking.

Because it is illegal.

And you are wrong, people here want to quit nicotine and tobacco. Smoking is just the delivery method.

nsd_user663_44124 profile image

Advertising illegal products

Why are you posting on this forum, apparently your cured, you are using and promoting an illegal nicotine based product. You are upsetting genuine people who come here for support, all we see is you clogging up the forums and confusing and misleading new quitters when they are at their most vulnerable.

IMHO you are a d**k, go post on another site where you would be appreciated, broadmoor for instance, as I have said before you should be ashamed of yourself.

Moderators you should also be ashamed for letting this a**e post for so long, do your jobs ban and delete him.:mad:

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Well, you're wrong: some people stay on NRT indefinitely, i've met many. I'm not here to quit NRT - i'm here to quit smoking.

Their end goal is to quit nicotine and tobacco.

You have made it blatantly clear you have no wish to do so.

Go to a SNUS site for support, people here don't want to know about it.

nsd_user663_8876 profile image

Good evening (or late afternoon?)

I had a quick look for a UK based quitting forum and this seems like as good a place as any to seek a bit of advice on quitting, so here goes...

Basically, I've been smoking 20 a day since I was 17. I'm now 33, sick of being totally dependent on fags, sick of feeling almost obliged to follow every meal or accompany every cup of coffee with a fag and to be perfectly blunt, sick of spending an inordinate amount of money on something that's ultimately going to kill me. This is the first genuine attempt I've ever made at quitting.

I'm currently sitting typing this out with one of them inhaler thingys hanging out of my mouth (it's working, by the way), a bizarre blue and black thing called a "Tangle" wrapped round my wrist (handy) and a box of gum for later use, all obtained from my local friendly pharmacist earlier today. All a bit pricey and I realise the "Doctor" route might have been a tad cheaper but it's the NHS...they can't get me in for ages. Swines.

If anyone gets the reference, I'm feeling a bit "Renton from Trainspotting" such is the extent of my addiction with all this paraphernalia...although you'll be glad to know I'm not using his methods.

Anyway, I just posted here to a) get all that off my chest and b) find out exactly what the hell i'm letting myself in for!

Well done. You made the RIGHT CHOICE to quit the fags. I'm over 2 yrs now since i quit and it feels good. It is hard at first and for me the only way to quit is to mean it.:)

Be strong, stay positive, get loads of powerful affirmations going in your head to instantly change an, 'i want a fag' thought to an, 'i love my freedom', etc, make up your own, ride it out, its so worth it. I'm 33, glad i quit 2 years ago, so damaging to your health. Good luck.

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

Just report and ignore this very annoying man he is just trying to upset and bully people

Its time you went to bed manwholikestowindpeopleup

Hopefully if enough people report him he wilbe banned

nsd_user663_44157 profile image


Sorry but your post seems to have been Hi jacked. Please do not be put of posting. There is a lot of suport here for you.

I am starting to get quite concerned by the way peoples posts are being taken over in this way. I have no problem being informed about anti smoking products but I don't like it being rammed down my throat, it seems to me that there is an agender here. It now seems new quitters are being specifically targetted which can not be right. I am not sure of the motive or why this person is pushing this product so heavily. This persons posts are strange to say the least, always one liners with little substance and always pushing his product.

I think it is about time the moderator took a fresh look at what is going on.

I wonder how many of you agree with me?

nsd_user663_6426 profile image

Aye aye Aitch! I agree...I suspected this too, yesterday.

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

Sorry Dave most of the people on here are here for advise, support and help

Oh and we do have a humourous side too :)


There a very small amount that just like to annoy and upset people :mad::mad:

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Love it Jonboy :D

Why are you posting on this forum, apparently your cured, you are using and promoting an illegal nicotine based product. You are upsetting genuine people who come here for support, all we see is you clogging up the forums and confusing and misleading new quitters when they are at their most vulnerable.

IMHO you are a d**k, go post on another site where you would be appreciated, broadmoor for instance, as I have said before you should be ashamed of yourself.

Broadmoor would be appropriate IMO ;)

Zoe xxxx

nsd_user663_44157 profile image

Just another thought.

202 posts in 7 days

average 28 posts per day

Said very little apart from promoting nicotine product

Has wound everyone up.


Me thinks he's not so stupid as he first appears

nsd_user663_6426 profile image

Or Michelle McManus in X-factor

nsd_user663_44157 profile image


I'm sure your right. But annoying all the same

I was born in Bostin Bermingham. I remember the days whe you could walk up Soho Road on a Sunday an not see a car. Ooops showin my age now

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Aitch, agree with you absolutely.

I am starting to get quite concerned by the way peoples posts are being taken over in this way. I have no problem being informed about anti smoking products but I don't like it being rammed down my throat, it seems to me that there is an agender here. It now seems new quitters are being specifically targetted which can not be right. I am not sure of the motive or why this person is pushing this product so heavily. This persons posts are strange to say the least, always one liners with little substance and always pushing his product.

I think it is about time the moderator took a fresh look at what is going on.

I wonder how many of you agree with me?

Still waiting for a response to the complaint I sent to Mod 3. Could be a long wait :rolleyes: But meanwhile I am tobacco and nicotine free so who's the winners???? Us of course :D:D

Zoe xxxx

nsd_user663_44157 profile image

Yesssss we are. So who has the last laugh.

We do

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Yup we do :D

No tobacco, no nicotine, loads of oxygen, now ain't that a high :D

Lovin it, lovin it ;)

Zoe xxxx

Not what you're looking for?