Ladies area: I think its tougher for women to... - No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_1658 profile image
24 Replies

I think its tougher for women to quit smoking then men! I have read this fact somewhere a while ago! I think due to hormones, pmt, bringing up a family, juggling work with everything else! and all the other things us ladies have to put up with! (men perhaps! :rolleyes:) ....No seriously! so my question is. Is it just an excuse or do us ladies have to work harder at it then the men?!

Girl power and all that :D

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nsd_user663_1658 profile image
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24 Replies
nsd_user663_42145 profile image

HI KitKat,

I think so! My Husband quit on Jan1st and went through it like a breeze, I joined him on Jan 19th and felt like an insane crazy lady til last week. lol

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

Women do it tough!

Yes Kit Kat - it has been said that women generally find it harder to quit than men. I read it has something to do with the extra fatty layer under the skin. Many of the chemicals ( including nicotine ) are fat soluble & it takes forever to get them all out of their system.

By the way, the fatty layer is not because they're fat, no, no, no!! It's an evolutionary adaptation - fend of starvation in time of famine when they're carrying a baby.

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

Yeah living proof jubilee! at last:D ...we are now awaiting further proof that us ladies deserve a bigger pat on the back then the men! :D

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

Yes Kit Kat - it has been said that women generally find it harder to quit than men. I read it has something to do with the extra fatty layer under the skin. Many of the chemicals ( including nicotine ) are fat soluble & it takes forever to get them all out of their system.

By the way, the fatty layer is not because they're fat, no, no, no!! It's an evolutionary adaptation - fend of starvation in time of famine when they're carrying a baby.

Scientific proof! thanks Nonico very interesting. us ladies In need of extra special treatment now on this forum me thinks :D

nsd_user663_35439 profile image

do us ladies have to work harder at it then the men

Yes you just get it right first time :D:D

nsd_user663_42145 profile image

Dave... wow, you are a brave guy. lol

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

A man got us into this mess!!

Yes you just get it right first time :D:D

You mean like Walter Raleigh when he brought smoking to England in the first place. Now that was a man who got it right first time!!

nsd_user663_3607 profile image

You mean like Walter Raleigh when he brought smoking to England in the first place. Now that was a man who got it right first time!!

Don't forget the "Sir" Walter Raleigh. :-)

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

Take operations for example. Women will google, discuss it with anyone who will listen and fret for weeks. Men get asked if they are going to Prague with the lads next month and they casually say "nah, I'm having my backside resized in hospital that week".

So no I don't think it's harder for women. I just think we over think it where men don't.

I know some men who do google everything to do with health! ......... I do however agree that woman think things through more! but i also think that is because we have to because our lifestyle forces us to do more! and that we are more thoughtful and caring, need I go on :D .......................

Sir walter flipping raleigh! what an idiot he was :D no thought whatsoever :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_37042 profile image

I thought this thread would be about something else

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free


I don't know what credit is due here Karri.

Maybe Raleigh should "get on his bike"!:cool:

At least he did get executed!!:eek:

nsd_user663_4558 profile image

I used to think it was harder because of life in general, now I think we may make it harder because of our make up.

Not our Chanel make up but our brain make up. Women tend to over think things and a n a l yse everything to death. We are quite dramatic and overly emotional.

I am your typical woman. You know the sort that gets asked by their partner 50 times "are you ok" and always answers yes. Then at 2am just as my partner is about to drop off I want to have a massive in depth conversation on why I was so miserable :rolleyes: Hmm starting to understand why I'm single :D

Take operations for example. Women will google, discuss it with anyone who will listen and fret for weeks. Men get asked if they are going to Prague with the lads next month and they casually say "nah, I'm having my backside resized in hospital that week".

So no I don't think it's harder for women. I just think we over think it where men don't.

Agree (this was too short so had to put this in) :D

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Lol - Raleigh is a famous bicycle make :D

Don't forget the potato.

Chips & fags, what a guy.

Thankfully he couldn't raise the funds to go back for a third time. I hate to think what he'd have brought back next.

AIDS probably....

nsd_user663_4991 profile image

Would that be anything to do with the female nag gland making it harder :eek:

Just kidding girls xx:)

nsd_user663_44684 profile image

Oh well we can't be good at everything can we girls! ;) Just most things! :D

Denise :)

nsd_user663_6426 profile image

ha ha ha

Which came first?

Men going into their "caves" or the "nag-gland"?

nsd_user663_43995 profile image

ha ha ha

Which came first?

Men going into their "caves" or the "nag-gland"?


oh dear i must ask this question to the BF lol

nsd_user663_10532 profile image


oh dear i must ask this question to the BF lol

I will ask as well.....will need to wait until he comes outta the cave

With all due respect, I find the argument that quitting is harder for women to be a generalization without merit. If someone can link me to a scientific study which demonstrates the veracity of this claim I'm willing to change my mind.

Until then, I think quitting is hard - very hard - for almost anyone, and the degree of difficulty is not governed by the gender of the quitter, but by their mindset, focus, willingness, determination, and their sense of connection to others who are also quitting (i.e. a support group).

nsd_user663_26699 profile image

I think it's more fundamental than that!

Every one of those little blue balls is a thought about something that needs to be done, a decision or a problem that needs to be solved.

Good thing a man's brain requires only two balls :D

The FEMALE brain:


nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Ooh, Alex, cool pic!!

Generally speaking I agree with DGee. It's about the individual and the mindset, not the gender.

However, there's one thing that months and months down the line made me grit my teeth against the cravings, and that was the massive hormonal fluctuations of PMT. They really did induce severe urges to smoke, still do a little bit, if I'm honest. And that *is* about gender!

Well then. I stand corrected! :o

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

This may need to go a little further I feel. In science I'm guessing 50 odd people isn't enough to give a true general reflection. Also the use of the word "similar" isn't very useful.

I always read with a pinch of salt. They've not suggested age, ethnically background, diet, weight etc etc. not sure if these would make a difference but without them it doesn't pant a full picture.

Cynical me also thinks clever marketing. Who's the sponsor for the research?

Please don't get me wrong, there's only so much space to write a lot of information. Could be accurate but there's a lack of context. Mentions nothing about at layers under the skin as an example.

Personally I feel everybody is just different. Regardless of gender some find quitting a walk in the park, some don't. No doubt we can all find stresses, reasons in our lifestyles.

Waffle over

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

PS I guess not only women over ****yse things :D

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