Cholesterol, Blood Pressure & Stress! - No Smoking Day

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Cholesterol, Blood Pressure & Stress!

nsd_user663_38928 profile image
42 Replies

I had my Cholesterol checked about three years ago, and I remember it being very low. As such, I was never too concerned about it... that is, until recently.

While sorting through some paperwork, I found the results of the test. I also found the results of my blood pressure check I had a few months ago (my quit nurse did this on my first appointment.

As part of my job, I have free membership to a health website. I remember it asking me for my cholesterol and blood pressure stats, but I didn't have them at the time. Great, I thought. Now I've found them, I'll update my stats.

And then... kapow! My health risk factors rocketed from 'average' to 'high risk'! It turns out that blood pressure is high -- it was 140/90 -- and my cholesterol was an even bigger problem and a complete shock! My overall cholesterol level was very good -- it was 3.9, and 5 is considered healthy... I think -- great, right? Well, yes... except that my 'good cholesterol' was extremely low at only 0.57! Apparently, this is even worse than a high overall result as the ratio between my 'good' and 'bad' cholesterol is not very good at all! Now I have no idea if this is true, or if my abnormally low stats are skewing the automated calculations. I would be grateful if anyone can offer some facts on this, or even better if anyone else has known of/experienced this.

What baffles me most, though, is that apart from a brief mention of my blood pressure being 'a little high' my GP didn't mention anything! To the contrary, I was congratulated on my overall 3.9 Cholesterol stats!

Now, I know my cholesterol stats need to be done again -- it's certainly my priority. But I'm really worried about it all now as I'm eating healthy and getting excersise and trying to do all the right things. I'm really, really confused. All I want is to have a proper 'MOT' so I can get to grips with my health. DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE i CAN GET ONE -- apart from my GP because they don't have the time or interest, in seems, to do a proper job of it! And when things are like this, I just feel like saying 'sod it!' and lighting up! Why? well, it looks like, at just 37 years old, I'm already a complete mess -- I feel like I'll end up dying of a heart attack or something long before the fags will kill me!

I'm just totally stressed at the moment. I just feel like I'm doing everything right, but it's all rubbish -- nothing seems to make any difference.

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nsd_user663_38928 profile image
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42 Replies
nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Legs as far as I know, stopping smoking reduces bad LDL cholesterol, and eating plenty of veg helps, and eating nuts, seeds and 'good' fats like olive oil helps with HDL. I was told that reading of 3 was low, I got down to that from 7.5 in 6 weeks by cutting out alcohol and fatty food.

Hope that helps,

Zoe xx

nsd_user663_20978 profile image

not sure on cholestrol but your blood pressure should be lower when u dont smoke i know before i quit i had a resting heartbeat of 100 bpm now its 70 bpm does any chemists near you do cholestrol check or blood pressure


nsd_user663_38928 profile image

I was told that reading of 3 was low, I got down to that from 7.5 in 6 weeks by cutting out alcohol and fatty food.

Thanks, Zoe. That' quite a big difference in such a short space of time. I had no idea it could change so much so quickly. If that's the case, my current stats could be completely different now, do you think?

I'll have to get checked again. How often do I need it to be checked do you think?

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

I had my Cholesterol checked about three years ago, and I remember it being very low. As such, I was never too concerned about it... that is, until recently.

While sorting through some paperwork, I found the results of the test. I also found the results of my blood pressure check I had a few months ago (my quit nurse did this on my first appointment.

As part of my job, I have free membership to a health website. I remember it asking me for my cholesterol and blood pressure stats, but I didn't have them at the time. Great, I thought. Now I've found them, I'll update my stats.

And then... kapow! My health risk factors rocketed from 'average' to 'high risk'! It turns out that blood pressure is high -- it was 140/90 -- and my cholesterol was an even bigger problem and a complete shock! My overall cholesterol level was very good -- it was 3.9, and 5 is considered healthy... I think -- great, right? Well, yes... except that my 'good cholesterol' was extremely low at only 0.57! Apparently, this is even worse than a high overall result as the ratio between my 'good' and 'bad' cholesterol is not very good at all! Now I have no idea if this is true, or if my abnormally low stats are skewing the automated calculations. I would be grateful if anyone can offer some facts on this, or even better if anyone else has known of/experienced this.

did you have to fast for 14 hours before having the blood test for cholesterol? as if you dont then the results wilbe different

What baffles me most, though, is that apart from a brief mention of my blood pressure being 'a little high' my GP didn't mention anything! To the contrary, I was congratulated on my overall 3.9 Cholesterol stats!

your blood pressure varies throughout the day depending on what you have been doing

And then... kapow! My health risk factors rocketed from 'average' to 'high risk'! It turns out that blood pressure is high -- it was 140/90 -- and my cholesterol was an even bigger problem and a complete shock! My overall cholesterol level was very good -- it was 3.9, and 5 is considered healthy... I think -- great, right? Well, yes... except that my 'good cholesterol' was extremely low at only 0.57! Apparently, this is even worse than a high overall result as the ratio between my 'good' and 'bad' cholesterol is not very good at all! Now I have no idea if this is true, or if my abnormally low stats are skewing the automated calculations. I would be grateful if anyone can offer some facts on this, or even better if anyone else has known of/experienced this.

did you have to fast for 14 hours before having the blood test for cholesterol? as if you dont then the results wilbe different

make an appointment at your doctors for a check up and ask to have your cholestrol test done again making sure you do fast just in case you didnt the first time

nsd_user663_38928 profile image

Ahhhh now we might be onto something, here!

Yes, I remember now! When I had my Cholesterol checked the first time, it was at my GP. I had to fast before having it done and I had to wait for the results. When I checked them over the phone, they told me that my cholesterol was exellent (very low) and left it at that. Then, when at work, I had it done as part of a Boots 'wellbeing' promotion. And I didn't fast at all for this one! It might explain a lot.

Your both right, though -- I need to have an up-to-date check anyway. I have thought about a Bupa health check - it may certainly help me get to grips with things. It's expensive, but ican I put a price on my health? (i.e. my mental health as much as physical!)

nsd_user663_25112 profile image

Havent a clue what my cholestral is now as on meds statins. Never been checked since. I always have my blood pressure done when seeing the GP. And thats it really. And just recently been put on Forceval (vitamins and mineral) as been off my food. But these tablets are huge easy to swallow but no leaflet inside. Il look em up on the internet. Jacqui:p

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

Havent a clue what my cholestral is now as on meds statins. Never been checked since. I always have my blood pressure done when seeing the GP. And thats it really. And just recently been put on Forceval (vitamins and mineral) as been off my food. But these tablets are huge easy to swallow but no leaflet inside. Il look em up on the internet. Jacqui:p

you should have regular blood tests if your taking statins just to check your levels which statins are you taking?

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Thanks, Zoe. That' quite a big difference in such a short space of time. I had no idea it could change so much so quickly. If that's the case, my current stats could be completely different now, do you think?

I'll have to get checked again. How often do I need it to be checked do you think?

Legs my total cholesterol dropped because I cut out alcohol and fatty food. Even though I was still smoking. Think stopping smoking lowers bad LDL cholesterol. Ask your NHS doctor for a check with a breakdown of HDL and LDL. Lol don't even think of paying £800 to BUPA!!!! I haven't even got £800 in the world!!!! Am I supposed to DIE because I am poor???? In the 21st century???? Makes me laugh (not).

Oh yeah, and I got a letter from my housing officer yesterday telling us we are not allowed to feed the birds as it could cause an environmental health problem???? I've heard it all now :rolleyes:

Sorry for sounding off but I am having a sh*te time at the mo :(

Zoe xx

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Zoe why would you die because you can't have a BUPA health check!

I worked fecking hard the last 10 years to get the money I have. Im not going to apologise for making something of my life. The amount Legs spent on cigarettes it would take her about 2 months to save!

Yeah and I worked fecking hard for the money I don't have and that doesn't mean I didn't make something of my life either, just chose too work with people with probs, which doesn't pay well unfortunately, but I didn't do it for MONEY I did it because I cared.

Don't pick on me Karri, you know I am early into a quit, or are you trying to sabotage me because you have never had a quit????

Oh you are so superior aren't you???? Even stinking of fags????

Leave me alone. I worked hard and fought for people and then got made redundant. Nice.

Zoe :mad:

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

And I, Karri, have had enough of you turning this membership into a pro-smoking site. You have been here for a year and yet never quit for more than a WEEK???? :eek::eek::eek::eek:


Stop telling everyone what to do when you can't do it yourself lol!!!!

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Dunno even why you started on me just cos I told legs to get an NHS check rather than BUPA LOL!!!!

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Good luck with your quit Zoe.

Like you mean that. Yeah right. You WANT me to fail so that you can feel better.

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

You just need to play the victim card everytime you log on

So like its not ok to admit to feeling down???? Gotta keep stiff British upper lip all the time???? Where am I supposed to go for help then when I am struggling cos I really don't know. And it IS alright to struggle, cos we are all human after all.

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Karri are you DRUNK???? You're not usually this bad lol!!!! Anyways, you win. I will let you have the forum to yourself which is what you have always wanted. Oh and btw, if you had ever attempted a quit, you would understand how I am feeling. It IS a bit like a split personality for sure, but you don't know that do you cos you never quit.

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

I wasn't insulting legs!!!! Just said get an NHS check rather than fork out for BUPA malarky thats all. Lol Karri, try getting the nicotine outta your bloodstream for a change :confused:

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Funny how you have that effect on peeps Karri hey???? :D:D:D:D

nsd_user663_6426 profile image

Sorry that's a bit shit when you know Zoe has no money....oops I'm in for it now the three bitches of quitwick together! LOL! Look I'm just a wouldnt kill a lonely pettifogging jester would you girls????

Lisa xxxxx

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Oh well, I still have all my money

Glad you have Karri and don't think for a moment that I begrudge it you either, enjoy it :D:D Doesn't substitute for love though :(

nsd_user663_6426 profile image

And you'd better tell Zoe your big "Tootsie" moment Karri.

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

:( ladies come on now this is a forum to get help support and advice not start bitching at one another and its not helping either of you by acting like this apart from getting upset

Mood swings are a one of the worse side effects from feeling like your losing control to violent angry outbursts

If you dont want to see each others posts there is always the block button

But im hoping it wont come to that

nsd_user663_6426 profile image

I was attempting comedy Carol...mind you I've had 2.5 beers so probably not wise...comedians usually get punched. Be the nanny Carol!

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Sorry that's a bit shit when you know Zoe has no money....oops I'm in for it now the three bitches of quitwick together! LOL! Look I'm just a wouldnt kill a lonely pettifogging jester would you girls????

Lisa xxxxx

Haha Lisa that made me laugh :D don't need much money as long as I can get my beloved veggies :D and weather getting bit warmer now woot woot!!!! Erm, did you mean the witches of Eastwick or the witches of Macbeth :D;)

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

:) im jealous as i cant drink any booze with my new tablets sadly which is annoying as i really fancy a barcardi :eek:

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Thanks Carol, well just thanks I am tired of talking now. I have some real issues but they never gonna get taken seriously are they???? Stupid of me to waste my PAYG data on this site when I could go to the stop smoking clinic.

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Carol, just don't take the tablet and then you can have the bacardi!! If not, would some choccies do it??

Zoe xxxx

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

:( i for one take you seriously Zoe and im not the only one that does

your just having a downer atm we all have them just dont beat yourself up



nsd_user663_6426 profile image

I'll have a beer for you Carol...sorry it's a bummer not to drink. Strangely though I didn't miss it when I was pregnant. Look I hope you guys kinda bash this out....dunno what it was all about really.

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

I wish i didnt have to take them but they need me to give them a trial side effects arnt very nice either but

Hopefully they might be of help

I have some choccie there is no way i would give that up:eek:

I just miss being able to have a drink :(

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Dunno why you hate me so much Karri. We all have quit 'rages' as you know, and tend to accept each other. Have you forgotten that I made a deal with you just before Christmas?? I said I wouldn't buy cigs when I changed trains if you did your day 1 that day. And I truly did not smoke that day, and thought of you that day. I kept my bargain. But you didn't take it seriously did you even though I was trying to be a friend to you. Shucks.

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

Sorry Karri i didnt see the post you wrote till just now im typing this on my phone and the screen is quite small and it takes me ages to type with just one finger grrrr :mad:

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Lisa I would love a BUPA health check but haven't got that sort of money not if I worked for a million years lol!!!! But would Boots do a breakdown check of HDL and LDL cholesterol?? My doc is getting a bit aged so doesn't always get things right, but I am loyal to him. Thats my prob. But doesn't help my hyphochondria and paranoia though lol.

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

I left the February quitters because you tried to accuse me of something I hadnt done. I stay away from you because you turn for no reason

Karri if I recall, I begged you to come back to the February Quitters and even sent you a PM about it. Will you please stop accusing me of stuff cos you are hurting me now.

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Notice how you deliberately ignore what I said to you before Christmas Karri???? Like I never said it???? But I did and thought of you all that day, deliberately to send you good vibes. But you didn't even try that day, huh.

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Yeah, you can't answer that can you Karri???? Try quitting smoking for a change, not that you can :D:D

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

So it didn't matter that I cared about you and didn't smoke because I was on my honour not to smoke because you were on day 1???? I made a serious pact with you on that day Karri, because I cared, and I thought we were doing it together, and even when I found that we weren't, because you used another member of this forum as an excuse to smoke, I defended you. Wish I hadn't now cos I lost a friend. But whatever you do, matey, and however much I struggle, I DON'T SMOKE. Struggling doesn't mean I am smoking, just it is hard right now, and hope it will be better soon.

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Don't you remember the post when I said I wouldn't buy cigs when I changed trains on way up to my mum if you did your day 1???? We shook hands on it (virtually of course) as I recall, but if you don't remember, never mind. xx

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

I really took your quit seriously Karri, but perhaps I was a fool.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Ladies, there have been some very hurtful, personal comments made in this thread tonight.

I hope, when you have had time to reflect, that people make up and move on :)

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Thanks Capitan, you are right I know, and however much Karri drives me nuts :rolleyes: I would be the first person to be delighted if she quit smoking, it would be like woot, woot, better than Queens Jubilee!! Sorry if not put it better, but too tired dis time of nite ;)

Zoe xx

nsd_user663_38091 profile image

MODERATOR..... some threads should just be closed......:eek:

nsd_user663_35351 profile image

Intresting thread !

nsd_user663_13090 profile image

Have closed this thread as i do not think its appropriate for this type of the forum. The subject was fine but for those newbies looking in its not very professional to look and see the rest of the contents. If a new thread opens thats good but can we keep it within the limitations of this forum. Thanks

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