This time one year ago: So what was i doing... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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This time one year ago

nsd_user663_20978 profile image
9 Replies

So what was i doing one year ago today

for starters i was feeling so so scared, i was panic smoking like you wouldnt believe [thought if i smoked loads i could build up abit of a stock pile inside me ,WRONG] i was very nervous on how i was gonna cope with stress, happiness, concentration, boredom etc i now see they completely contradict themselves.

i had really yellow fingers,yellow teeth, a hacking cough, smelt like a gone of ashtray, feared for my health on a daily basis, every tiny pain i had i was convinced i had cancer, i was trapped, i missed time with my kids so i could smoke, i didnt enjoy family days out as i didnt smoke infront of my kids, i remember driving home fast from places so i could smoke sooner, couldnt taste my food properly, couldnt smell properly, had blocked ears and couldnt hear well [about a month before i quit], never had money, when really skint would unroll dog ends and smoke them

and now

i can cope with stress, happiness,concentration and boredom ---just had to learn how to

yellow fingers ---- gone

yellow teeth -----white

hacking cough -----gone

smell like an ashtray ------ now smell delicious

fearing for my health ---- no longer the case

thinking i have cancer with each pain ----- dont get any pains

trapped-------------I AM FREE

missed time with my kids ------making up for lost time now

didnt enjoy family days out-----love em now they just go to quickly now

driving home fast----drive normally now as logic pervailled when nicodemon left me

couldnt taste----yummy yum can now

couldnt smell----mmmm can now

blocked ears-----gone

no money---still not great but spent on nice things now

smoking dog ends---kick myself for stooping so low

two days till i reach the penthouse did i think i could do this before i started----- not in a million years

to all you newbies it is so do-able all you have to do is get through the bad time to get to the good

thankyou to all on here who have helped me i hope i give some back now again helping others

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nsd_user663_20978 profile image
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9 Replies
nsd_user663_37391 profile image

Well done Boo!!! One year is a huge achievement and one I hope to be making on November 13, 2012!!! Enjoy the penthouse, hope they've got the champagne on ice for you :D

nsd_user663_20591 profile image

well done boo!!! i totally feel this post!!

we are almost there...a year already!!:eek:

i never ever thought this was gonna be possible but we all did this together!

congrat boo!! and never look back!!

nsd_user663_38091 profile image

Massive congrats to you guys......what an absolute inspiration you are :)

Drinks all round me thinks :D

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

I'm saving a seat for all you guys at the bar... nearly there!! So exciting :D :D

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

A great comparison to read and what a great inspiration! well done boo on your 1 year :)

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Honest and brilliant post boo. You really had me with the dog end part, remember that myself. Don't know if I've ever admitted it either!


nsd_user663_20978 profile image

haha might as well get it all out in the open lol, it does make it really hit home how addicted we were , what we would do to feed our addiction and how low we could go

at the time of unrolling my fag butts it didnt seem so bad the way i looked at it then was at least i can still smoke

but now OMG did i have no standards back then, no obviously not

nsd_user663_4149 profile image

Bloody brilliant boo. You have earned all those benefits and more. Keep on supporting others as you do now. David

nsd_user663_20263 profile image

hey, congrats to you Boo.... I was right there with you a year ago today... and I am right there with you today.

I only just realised that it's penthouse day tomorrow... have had a rubbish christmas with an extremely bad dental infection that required hospital treatment, so my mind hasn't been on my quit until today.

It's been such a positive move, giving up smoking. I can't think of starting again. I love the freedom of being an ex smoker, the extra money, and the cleansed feeling I have.

the effort was worth the sense of satifation I now have now knowing I have quit.

Well done to all the NY 11 quitters, and everyone else.


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