20 Days of "Firsts": As the... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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20 Days of "Firsts"

nsd_user663_34421 profile image
9 Replies

As the milestone of 3 weeks approaches tomorrow, I was able to think of all the new/weird things that have happened since I stopped smoking on the evening of 9th September.

First drive to the airport without smoking 20 on the way, and cramming in a few before going airside;

First flight without wishing the plane would hurry up and land;

First time standing in immigration not secretly cursing the officers for being so slow and keeping me from a smoke;

First time I've sat in an all-day meeting and was able to concentrate on it (possibly even enjoyed it) without worrying when the next break is;

First time I've gone to the pub with friends and still sat outside with them but resisted smoking;

First time in 20 years someone has said to me my skin looks better (and that was another bloke!);

First time I've enjoyed food for what it is, rather than a bridge to pass the time until the next smoke;

First time I've swallowed expecting my throat to hurt but it doesn't;

First time since I was a kid that I havn't been biting my nails (this one is weird).

and probably many, many more that will occur after pressing "post".

Please excuse the personal indulgence of writing this, it's a form of self-help!

Good luck to all fellow quitters.

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nsd_user663_34421 profile image
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9 Replies
nsd_user663_32978 profile image

Please excuse the personal indulgence of writing this, it's a form of self-help!

And why not indulge yourself you should be proud and loud about it

Well Done

Lingy :)

nsd_user663_34855 profile image

It's nice to be reminded of the many positives :)

I can't wait for the airport experience, it's got to rank as one of the worst for a smoker!

nsd_user663_34380 profile image


No excuses neccesary. I loved that post. i laughed and nodded my head going "uh huh, mmhmm, definitely..."

You are proud of what you have done, let us all know about it.

YOu wwere able to make me look forward to my next flight out. I'll be able to laugh and think "Oh well, lineup is gonna be an hour or two" instead of "Holy F*ck people, get the f*ck going so i can get through here" lol


nsd_user663_32615 profile image

Well done Bafan. You are right about airports. Smoking is the sole reason that I have never done a long haul flight. I just couldn't get over the fear of being stuck for so many hours without a smoke. Plan to change that next year!

nsd_user663_20978 profile image

i love your post

and mrs t doesnt it make you think how badly our logical thinking was effected by smoking when you didnt go on a long flight solely cause you couldnt smoke

i remember not enoying family days out still brings tears to my eyes when i think about that

bafan99 give another 20 days your list will be twice as long keep posting

nsd_user663_34855 profile image

This post has prompted much discussion for me today about the things I will now be able to do as a non-smoker. Mrs T.........the longhaul flight will now be a doddle. It was a day trip in the holidays to London which finally made me decide to give up. Train station, train journey, open top bus, Buck House, god dammit the whole day revolved around me craving my next fix, and where I could find a bin for my dog ends. (Couldn't find a bin so put the dog end in my bag and was so embarrassed when my bag was searched)

I decided that was the last time smoking was running my life. I realised I had not booked weekends away in case the hotels were no smoking. I travelled everywhere in my car (mobile ashtray) so I could smoke right to the last minute, I was avoiding social gatherings with the school Moms as I was too embarrassed to admit I smoked.

Ultimately I think I would have ended up as a total recluse with an ashtray strapped to my back!

Well, this post has been cathartic and I have now fully documented my quit reasons....if I have a bad day, please point me back to this post!

I'm really looking forward to all these treats I can now enjoy without the panic and fear!

Pip x

nsd_user663_20978 profile image

This post has prompted much discussion for me today about the things I will now be able to do as a non-smoker. Mrs T.........the longhaul flight will now be a doddle. It was a day trip in the holidays to London which finally made me decide to give up. Train station, train journey, open top bus, Buck House, god dammit the whole day revolved around me craving my next fix, and where I could find a bin for my dog ends. (Couldn't find a bin so put the dog end in my bag and was so embarrassed when my bag was searched)

I decided that was the last time smoking was running my life. I realised I had not booked weekends away in case the hotels were no smoking. I travelled everywhere in my car (mobile ashtray) so I could smoke right to the last minute, I was avoiding social gatherings with the school Moms as I was too embarrassed to admit I smoked.

Ultimately I think I would have ended up as a total recluse with an ashtray strapped to my back!

Well, this post has been cathartic and I have now fully documented my quit reasons....if I have a bad day, please point me back to this post!

I'm really looking forward to all these treats I can now enjoy without the panic and fear!

Pip x

its really shocking isnt it, when it actually clicks how much it rules your life

as a smoker, when i smoked it was all ok to do all my rituals to fit around smoking and it didnt hit me untill after i quit how much time it took up how much they ruled me, how it effected my everyday life [not just health but i had to have one before durin and after everything i did]

i think thats why i feel such an emmense feeling of freedom cause i dont in anyway feel deprived that i cant smoke anymore i just feel like i have been set free from all the restraints it put on me

the guilt i felt towards my children because as a smoker = it took up the precious time i should have spent with them instead of in my garden, that guilt has gone and i spend every waking moment with them making up for lost time

i love all my new firsts

even almost 9 months later i still get firsts on a regular basis and they just reinforce my quit and make me smile

Cyprien profile image

Excellent post and great positive attitude. Think we've all been there when that moment of recognition hits that life is actually better without cigarettes. Before I gave up (two years ago!!!!!) I had this irrational fear that somehow I wouldn't be 'me' without cigarettes. They were that ingrained into my life and personality.

But now, the over-riding feeling I have about not smoking is the huge amount of freedom it gives you, when you day and life doesn't revolve around constantly planning for the next cigarette opportunity.

I too have cringe-worthy recollection where I have put popping outside to have a fag above family or social occasions.

Airports are a big one. I remember a flight I took after I stopped smoking and it was so good not to hang around outside Standsted airport in the freezing cold, pitch black, mid-winter, trying to cram in as many 'last cigarettes' as I could before going airside.

Enjoy your many more first to come.


well done boss.

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