6 months in, still worried though - No Smoking Day

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6 months in, still worried though

nsd_user663_23001 profile image
3 Replies

Hello all

Hope this thread finds you well?

Well, this is my first post in the 6 months + though as the title says, I'm still worried.

I go on leave from work today and have a week in the sun booked next week, though I know I'll need to be on my guard as I knew my smoking always increased when in my jollies.

Anyway thanks to all who have posted and supported me over the last 6 months

Take care

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nsd_user663_23001 profile image
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3 Replies
nsd_user663_20591 profile image

hi shaun and congrats!! when we quit we know that eventually we will have to face all aspects of life without smoking and this can be accomplished one moment at a time...dont think to much about it and when the time comes do what is necessary to not smoke...(within the law of course!):p

after 6 months quit you have a good understanding about what it takes not to smoke and have faith in yourself and know that if you havent smoked for 6 months that you wont now...you are able to face life without the crutch of smoking...you have already proved it to yourself and will continue to do so and i will see ya in the penthouse luv!! enjoy the smoke free sun!!:cool:

nsd_user663_23651 profile image

Hi Shaun and well done on 6 months brilliant!!

I went on holiday to Turkey in June, I was 4 months quit, and like you worried. It used to be the balcony, cig and coffee or drink. pool bar with a drink and cig. Well just about everywhere on holiday, but you know what, it didn't bother me, didn't have to go and buy them as soon as I got there like before, and I really felt more relaxed and swam more, and joined in things I never would have when I was smoking!! yes me doing aqua aerobics:eek:

You really can enjoy with out those nasty horrible cigs, as you know, and 6 months is far to long to go back you would hate them anyway.

Have a fab smoke free holiday!

Maria. x:D

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi Shaun, try not to dwell on it as the more you think about it the more you are likely to smoke, I am sure that you don’t want to cause 6 months is a great milestone to reach and for me it definitely started to get easier after that point so it would be a shame to start smoking again now, but I am sure you want, have a great hol, where are you going? somewhere nice I hope.

Come back relaxed and brown and of course smoke free and make us all jealous with your next post..

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