Meh.........: Hello all, im new to this forum... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_28664 profile image
6 Replies

Hello all, im new to this forum posting thingy but thought id give it a go

well im just into my third month of non smoking round about 63 days down now.I have put on a shit load of weight and like cookies....a lot!!!im just substituting fags for cookies.

problem is i really dont think i can take much more of this, i constantly feel sad and depressed, im an emotional wreck :confused: im snapping at my other half constantly and iv been getting terrible headaches which dont go away.

This has been going on for ages now and i really dont think i can take much more of it. i was in town taday and saw sooo many perfectly smokably cigggy butts and was that close to picking one up.....that or robbing the smoker standing beside me of the ciggy he had!

im just sick of it all, it was all very good to begin with but i dont see the point any more if this is how its going to make me feel.i dont even know why i quit to begin with..

well thats my rant over!!..

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nsd_user663_28664 profile image
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6 Replies
nsd_user663_4121 profile image

....... and that's why quitting smoking is so tough! Stick it out, run the course, trust me, it WILL get easier. The 3 month mark can still be quite challenging - terrible - but just keep at it..... in time the craves will dissipate and you'll tackle the weight issue. Maybe you'll exercise more, or replace those cookies with celery, or who knows what.... maybe you'll start doing tons a yoga like I did or cycle miles and miles. Either way, you GOT to push through this and in the end you will be so very, very glad. Being free from those stupid stinky fags that control each and every moment of your life is well.... extremely freeing ;)

For the depression thing, some folks swear by St John's Wort.... I think exercise and good nutrition can do the trick ... but just remember, you are still in major detox and it will affect how you feel.... the good thing is that your body will get back into balance and you will feel better than before. Just trust the process and rant as much as you need to! You can do it! bella xx

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Hi and welcome to the boards.

This is a great place to come and let off steam as we all know how you feel.

We have all either been or are where you are right now. The its not worth it, I was happy smoking, I was a better person when I smoked stage.

None of that can be true though because 63 days ago you really didn't want to smoke. You really didn't want to smoke enough to not do it for 63 days !!!! This is a really tough bit of your quit and one pretty much everyone who gives up will come across. It is hard but you CAN get through it. For some a simple case of distraction works. For others its shear bloody stubboness and bloody mindedness that gets them through.

One thing for sure, if you smoke you will regret it and sooner or later you will end up back here thinking if I had just stuck at it the first time I wouldn't be going through this again now. I know I did. but I am here now and almost 8 mths down. I have had tough times and easy time. My biscuit of choice was the Ginger Nut, and it helped me stop smoking and also helped me find a couple of stone. I am still happier a couple of stone heavier and a non smoker. I can loose weight but I can't loose terminal cancer.

You can do this. Stay strong. Take it one minute, one hour, one day at a time..

Sian xx

nsd_user663_20547 profile image

Cookiemonster, I hope you are feeling better by now!

I was going through this exact feeling about 2 weeks ago, my brain very nearly convinced me that I was happier and healthier (from being slimmer) how very ridiculous does that sound? I mean come on, cigs are TOXIC the first time we took one we coughed and felt dizzy and sick becasue they ARE NOT GOOD FOR US, THEY CAN KILL US. It is our brain that has trained us to think we enjoy this.

Anyway, I know it is hard but please stick with us, we will all loose the weight together, this time in 6 months we will all be lovely smelling, pink lungs and a stone lighter :D

Jill xxx

nsd_user663_25498 profile image

Hey cookiemonster - I'm at 66 days and know EXACTLY how you feel! Thinking I can't take much more of this, and not seeing the point of feeling so awful all the time when I could be a happy smoker.

You say you don't know why you quit - but I bet you do. Try to keep that in front of you, and tough this bit out - that's what I'm trying to do. Read the later posts on the forum - it does get better.

It might be all crap now, but it WILL be all worth it.

I like being a non smoker - don't you?


nsd_user663_27261 profile image


I can understand your temptations but if you fall off you'll feel a hell of a lot worse - all that hard work wasted and back to a life of being driven by the weed.

Stick with it guys....

nsd_user663_28664 profile image


thanks to everyone for all your help.i havnt had the internet for the past few days so couldnt reply.but im feeling a lot calmer now, just moved into the city which is harder because the opportunity to buy them is around everywhere, i go to buy milk and the fags are right at the counter. they should ban just makes it harder for people.

I still feel like i want one all the time but its not getting me down quite so much long can you last on sheer willpower alone???

I read some of the later posts and people are still battling with the desire to smoke, i dont think it will ever go away you just learn to live with being a non smoker.

i bought allan carrs book the other day to see if i could change the way i feel...lets see if it will work!!:rolleyes:

cheers guys


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