Day Four & AHHHH!: Okay, so I think... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day Four & AHHHH!

nsd_user663_27839 profile image
9 Replies

Okay, so I think Champix really helped me with the physical part. The first three days were a breeze compared to today. I just really want to smoke. I know it's because there is some crap I have to deal with and I used to smoke instead of confront. Without my crutch I am having to actually face life. It sucks.

I keep taking deep breaths. I keep telling myself it's in my head. But as I read somewhere else, psychosis is all in the head too! The mental cravings are powerful. I'm struggling. I want to stay quit and I KNOW a ciggy will not solve my problems, but will just make me feel worse and like a failure.

Please someone tells me it gets better!

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nsd_user663_27839 profile image
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9 Replies
nsd_user663_27261 profile image


I guarantee you it does get better !

I was the reverse of most people in that week 1 I thought was OK and week 2was a struggle for me, I'm now on day 17 and I have to say that this week I've found quite easy, I won't allow myself to become complacent and think the job is done but I've had very few smoking desires in the past few days.

I'm not saying that you'll be through it overnight, but there's no question that it does and will get easier.

Good luck - and stick with it

nsd_user663_26699 profile image


It definitely does get better :D The thing is, you need to get used to not smoking and not thinking about smoking. Try to keep yourself busy, particularly on tasks that require concentration, whether at work or play. Try changing your routine if possible too, and doing things just slightly differently can help (example: sit in one chair instead of the other)... That helps de-focus from smoking.

It can take quite some time to adjust, but believe me, and everyone else here, the cravings get less and less, and don't last forever.


nsd_user663_27839 profile image

Now Day 5

I'm not sure if today is better or not. It's seems when the cravings are on, they are really on. Perhaps it is better with the Champix? I quit cold turkey and I remember it being really awful for exactly 10 days, then I suddenly just didn't want to smoke anymore....not at all. Those cravings were much more intense, if I remember right. Like an idiot, I started again at 90 days with just one puff.

I'm determined this time. I keep trying to remember the reasons I was quitting, the biggest being my slavery to needing to smoke and literally planning my life around it. After I quit before, I realized how bad it smelled and how awful it is to smoke (and also how great it is not to smoke), so every day of smoking for the last five years has literally been a kind of hell for me.

I'm going to keep moving forward, cravings or not....they certainly aren't going to kill me.

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

I'm going to keep moving forward, cravings or not....they certainly aren't going to kill me.

A Great way to think Chound, love it!

Well done btw :)

nsd_user663_27261 profile image

Spot on Chound, cravings won't kill you.

Good luck

nsd_user663_20547 profile image

Chound, really well done to you for not giving in, I KNOW how hard it is as I have been having a bit of a down time at the minute too but have realised it was due to other things and not smoking, anyway, it does get better, I wont promise you that you will breeze through, there are ups and downs, but as the hours, days and weeks go one, they downs get fewer and fewer.

Keep it up!

Jill xxx

nsd_user663_27839 profile image

Day 6

Thanks for all of your support. It's noon on day 6 and I'm feeling pretty good. I realized that a lot of the 'cravings' that were stressing me out were not really cravings. I was thinking about smoking, but when I stopped and asked myself if I really wanted to smoke, the answer was NO. So I can't call that a craving. I'm just used to certain triggers. I also remember the many times when I was a smoker that I thought about smoking and didn't. So now that I have some clarity around 'cravings,' I can't honestly say I've had one in a few days. They are just thoughts about smoking, which I can totally handle.

I am only going to take one 1mg Champix today. Tomorrow I will start taking only one 0.5 mg per day for three days to ween myself down. I know the recommended course is 12 weeks, but since the nicotine was out of my system after day 2, it will no longer help with cravings and I know it won't help with the mental stuff. The only benefit I can see were if I were to slip and smoke one-it would block most of the effect. Since I'm not planning on doing that, I see no reason for the 12 weeks. Plus, I'm paying out of pocket for the stuff! I've went cold turkey before and the worst is over, so thanks for the boost Champix, but I'm done. :D

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

I am only going to take one 1mg Champix today. Tomorrow I will start taking only one 0.5 mg per day for three days to ween myself down. I know the recommended course is 12 weeks, but since the nicotine was out of my system after day 2, it will no longer help with cravings and I know it won't help with the mental stuff. The only benefit I can see were if I were to slip and smoke one-it would block most of the effect. Since I'm not planning on doing that, I see no reason for the 12 weeks. Plus, I'm paying out of pocket for the stuff! I've went cold turkey before and the worst is over, so that's for the boost Champix, but I'm done. :DHi Choud

Congrats on stopping smoking. I too started the Champix and for me I managed to stop on Day 5 of taking them and a week earlier than planned but the side effects i had made me drop the dose and i stayed on .5mg once a day and then only took that dose for another 7 days after stopping. I subsequently only took the champix for 12 days all in all but 7 months on im still free so it can be done.

Anyhow good luck with your quit, you can do this.

nsd_user663_27839 profile image

Day 7!!!

NuttyNursee: Thanks for that! I also have several friends who quit this way. They used Champix to get past the crazy nicotine withdrawal and then stopped it. In fact, everyone I know personally quit by using Champix for a total of fourteen days only. I guess if you're getting it for free, it doesn't hurt to take it for 12 weeks, but I don't see the point really.

It's day 7!!! After I make it through today it will be a week. Mentally, I still want to smoke sometimes...but I just keep thinking about how I will stink and how it won't take long before I'm back to smoking all the time, smelling bad and battling a throat full of phlegm. No fun, no thanks!

I'm also enjoying my food so much more, coffee tastes better, fruit juices are AMAZINGLY good. And sex is better, lol. I would stay quit for the better sex alone :D

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