Seriously... When does this get easier? - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Seriously... When does this get easier?

nsd_user663_23993 profile image
9 Replies

It will be day 28 tomorrow. I have never tried to give up before... but seriously, it does not seem to be getting any easier. I quit using 'Alan Carr's Easyway' book and from that I know I am not actually getting any 'physical' cravings anymore. I am getting stupidly bad 'mental' cravings though. At work my desk is in reception and I sit there gazing longingly at the steady stream of previous fag buddies nipping out for their hourly fix. I could so easily join them and I actually want to. If I didn't think my boyfriend would be so disappointed with me, I would. Also that, and remembering the first few days when the physical craving was awful... I'm sorry but the book is wrong about those physical cravings... I definitely had em!!!

Anyway, feel like I'm ranting a bit. I just want to be FREEEEEE without missing them every second. Wish I'd never started. Smoking is not cool... I will need to drum that into my kids when I have them!!!

Something I do like... taking deep breaths without any kind of chest pain. I do that a lot now. It does help me remember the benefits for quitting.

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nsd_user663_23993 profile image
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9 Replies
nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Hannah, I felt EXACTLY like you at around 30 days. Began to think that I was going to obsess about cigs forever and that the rest of my life would be one big struggle. I remember going for long walks and crying and stomping because I felt so weak. It took a lot to keep going.

But I'm glad I stuck with it because I don't obsess any more, and it isn't a struggle now! :D

I don't know exactly when it changed, it was a gradual thing. All I can tell you is I'm celebrating my 100 days milestone today and I'm doing just fine, and have been for some weeks now.

Please stick with it. It's just NOT worth caving.

Treat yourself to something nice. You're doing GREAT and you deserve it.


nsd_user663_15147 profile image

Smoking is not cool... I will need to drum that into my kids when I have them!!!

Hiya, first of all - well done on 28 days! That's amazing and it'll get easier when it does... for some poeple it's one day to the other - for others it's a steady slow process.

I've chosen this quote above because it seems that you need to remind YOURSELF that smoking isn't cool. Yes, the Allen car book talks about getting through the physical cravings but it ALSO points out that people are brainwashed into thinking they want one. Why not instead of envying your co-workers for going outside for one you don't pity them? Think about all of the things that they are giving up just to have that 'one' (over and over again). They'll leave the table at a restaurant halfway through a meal, leave the table at the pub halfway through a conversation, they'll be that 15mins late to a party because they had to stop and get some cigs etc... the list goes on! it's endless.

Spend enough time with smokers while being a non-smoker and you'll realise just how EVERYTHING is centred around getting that 'fix'. It's not even a body thing, it's a mental thing - they are literally unable to enjoy certain situations without having one - aren't you glad you've chosen to stop being one of them?

It'll pass, I can't say when, but it'll get easier... the problem is that the more you pine after cigs the more you'll see them through rose tinted glasses. Think of them as you would an abusive boyfried - not good for you, not worth your time and effort :)

nsd_user663_23993 profile image

Thank you both for your messages!!!

I am so pleased to hear that it will get easier... obviously I knew it would, but it is nice to hear it from someone else!

Helsbelles - WELL DONE on your 100 days! That is fantastic, and so glad to hear it is not a struggle anymore!

SLB - Thanks for reiterating those Allen Carr thoughts to me. I think I needed it. It is definitely the brainwashing hitting me at the mo... maybe I should re-read thos chapters. Probably the boost I need.

Thanks again, I already feel happier!!! :D

nsd_user663_22999 profile image

HI Hannah

I'm not as far down the line as the others, but like them I promise it does get easier. I'm not saying you won't have the odd day where you want a cig at all costs, but if I look at those days honestly it's usually because I'm tired or something else is wrong.

I immediately think 'oh it's cos i want a cigarette' when actually it's cos I need a kip or a bit of fresh air, or to simply tell the person that's annoying me to bog off!!!

But blimey, you've done 28 days which is amazing.... and I know what you mean about big breaths - it's a joy! Have you done the sighing thing yet?! I spent about a week or so sighing for no reason! Not sad sighs, just sighs!! Weird eh?!:D

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

I can’t tell you when it gets better only that it does, we are all different and I found that my biggest problem was the mental/psychological desire to smoke which for me was far greater than the nicotine withdrawal.

I can also tell you that if you do decide to follow your erm smelly friends out for that 2/3 minute fix you will so regret it and it will rapidly get you back onto the nicotine trail instead of keeping you on the smoke free road, think about why you decided to quit in the first place and then say to yourself I have lived without this drug for 28 + days which is absolutely brilliant so I am not going back to being a smoker, try not to think about them smoking try to focus on your own accomplishments and how proud your boyfriend is that you have now managed to become a non smoker.

One day at a time is how the majority of quitters get to the bigger milestones and also read my signature link about water it really does help you to feel better and it helps to detox the body faster, I wish you well and hope that the forum is helping.

nsd_user663_24158 profile image


Im definitly with you on this...I seem to have this same feeling everyday and hope to god its not going to be like this forever...

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

try snoggin a smoker eeeeuuuuuuggggghhhhhh

Hannah I bet everyone of those smoking buddies wished they didnt, try snogging one of em it'll soon put you off dya really want to pour boiling oil into your your lovely new pink lungs. Do you really want to go back into the boxing ring.there are no winners with smoking. Have you tried being willing to accept you dont smoke anymore. try to be willing to experience being a non smoker .its not bad at all, quite liberating really .

oh dear i sound a bit pedantic but thats a side effect from quitting;)


ps smoking doesnt get easier . ever.

nsd_user663_20591 profile image

well said all!! my thought exactly!! it gets easier //please stick with it!!

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

It will be day 28 tomorrow. I have never tried to give up before... but seriously, it does not seem to be getting any easier. I quit using 'Alan Carr's Easyway' book and from that I know I am not actually getting any 'physical' cravings anymore. I am getting stupidly bad 'mental' cravings though. At work my desk is in reception and I sit there gazing longingly at the steady stream of previous fag buddies nipping out for their hourly fix. I could so easily join them and I actually want to. If I didn't think my boyfriend would be so disappointed with me, I would. Also that, and remembering the first few days when the physical craving was awful... I'm sorry but the book is wrong about those physical cravings... I definitely had em!!!

Anyway, feel like I'm ranting a bit. I just want to be FREEEEEE without missing them every second. Wish I'd never started. Smoking is not cool... I will need to drum that into my kids when I have them!!!

Something I do like... taking deep breaths without any kind of chest pain. I do that a lot now. It does help me remember the benefits for quitting.

I think Allen Carr spoke of that special moment when this feeling of addiction leaves you around 3rd/4th week? I had that moment about a month into my quit. That moment kept me going for the months that followed. He warns not to wait for that moment but I tell you, you will have one of those soon and it will strengthen your quit and your resolve and guess what.... in no time at all it will be your co-workers who will envy YOU. They will still be forced to march out every hour to feed their addiction and you'll actually feel badly for them.

Hang in there.... it takes a little time to deal with the brainwashing and the reprogramming of your thinking but just stick with it and you will see good results. That feeling of 'I'm free' will become more real to you, trust me.

Continue to read/post/support on this forum, it will help tremendously. Good luck.

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