Here's what I've given up: I've given up... - No Smoking Day

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Here's what I've given up

nsd_user663_20558 profile image
14 Replies

I've given up waking up in the middle of the night coughing

I've given up waking up in the morning *really* coughing, like an old hag (and looking like one, to boot)

I've given up choking my lungs out after running for the bus and sitting red faced and panting for ages after it's moved off, hoping people aren't staring at me.

I've given up wheezing when walking up steep hills

I've given up using my asthma inhaler

I've given up spending money to line the pockets of the tobacco companies and the government

I've given up smelling like an ashtray

I've given up hiding behind the bins at work like some kind of outcast

I've given up wondering when I can get my kids to leave me alone so I can go and smoke

I've given up scrabbling all over the house in a panic for tobacco/papers/lighters when I run out. Also, going out in all weathers and at all hours to buy some if I can't find any.

I've given up getting antsy and irritable whenever I can't get my fix

I've given up coating my lungs with tar and slowly but surely clogging my arteries

I've given up having colds that last a week and completely floor me

I've given up feeling weak, and frightened, and stupid, and disliking myself

I've given up smoking.

Not really any great sacrifice, is it?!? :D

New quitters, please stay strong. It gets easier and easier, and one day you'll find that you've gone from missing it, to wondering why in the world you could possibly have wanted to do it.

Best of luck to you all in your quits!


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nsd_user663_20558 profile image
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14 Replies
nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Somes it all up really Helen, thanks for the reminder of how GOOD quitting is :D xxx

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

It certainly helps me. If I'm thinking of smoking I think of all that first, then I think.. 'no $!£*%ing WAY!'


nsd_user663_22999 profile image

Great post Hels, thank you.

it does strike me that we all talk about 'quitting'. Perhaps we should talk about 'starting'. Starting to be able to do all the good stuff in life again!

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Good for you Helen. I have got through some sticky moments thinking that but it's the MAJOR Grrrrrrrrrrr's that always bite me on the bum & push me off the road to freedom. The gradual moments I can cope with but the 'grabs' I have not learnt to get over sadly. xxxx

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Well done on giving all these things up. The one thing you must not give up is becoming a none smoker.

Well done you.


nsd_user663_24220 profile image

thank you Helen. I will read that when ever i have one of those grabs. I almost became unstuck on my 9th day, my hubby had an ashtray by his computer in the spare room and i rummaged through it for a dump. Luckly i did not find one i could have took a draw off, but also the smell of the ashtray turned my stomach. What was i thinking. I can also add to your list because i am a singer in the clubs. Actually siting in one now listening to bingo! I hated my job because i never knew how my voice would fare up on the night, but now I am oit 2,3 or 4 times a week working and if I DO SAY SO MYSELF i NOW SOUND BLOODY MARVELOUS. NO COUGHING DURING INSTRUMENTALS AND NO HANGING MY HEAD IN SHAME WHEN I SOUND TERRIBLE.

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

hi newme - glad you found it useful! I write this stuff to affirm my own feelings but I post it for just that reason.

I'm an actress, so I know where you're coming from. The difference in my voice is astonishing.


nsd_user663_22002 profile image

Love this post Hels, thank you! Other than the obvious hideous damage i'm doing inside, i've not suffered obvious health probs, but i like the thinking behind the post and plan to steal it (hope there's no copyright fee :o) along the lines of...

I've given up getting frustrated at the gym when i cant make improvements on my running time

I've given up all the times i hate being the only smoker etc etc to do my list now - thanks:D

nsd_user663_22968 profile image

Love it - brilliant! :D

I've given up waking up in the middle of the night coughing

I've given up waking up in the morning *really* coughing, like an old hag (and looking like one, to boot)

I've given up choking my lungs out after running for the bus and sitting red faced and panting for ages after it's moved off, hoping people aren't staring at me.

I've given up wheezing when walking up steep hills

I've given up using my asthma inhaler

I've given up spending money to line the pockets of the tobacco companies and the government

I've given up smelling like an ashtray

I've given up hiding behind the bins at work like some kind of outcast

I've given up wondering when I can get my kids to leave me alone so I can go and smoke

I've given up scrabbling all over the house in a panic for tobacco/papers/lighters when I run out. Also, going out in all weathers and at all hours to buy some if I can't find any.

I've given up getting antsy and irritable whenever I can't get my fix

I've given up coating my lungs with tar and slowly but surely clogging my arteries

I've given up having colds that last a week and completely floor me

I've given up feeling weak, and frightened, and stupid, and disliking myself

I've given up smoking.

Not really any great sacrifice, is it?!? :D

New quitters, please stay strong. It gets easier and easier, and one day you'll find that you've gone from missing it, to wondering why in the world you could possibly have wanted to do it.

Best of luck to you all in your quits!


Just had to bring this one up because it sums up exactly how I feel.

I remember Helen from when I was here before and she was amazing and such a help to all her fellow quitters. Unlike Helen I'm ashamed to say that I'm still fighting my addiction to the dreaded weed.

Today I think my quit's given me a hard time but reading this has made me put everything into perspective again.

I don't know if you're still around Helen but 'Thank you'.

MinimalistFreak profile image

What is said is extremely inspirational ♥ This is going to sound so lame, but thanks for being here for each of us. We all wish you the best c:

Thank you for bringing up that post from the past.

I can remember the difficulties of having a smoke when I had babies. Having to find someone to watch the baby or hold him while I nipped outside for a smoke. Then the washing hands, brushing smoke out of hair, spraying of cologne etc etc. before I could hold the baby again. And the longing for someone to take my baby just so I could smoke!!!! Sounds awful doesn't it? That was more than 20 years ago. How I wish, wish, wish I hadn't smoked then. My poor babies and the smells they had to endure.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

I actually got a bit emotional reading Helen's post, so inspirational and sums up a smoker perfectly and what we have given up, thanks for resurrecting Linda!

Thank you MininalistFreak for bring this post back up again and making me remember it. I posted it way back in September not long after I started my quit when I was having one of those bad days we all seem to have.

I think Helen's post speaks for all or at least most of us quitters and I for sure can identify myself with everything she said way back in 2011. It's just a pity I didn't continue my quit way back then but it's never too late and I'm eventually getting the hang of it now.

Good luck to all the quitters out there. I think Helen's words made me realize that quitting really is no great sacrifice after all, it's just the opposite in fact. It just takes us a little bit of true grit and determination, that's all.:D

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