Feeling very tired: Morning all Well I have... - No Smoking Day

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Feeling very tired

nsd_user663_5062 profile image
10 Replies

Morning all

Well I have started today badly. I feel soooo tired which is really frustrating. I have given up smoking since 31/12/10.

I take vitamins, given up on caffeine, drink plenty of water, i exercise every other day and I have about 20 of my 5 a day. I still I am very lethargic, a lot of heart burn and I look sooo tired. Its quite demoralising after the hard work with quitting.

Going to take this afternoon off from work to try and catch up on stuff

Anyway, hope people are feeling alot better then me :-)

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nsd_user663_5062 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_5062 profile image


No, havent been to the doctors as yet, was just going to try and ride this through but your right, will make an appointment and see what he says.

Maybe its just a shock to the system all this healthiness!!

Thanks for your response

nsd_user663_4625 profile image


I do think sometimes we expect that when we quit there will be this remarkable change that will have us jumping up & down with new found energy. The change is sometimes a bit more subtle :rolleyes: I think this time of year sees people feeling run down & under the weather if they are going through a quit or not.

Good idea to get checked out by your GP just to rule anything out though.

Hope you feel better soon ;)

Gaynor xx

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

Hi Knightm,

It is true, I think, that a lot of us felt tired for a while after quitting. But I have to ask in your instance - all this healthy regime you are doing, is it all new?? Is it possible you are overdoing it?

Don't forget that quitting can be mentally tiring as well as having physical effects. I don't know about you but my ciggies also acted as a bit of a timepiece too, I would structure my day around them so that when I gave up time either dragged or flew by - the adjustment alone to being a non smoker can be knackering in the beginning.

However, the above is just specualtion......if I were you I would pop along to the docs and have a chat. The heartburn and stuff could be anything....

Get to the GP!

nsd_user663_5062 profile image

Thanks all for your replies.

Yes, the new found healthiness is relatively new so maybe I could be overdoing it but I have made an appointment to see docs next week.

Anyway, i am going to buy some DVDs and have a film and food fest in front of the TV this afternoon. I am top of things at work so dont feel so bad for having the afternoon off. I carried over 10 days from last year so my boss says I need to start taking more holiday apparently! :-)

Anyway, i reckon this is just a blip as I have been ok most of the time.

Take care all

nsd_user663_5920 profile image


Quitting brings many changes, some quickly noticeable whilst others more subtle and over a period of time but all good, eventually :)

Back in the early couple or so months of my quit I would often read posts on here from many many folk who felt 'out of sorts' ... and to often the replies would inform the poster that 'it's all part of the quit, give it time ... not so!

I had a period of lethargy and blueness around the end of the 2nd month which bit by bit cleared up and normal service was resumed, in time. I found St Johns Wort and Kelp helped me through that time.

Your doing great with the up take of exercise and vitamins along with giving up on caffeine.

Good to hear you've got an appointment :)

nsd_user663_13466 profile image


I gave up a few days after you and i've been suffering with heartburn since giving up. I went to the doctors and he said that i'm suffering with reflux and gave me tablets. Now i'm feeling much better. I have felt awful most days since giving up (aches/pains/reflux/lungs hurt/can't sleep/breathless) but the last few days i'm starting to feel a lot better.

Definitely worth a visit to your GP.

nsd_user663_5062 profile image

Thanks again for all your replies.

I will take up all your advice. Its just frustrating when you are trying to do many good things and it seems your body is trying to resist and just make you feel ill.

One positive is i still do not want to smoke. Just not interested in lighting up. Long may that continue.

Right, i best do some work before i head off for the afternoon

take care all

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Thanks again for all your replies.

I will take up all your advice. Its just frustrating when you are trying to do many good things and it seems your body is trying to resist and just make you feel ill.

One positive is i still do not want to smoke. Just not interested in lighting up. Long may that continue.

Right, i best do some work before i head off for the afternoon

take care all

You're right it is frustrating but it is so worth it.

From what I have read you are bang on lethargy time. I had it and I know a few others around your stage quit that hit it to. I couldn't be bothered to do anything but llike all stages of quitting smoking, it passes.

On top of that wow you are doing alot at the moment and its all new so you are going to be knackered, give yourself a break and stop being so hard on yourself.

You also say that you are eating a lot of fruit and veg, fruit can be a massive cause of heartburn due to the level of acid in it so could be to do with that.

You are doing great and the fact you don't want to smoke it excellent. Give yourself a big pat on the back and have a bit of a lazy afternoon like you have planned.

Stay strong


nsd_user663_5062 profile image

Hi All

Well i have found a culprit for me feeling soooo tired. the dreaded man-flu, well its a cold anyway. woke up this morning and it was all coming out. i am assuming the past couple of days was just me leading up to this.

I am sort of relieved as i was a little concerned something was wrong.

So, on the lemsip, early nights and plenty of vitamin c

hope eveyone is ok

nsd_user663_21995 profile image

Glad to hear it's 'only' a cold. Hope you're soon feeling better.

Marilyn :)

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