2nd Week!: I am happy to say I have reached... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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2nd Week!

nsd_user663_17966 profile image
16 Replies

I am happy to say I have reached the 2nd week of my quitting! However I am sad to say on Saturday night while fueled on Wine & Vodka I smoked half a cigarette. I am calling it a blip because that is what it was, it tasted fowl and I only smoked half of it being throwing it away and feeling very ashamed :mad:

anyway, I am at my stop smoking clinic tonight to get my perscription & to have my blow in the thing reading done, I was 24 last time so I am hoping to be well below that now :)

I'm sorry Gaynor & Tink, I let you down by giving into temptation on Sat night and I am so ashamed of myself :(:(

Shaz x

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nsd_user663_17966 profile image
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16 Replies
CamperPete profile image

Tut, tut, tut, shame on you Shaz :(;)

.....but don't let it get you down, you had a blip and that blip has just re-inforced the fact that you don't actually like smoking, as you said "It tasted fowl", so pull your socks up and move forward and don't look back in anger :D

nsd_user663_17966 profile image

and don't look back in anger :D

sorry Liam :cool:

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Hey Shaz

You smoked half and put it out. I'm not sure I would have had the same willpower as in if I had lit a fag not sure I would have been able to have put it out so WELL DONE YOU. I think this has been a positive experience for you in that it has made your quit and determination stronger so well done you.

AND no need at all to apologise, here to support no matter what! :)

Tinks xx

nsd_user663_4149 profile image


nsd_user663_17966 profile image

not sure why this was bumped? LOL :)

Anyhoo, last night I went to my stop smoking clinic for my Champix perscription and I had my carbon test done..... 2 weeks ago it read 24 and last night it read ZERO YEY!!!!

Shaz x

P.S I also won my darts match too heh!

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

You go girl :) I sometimes have a go on the pub dartboars the darts usually hit the metal & bounce straight back out :D mind you the double vision at the time probably doesn't help well that's my excuse & I'm sticking to it :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_17966 profile image

Sad times

Last night I could have smoked! :(

I was sat on the pc watching programmes having just ate a massive KFC (Lazy for not cooking I know) and I thought I'm missing a smoke, one wont hurt. Then I started to feel sick and I thought this is how sick I would feel if I had a smoke!

In the end I decided to go to the shop and get some stuff to munch on so I bought crisps & chocolate and had a mini pig out!

The good news is it got me over my craving, the bad news is I am going to pile the weight on if I carry on 'pigging out' to stifle my cravings LOL

Shaz x

CamperPete profile image

Don't worry about the eating Shaz, once you've got over the worse of the craving ie they subside then you won't need to eat as much to keep them at bay................. and anyway going on a diet will take your mind off smoking ;);)

nsd_user663_17966 profile image

anyway going on a diet will take your mind off smoking ;);)

Pete!!!! OMG, are you saying I am fat? talk about kicking a girl whilst she is down :(

LOL it's a good job I am 3 stone wringing wet :)

Shaz x

CamperPete profile image

Pete!!!! OMG, are you saying I am fat? talk about kicking a girl whilst she is down :(

Er, erm, ah, well..........Can someone help me get this foot out of my mouth :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_20937 profile image

You are doing brilliantly! To get through those really bad craves has to be celebrated! big pat on back! Someone said to me if you do have a lapse recognise it as a lapse rather than collapse, learn from it and get back on track. I am now just taking one day at a time. I never really understood that before this quit, but now I do, take care of today, that's the best I can do at the moment. I'm two weeks 5 days quit. - oh and yesterday I forgot to put my patch on - was going out of my tiny mind by the time I could get it, but didn't actually smoke, felt like it, yearned, but thankfully didn't!! phew!


nsd_user663_17966 profile image

I am such a piggy!

Last night I went food shopping, I dropped the hubby off for his night out and went to the supermarket.

I was surrounded by food, lovely lovely food.

Anyhoo I decided to get myself a salad for my tea (Healthy? yes) however then I saw some reduced scotch pies so got them, bargain I thought... then 4 spring rolls reduced again bargain!

got home, packed away the shopping whilst having a fight with the freezer (I swear it shrinks with the cold!) and eating a scotch pie (Women CAN multitask :)

I really got a craving bad so pigged out on my salad & greasy spring rolls.

I swear I am getting a pot belly and putting on weight!!

Last night I decided whilst making the bait for work I would chop up some carotts for me to munch on at work however in reality this morning was a bit of a rush so it was quicker for me to fill my bait box with crisps & cakes & scotch pies than peel and chop carotts!!!

Grrrrrrr! I am going to balloon!

Ok, rant over..... for now! I await Pete's sarcastic comments hahaha

Shaz x

CamperPete profile image

Ok, rant over..... for now! I await Pete's sarcastic comments hahaha

No sarcastic comments from me.......... Lardy!!! ;)

Typical of a woman though, leaves nothing decent for the man of house to eat when he comes home from a hard night out, damn selfish if you ask me:mad:

Tell you what though Shaz i was a bit like that yesterday, i bought 12 Mr Kiplings Lemon Bakewells, 3 bags of midget gems and a bag of Cadbury's chocolate eclairs, yummy, yummy............ thought the lemon in the bakewells would be one of my 5 a day:D

........... i do feel a bit queezy this morning though:(

nsd_user663_17966 profile image

No sarcastic comments from me.......... Lardy!!! ;)

Yeah yeah tubs! LOL

Typical of a woman though, leaves nothing decent for the man of house to eat when he comes home from a hard night out, damn selfish if you ask me:mad:

Hey! whilst he was out he had a 3 course meal! so take that back lol

thought the lemon in the bakewells would be one of my 5 a day:D

Surely it does count Pete? and if you ate 5 of them that is your 5ive a day? LOL

nsd_user663_17966 profile image

Ok.... so here is my story from last night and I'm not sure if it was down to the Champix or down to the bottle of Rosey & can of Lager I'd had but here we go....

I like I said above drank a bottle of wine & a can of lager (of which I am proud to say didn't make me want to smoke, I didn't think of it once) anyhoooo back to the story. I fell asleep on the chair and my hubby woke me up to go to bed.

I walked into the bedroom and opened up the drawer that contains my t-shirts and said to my hubby, "Where is my tops?" he asked which tops and I said "Any tops" he asked if I meant to wear for bed and I told him "No to wear for work" he asked why I couldn't just sort that out in the morning and I said to him "But it is morning" needless to say my hubby laughed a lot then told me it was the middle of the night and to go to bed!

This morning he said it would have been funny to watch me gonig round the house getting ready for work at midnight How EVIL!!!

hahaha well that is my story! I hope it made you chuckle a little

Shaz x

CamperPete profile image

Another selfish womans act, thinking of herself for work when her first thought should have been getting hubbys clothes ready for work :rolleyes:

Me thinks bottle of wine, lager and then woken whilst asleep due to effects of said alchohol may just have had something to do with your disorientated state:D

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