Starting again, again: OK so last week did... - No Smoking Day

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Starting again, again

nsd_user663_22002 profile image
11 Replies

OK so last week did not go well. But gonna keep quitting till i quit! But it's too many times now, and swore i would quit in January so i'm running out of time:p

Feel so embarrassed to be posting AGAIN on day one, but hoping the public humiliation will keep me on track.

Right off to read lots of posts to get the right mindset, then smoke my last ciggie. I CAN do this, just need to remember ANY thoughts of wanting to smoke are just nicodemon - NOT me.

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nsd_user663_22002 profile image
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11 Replies
Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Don't feel embarressed. Lots of people have several attempts to stop before they actually manage it. Myself included.

I have succeeded this time as I just don't want to smoke anymore. Not cause of peer pressure, money, health, family etc. I think that is the key to the success of my quit.

Good luck, stick with it and stay strong. Remember, a craving will go if you smoke or not. Only different is, is you smoke you are going to get another one every hour for your smoking life. If yo don't they will get further and further apart until you have none at all.

Choose the pain of change, its worth it.


nsd_user663_22276 profile image

Non mai smettere di smettere. Which means: never give up giving up. But "giving up" seems the wrong words. It suggests giving up something good. Like denying yourself. Reality it's poison. So what you're doing is freeing yourself from a prison. You've got to get through the difficult part. Scraping the wall down with your fingernails. But the wall is only cardboard. You can do it, and be free!!!!! (( Wo my sleeping pills are really kicking in)). Off to bed. Dormi bene. Sogni dolci a tutti

nsd_user663_22002 profile image

You're right HandiMan. The Jan thing is not my main motivation - i want to do this because i want to do it. Now you mention it i remember many other times i've said "must quit by this date/occasion" and found a "reason" not to.

Must focus on the fact that i am CHOOSING to do this, i dont want to be a smoker.

nsd_user663_22002 profile image

i tried....i failed - you're right again - there is no benefit! I think my thing is i have to remember any smoking thoughts are nicodemon - not me, even if i have to repeat that over and over without believing it. He's very clever at saying "you could just smoke today and give up again tomorrow, it's only 1 more day" and last time i believed that a whole week went by!!!!!:eek:

I dont want nicotine in my body, only nicodemon wants that. MUST remember that

nsd_user663_8876 profile image

You can do it if you really set your mind to it. It takes determination and an understanding that you are basically a recovering drud addict the second you stop. Be prepared for monumental withdrawals from the bif nasty nico demon, you will suffer to some degree obviously. Some tips for you, drink lots of water, some sugary snacks, keep busy but most importantly of all keep a positive mindset. Ask those around you to support you through this. You can do it, promise you it's worth it and you definately will not miss it. Just get through the first but and you'll be fine.

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Lu, you can do this. One crave, one hour, one day at a time. Don't think about forever (see the quote in my signature!).

Don't feel bad for being knocked back, it's happened to all of us - can still happen to all of us, if we lose focus. Take a deep breath, get your head in the right place, you can make it.

Good luck!

Hel x

nsd_user663_17966 profile image

Awhhh Lul, I know what you're going through to a certain extent as on Sat night I had half a smoke but I'm calling it a blip and to be honest it made me more determined not to smoke.

You don't need smoking that stupid fat @rsed nicodemon does so you need to stop working for him/her and work for yourself :)

We are all behind you 100% and will give you all the support on here you need, let me know and i'll PM you my mobile number and you can txt me if you need support :)


nsd_user663_22002 profile image

Thanks Shash - my last week was more than a blip though!:eek:

Have been re-reading old posts to get in the right mindframe.

nsd_user663_20549 profile image

OK so last week did not go well. But gonna keep quitting till i quit! But it's too many times now, and swore i would quit in January so i'm running out of time:p

Feel so embarrassed to be posting AGAIN on day one, but hoping the public humiliation will keep me on track.

Right off to read lots of posts to get the right mindset, then smoke my last ciggie. I CAN do this, just need to remember ANY thoughts of wanting to smoke are just nicodemon - NOT me.

One day at a time, just remember that and you will do fine!

If you really want to do it and do struggle ask the doctor for help, dont be afraid! Lots of people can do it without, and for those that cant, there is now Champix! Which alot of people here seem to be using, and some friends of mine are!


nsd_user663_17966 profile image

I tried doing that list all the benefits of smoking and I came up with one...

It makes you look 'ard

But then I remembered I wasn't 13 and in school any more so I scribbled it out :eek:;):D

nsd_user663_26069 profile image

I so agree with this post. Lulabelle, it isn't about failing it is about getting to a place mentally where you know you are ready. I strongly believe people should never be a martyr to quitting, in other words don't suffer the horrible cravings etc when their are aids to help. Use patches, use Champix, use anything available to help.

I remember feeling terrified as I began taking the Champix. I new the end result would mean I and a so called friend (cigs) were going to part company, and after 40+ a day for over thirty years, that is a hell of a bond. It isn't however an unbreakable bond, I eventually saw myself as a slave to nicotine, not nicotine a slave to what I wanted to do. Every cig I lit, I hated myself for and it was then, and only then did I know I would quit. I did try once before, about 20 years ago, I lasted 8 hours.

Don't beat your self up, remind yourself why you want to quit, and then go. The days soon pass and before long the sense of pride that you 'have done it' outweighs almost all other feelings.

You will quit, I know you will, why? Because after each blip, rather than just think that you can't do this, you actively begin to plan for the next quit.

Be a proud quitter, I know you can, but more importantly YOU know you can.

Good luck.

Lulabelle, there is no point putting pressure on yourself. In fact, the more pressure you put on yourself, the more likely you are to fail. It's best to give yourself a bit of slack, allow yourself to go at your own pace, and to find the right approach to stopping smoking according to your own needs. I would suggest you take things easy for a while, such as forgetting that January is almost over... Unnecessary pressure!

The fact is, stopping smoking is about feeling ready for a different lifestyle, not forcing oneself into doing what one thinks is the right thing to do. We all know that smoking is bad, smoking causes health problems, smoking is expensive, smoking harms other people around us etc. etc. etc.

I know it sounds a bit like a lecture (admittedly it is :-)), but before one can commit to stopping smoking, one has to "realize" the consequences before one even starts. That is, wishing, hoping, trying, and coping are not good starting points. It is not a competition, nor is it something you need to beat. It is about knowing what you want and relentlessly pursuing that goal.

I don't believe that the decision to quit can be made under time pressure, but rather requires careful thought and assessment over a period of time. That period of time may differ from individual to individual, but once you have managed to reach the right frame of mind, it will make your quit so much easier than creating arbitrary deadlines and self-inflicted expectations.

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