Please Help: Hi Everyone, Stopped smoking for... - No Smoking Day

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Please Help

nsd_user663_17297 profile image
20 Replies

Hi Everyone, Stopped smoking for 12 weeks now-took champix for 4 weeks but side effects were horrible so stopped taking them. Starting using the inhalator when stressed but have only used 1 cartridge a day sometimes less.Big problem I have is insomnia,can fall asleep okay but wake up after 3 or 4 hours and cannot get back to sleep.Have had this for 5 weeks now and its really depressing! Gave up caffiene and the inhalator for 4 days now and was hoping that would help but still the same.Has anyone else experienced sleep problems this far in their quit. I have been going to the gym and out walking loads and have tried herbal remedies,lavender oil etc. Feeling rubbish and tearful and really do not want to smoke to get some sleep so any advice or help would be great.Thanks Crystal

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nsd_user663_17297 profile image
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20 Replies
nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Awww bless you hun,

Well done on 12 weeks quit though, way to go :D

I think you have tried everything that I would have suggested. Have you tried Kalms or Nytol? My sleep has been awful & have been taking night nurse at night which has helped, sounds rather odd I know.

Maybe your GP could give you something if you really can't get over this. Just enough to break the waking habit.

Gaynor x

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Hi Crystal

Sorry to hear your not sleeping well at the moment. I too was on the champix but only for about 11 days and even then it took a few weeks for my body to clear out the meds.

I have been CT since 31/10 and that was my last day of the champix too. I would go and see your Health Care Professional and see what they can offer you. I would say try and maybe have a nice bath before bed, a warm glass of milk and try a good book to read and see if that can relax you the other things are Kalms One a night, see this link

Or you could try sominex herbal info at......

I have tried both and can say they both help

Good Luck

PS Well done on 12 Weeks too hun xx

nsd_user663_18695 profile image

Hi, I am not a doctor, but I have suffered insomnia both when smoking and when not. Currently I am sleeping well.It depends why you dont sleep. I have a busy mind and would just be racing away. I dont watch exciting tv or read last thing. My bedroom is calm. I use some meditation techniques- sounds weird but they are effective. I watched a tv thing where they retrained chronic insomniacs by restricting their sleep, starting at 6 hours. So you hve a bedtime, you stick to it, if not asleep in 30 minutes you get up, and so on. No matter what time you go to bed you still get up at the set time, which is early, and you add 30 minutes a week. Yoga is fabulous. So are orgasms- pick and mix!

CamperPete profile image

I have is insomnia,can fall asleep okay but wake up after 3 or 4 hours and cannot get back to sleep.Have had this for 5 weeks now and its really depressing! Gave up caffiene and the inhalator for 4 days now and was hoping that would help but still the same.Has anyone else experienced sleep problems this far in their quit.

That'll be me then although only 24days :(

Every night is the same although some nights i may sleep that little bit longer due to so much lack of sleep the night before. Wife allowed me in the marital bed after 3 weeks last night but i tossed on turned so much that i'm relegated to the spare room again tonight :(

I was hoping it'd stop soon but you're 11 days ahead of me so maybe it won't :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

me me me yes yes yes

Hi Everyone, Stopped smoking for 12 weeks now-took champix for 4 weeks but side effects were horrible so stopped taking them. Starting using the inhalator when stressed but have only used 1 cartridge a day sometimes less.Big problem I have is insomnia,can fall asleep okay but wake up after 3 or 4 hours and cannot get back to sleep.Have had this for 5 weeks now and its really depressing! Gave up caffiene and the inhalator for 4 days now and was hoping that would help but still the same.Has anyone else experienced sleep problems this far in their quit. I have been going to the gym and out walking loads and have tried herbal remedies,lavender oil etc. Feeling rubbish and tearful and really do not want to smoke to get some sleep so any advice or help would be great.Thanks Crystal

And it has been driving me crazy!!! :eek:

Mine was when i came off the patches completely New Year Eve.

Literally fall asleep for half hour and wake up wide awake for a few hours.

It is gradually getting better, especially since having me warm milk of evening either with a spoon full of sugar or horlicks. I am still going to sleep very late but only waking once or twice and not for long.

Chin up hun, i am thinking it's a nico with drawal thingy and it will stop eventually.

Snowie xx

nsd_user663_17297 profile image

Thanks so much

Thankyou all for taking the time to reply. The herbal remedy I am taking has valerian in it and its not helped. I walked for over 2 hours yesterday and had horlicks and a hot bath and I ended up awake all night! I am really worried that I will never get a normal nights sleep again. I slept for 8 hours every night when I smoked and now its 4 or less. Sorry for being a moan but feel I am dragging myself through each day. Went to the doctor who tells me my insomnia has nothing to do with not smoking and that smokers have more trouble sleeping! He gave me anti depressants but they take 2-6 weeks to work so not even sure I will bother with them.He says sleeping tablets are very addictive and are only for the short term and would stop working anyway. I hope this passes as I don`t want to start smoking again to get my sleep back.

CamperPete profile image

Went to the doctor who tells me my insomnia has nothing to do with not smoking and that smokers have more trouble sleeping!

Poppy Cock!!!!........... IMHO;)

I know there's many people who suffer from sleep disturbances since quitting and i'm one of them!!!

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Hi Crystal, yeap I think it's the quitting smoking which causes sleep distrubances, doctors just like to hand out pills. I am no doctor but please be careful on the anti depressants, them too can become addictive and make people worse than they were orginally. I was on them many years ago and they made me very ill. Just make sure you have a friend/family member who is aware of your situation and will keep a quiet eye on you.

I'm sure you will be just fine as they probably are fine for most people but just wanted to let you know. Champix can also make people a bit 'funny' and if there is any history of depression then they shouldn't prescribe them.

There are remedies such as St Johns Wort, vitamin B6 complex (for us ladies) high dose vitamin C but obvioulsy with St Johns Wort you can't take with certain other medication.

Good luck with your quit and well done on your acheivement so far.

You take care of yourself


nsd_user663_17297 profile image

Thanks Snowie

And it has been driving me crazy!!! :eek:

Mine was when i came off the patches completely New Year Eve.

Literally fall asleep for half hour and wake up wide awake for a few hours.

It is gradually getting better, especially since having me warm milk of evening either with a spoon full of sugar or horlicks. I am still going to sleep very late but only waking once or twice and not for long.

Chin up hun, i am thinking it's a nico with drawal thingy and it will stop eventually.

Snowie xx

Thanks for reply,its nice to know I am not alone! Can I ask you when you go to sleep now compared to when you smoked? Hope you don't mind and really appreciate you taking the time to read my moaning and reply to me.

Crystal xx

nsd_user663_17297 profile image

Hi Tinkerbell

Hi Tinkerbell, thanks for reply I really appreciate it. I have been taking st johns wort since I quit smoking and take vit b and c. I hate going to the doctors so have always went the vitamin ,herbal,homeopathy route first. I agree with you regarding anti-depressants as I hate pills but feeling quite desperate to feel better as at the moment I am crying all the time and finding it hard to cope with every day life. Will try and be more positive as I want so much to be happy about my new smoke free life. So glad I came back to this forum as everyone is so supportive and it makes a massive difference to not feel so alone with this. Take care and well done on your no smoking journey

Crystal x

CamperPete profile image

So glad I came back to this forum as everyone is so supportive and it makes a massive difference to not feel so alone with this.

I think we all feel the same way about this forum, i know it's helped me enormously and i don't think i'd have got so far without the support on here.

We're one big disfunctional family but all heading in the same direction :D

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Hi Tinkerbell, thanks for reply I really appreciate it. I have been taking st johns wort since I quit smoking and take vit b and c. I hate going to the doctors so have always went the vitamin ,herbal,homeopathy route first. I agree with you regarding anti-depressants as I hate pills but feeling quite desperate to feel better as at the moment I am crying all the time and finding it hard to cope with every day life. Will try and be more positive as I want so much to be happy about my new smoke free life. So glad I came back to this forum as everyone is so supportive and it makes a massive difference to not feel so alone with this. Take care and well done on your no smoking journey

Crystal x

I completely understand hunny - sometimes it is difficult to feel positive when you feel so low :confused: BUT you've done one amazing thing in quitting smoking and you should be very very proud, you've taken control ;)

Keep your chin up and in touch and let us know how you are getting on.

Yes I know what you mean about the forum, if it wasn't for the guys on this forum I would still be a professional smoker, but they've given me the knowledge and support to a be a professional quitter.

Hugs to you

Tinks xx

nsd_user663_17297 profile image


I think we all feel the same way about this forum, i know it's helped me enormously and i don't think i'd have got so far without the support on here.

We're one big disfunctional family but all heading in the same direction :D

Thanks, was having a bad morning but felt so much better after being on here x:D

nsd_user663_17297 profile image

I completely understand hunny - sometimes it is difficult to feel positive when you feel so low :confused: BUT you've done one amazing thing in quitting smoking and you should be very very proud, you've taken control ;)

Keep your chin up and in touch and let us know how you are getting on.

Yes I know what you mean about the forum, if it wasn't for the guys on this forum I would still be a professional smoker, but they've given me the knowledge and support to a be a professional quitter.

Hugs to you

Tinks xx

Thanks, been so down with not sleeping that I forget that I have done well not smoking!! Felt so much better being on the forum todayand getting support from you all.

Hugs to you too

Crystal x

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

We're one big disfunctional family but all heading in the same direction :D

I like that! I'm just glad we're not all under the same roof because man.... then we'd see some fireworks!!!:D

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Aaaahhh, divine spam now too...

Bless you my spammer...

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

I have woken up this morning feeling a strange compulsion to get married in Nantucket. Can anybody help?

CamperPete profile image

I have woken up this morning feeling a strange compulsion to get married in Nantucket. Can anybody help?

Obviously you and i are not compatible Helen as i prefer Marthas Vineyard for my wedding :D

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Obviously you and i are not compatible Helen as i prefer Marthas Vineyard for my wedding :D

Too many sharks there though? Or did they get them all? What about that one that actually followed Michael Caine??

Isn't Nantucket where you go for a sleighride??

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Isn't Nantucket where you go for a sleighride??


Get thee to Sax thread before you forget that thought ;)

Not what you're looking for?