Close to giving up: Hi everyone..I am on day... - No Smoking Day

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Close to giving up

nsd_user663_20815 profile image
32 Replies

Hi everyone..I am on day 10 of quitting..

Took champiX for the first few days of my quit but got awful side effects so since then ive been CT..

I really dont think I can do this anymore..everyone says I should be feeling better and not thinking about it as much..

But I'm thinking more about it now than in the 1st 3 days and I am constantly crying..

I feel like a manic depressant at the minute and at least when I was smoking I was able to have a laugh and a joke without crying.. cant seem to stop thinking about smoking.

Thought about the inhalator but then its like starting from the beginning as after 10days the nicotine should be out my system shouldnt it.. feels like I would be cheating somehow..

Why cant I just be like everyone else and get on with it instead on sitting thinking about it all the time


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nsd_user663_20815 profile image
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32 Replies
nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Awwwwwwwww, Tracey. Please try not to give up now hun, you have fought so hard to get this far.

Look, if you think the inhalator will work, use it. Surely better that than to give up now. I can understand you don't want to put nicotine back in your system but that is preciesly what you will do & worse if you start smiking again.

Hugs, Gaynor xx

nsd_user663_20263 profile image

I know how you feel... the last 48 hours have been frankly awful... Please don't give up- I know this is hard, but it will get better. Can I suggest going to your local chemist who have a smoking cessation advisor and having a chat with them, or phoning the smoking helpline because you don't have to do this alone.:(

If you push through this, you won't regret it for a second. BIG HUGS :)

Hi Tracey

What you are going through is completely normal, many people here will testify to the constant thinking about the dreaded weed, infact if you take a look at some of my previous (and not so old posts) you will see what I mean.

The trick is to do whatever is necessary to stop you smoking. If that means using an inhalator then just do it because the damage you will do to yourself by smoking is potentially far worse.

I would even go as far as to recommend you go outside, find yourself a smoker and stab him in the eye with a screwdriver if it stops you from smoking!! :D. I understand there is also something called housework that you ladies like to do to take your mind off things??? ;)

Stay strong

CamperPete profile image

I'll 2nd (and 3rd) everything the others have said, DON'T GIVE UP NOW!!!!

I've used an inhalator since day 1 (now day 12) BUT I only use 1 cartridge a day not the recommended 6-12 per day that Nicorette says to take.

To be honest I don't think i even use 1 a day i just replace it daily.

I take 4 or 5 puffs three or four times a day so there's very little nicodemon getting in. Obviously, like you, i'd prefer none but that big fat zero will be my goal in a couple of weeks but for now it's just my comfort blanket aid to quitting.

Do anything you have to Tracey but DO NOT have a cigarette :mad:

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

No please don't give up. Sadness, lack of energy, happiness, lots of energy is all the emotions you are going to feel on this quitting journey you are on. It is going to be one hell of a bumpy ride at times but read posts from some of the longer term quitters to know it's worth it.

Can I suggest that perhaps you take something such as St Johns Wort to help with feeling of drepressed (you cannot take this if your're on the pill but there are alternatives). Also high strength vitamin c and a good fish oil. I never used to be into taking vitamins and food supplements but find they help a lot.

Can you find something to occupy your mind? Knitting, I know our Jo on here used to knit a lot of scarfs in the early stages of her quit. How about exercise, this time I have replaced by boredom from not smoking with something positive and downloaded the couch to 5K programme, to be able to run 5K would be a massive acheivement for me and I wouldn't be able to do it if I was smoking. Perhaps something like that would help you? I'm not sure I'm only trying to suggest things here.

The reason why your thinking about it now is that nico monster in your brain is wanting you to feed him/her. Remember he/she is not your friend!

I hope this has been of some help, please keep strong - you have done so well!

Luv & hugs

Tinks xx

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Hi Tracey

I would even go as far as to recommend you go outside, find yourself a smoker and stab him in the eye with a screwdriver if it stops you from smoking!! I understand there is also something called housework that you ladies like to do to take your mind off things???

Stay strong

John is there really any need for you to be so violent and sexist :D yesterday you was advising someone to rip legs of gingerbread men now your advising Tracey to stab a smoker in the eye with a screwdriver :D only joking!

Tracey - will you let us all know how you're doing :)

CamperPete profile image

yesterday you was advising someone to rip legs of gingerbread men

I was also appalled by that remark Tinks. Bet John wouldn't have wanted to do that if it was a 'White bread man'....... i hate racism :mad:

:D :D

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

I was also appalled by that remark Tinks. Bet John wouldn't have wanted to do that if it was a 'White bread man'....... i hate racism :mad:


I agree :D

Uh hum - now where has John gone, perhaps he is doing something else and being a male is not able to multi task? :D

I agree :D

Uh hum - now where has John gone, perhaps he is doing something else and being a male is not able to multi task? :D

No I was just glad no-one noticed my house work remark!

John is there really any need for you to be so violent and sexist :D yesterday you was advising someone to rip legs of gingerbread men now your advising Tracey to stab a smoker in the eye with a screwdriver :D only joking!

Tracey - will you let us all know how you're doing :)

Ah yes but in my defence I did say only if it stops you smoking!

CamperPete profile image

No I was just glad no-one noticed my house work remark!

I did but wasn't sure what it is :D :D :D

I did but wasn't sure what it is :D :D :D

I reckon it must be like running a marathon, as my wife tells me it takes all day and makes you really tired!! ;)

nsd_user663_18143 profile image


Hang in there. As others have all said, it's just the evil nicodemon trying to get back in, it's completly normal and anyone that tells you their quit was easy, they didn't think about it etc etc IS A LIAR!!! Quitting smoking is tough, we all know that first hand, and that's why it's such an amazing thing to do.

10 days is brilliant - i had a complete 'breakdown' around days 12-15 and spent that weekend sat on my settee watching tv in my pjs, eating everything in sight and crying constantly (PMS contributed, i love being a women:rolleyes:). BUT I GOT THROUGH IT WITHOUT SMOKING!!!

Am on day 61 now. 61 days of not smoking. A minor miracle. And you can do it, i promise. Get yourself out the house, walk round the block, run to the shops, or if it helps, eat cake and pies and don't worry about it. At least you're not smoking.

Good luck hun - make some plans for tonight, or sit on the forum all night, there will be people here for you every step.

:):):) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_20815 profile image

Guys thanks soooo much... I haven't gave in although I am still crying.. I just hope that this depression is not going to stay with me... I have spoke to the local stop smoking person and she has ordered me to go get an inhalator.. but I am going to start one to one sessions next wednesday also as people say they're brill ..

I am worried that the depression was a side effect of suddleny stopping taking the champix ???

I dont know.... Hopefully will feel better soon

I am going to go to fetch an inhalator (armed with screwdriver john ) ha ha. John you always make me laugh

And thanks so much guys wouldn't have got this far if it wasn't for you lot.


CamperPete profile image

Watch out for the incoming flak from the women........... once they've done their housework :D:D:D:D

nsd_user663_7957 profile image

Tracel, I am sorry things are so difficult. You are doing so well. Don't give up your quit. You can get past this. Just keep reading and posting here, you can get through this.

CamperPete profile image

I am worried that the depression was a side effect of suddleny stopping taking the champix ???


Just as an added thought Tracey, when i went through the tablet phase of quitting last year i was told by NHS lady that champix can have depressional side affects and that (for me) i was better off with Zyban. I was fine with them except for the vivid dreams......... oh, and failing to quit :rolleyes:

...... but i'm sure these tablets can affect a lot of us in different ways.

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

Tracey, did you talk to your nurse about giving up champix. What caused you to stop taking them? If it was sleep desruption/dreams etc, these are things that most people go through regardless of their quit method. Maybe you could give champix another try?

And John & Pete.....what housework?? I am a very important working woman and that sort of thing is beneath me :p Oops, best get back to work then.......

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Glad you are off to get you inhalator Tracey & that you have spoken to someone.

Godd on you guys for the lighthearted posts as well, made me laugh & that's just what we need no matter how bad we are feeling, it really helps.

Right, just having a sneaky peak to see gow you are so back to work for me again ;)

Gaynor xx

I like the way all the women are making a point of telling us they are working, going to work ect - since Pete's insensitive, sexiest housework gag!!

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Well it's that, or give him a slap upside the head!!

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

Now now John, stop trying to blame Pete :D

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

...I have spoke to the local stop smoking person and she has ordered me to go get an inhalator..

Well she's next in line to suffer under the screwdriver then...

You've done the expulsion of the nicotine from the system and now you're suffering from the withdrawal from smoking symptoms not the withdrawal from nicotine bit.

If you have to suck on something then find a straw, a pen, a plastic fag, whatever but don't be fooled into thinking nicotine is going to make it better.

Your subconscious is screaming for a fag and will do so for a long time and will get weaker and weaker unless you weaken first.

You have options.

Distraction, habit changing, avoidance and shear stubbornness can get you through it but apparently it's hard.


Educate yourself to what's going on in your head, what a crave is, what it's not, and then things just don't seem to be tough at all.

If you big-up the opposition it just makes the fight harder.

Your battle now is totally mental, slip back to nicotine again, in any form, and you're fighting a war on two fronts.

History as shown that to be a monumental task.

I'd start with as the first port of call.

Now if you'll all excuse me I've just got to run the hoover round... :)

CamperPete profile image

Now now John, stop trying to blame Pete :D

Yeah, thanks Rachel. John took advantage of me whilst i'm in a vunerable state and made me write those things :(

I love gingerbread men and i also love women as i think women do a great job of keeping homes clean and men's bellies fully fed ;)

I was upstairs the other day and rang the wife's mobile down stairs to ask her to make me a cup of tea, i couldn't quite make out the words but she was very loud and seemed to be ecstatic and grateful that she was looking after my need.

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

Ooooooh Pete. Naughty............:eek:

Will look later to see if you and John are still alive :D

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Yeah, thanks Rachel. John took advantage of me whilst i'm in a vunerable state and made me write those things

I love gingerbread men and i also love women as i think women do a great job of keeping homes clean and men's bellies fully fed

I was upstairs the other day and rang the wife's mobile down stairs to ask her to make me a cup of tea, i couldn't quite make out the words but she was very loud and seemed to be ecstatic and grateful that she was looking after my need.


That made me laugh out loud (yes really) in the office. Now they all think I am mad (madder) xx

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Yeah, thanks Rachel. John took advantage of me whilst i'm in a vunerable state and made me write those things :(

I love gingerbread men and i also love women as i think women do a great job of keeping homes clean and men's bellies fully fed ;)

I was upstairs the other day and rang the wife's mobile down stairs to ask her to make me a cup of tea, i couldn't quite make out the words but she was very loud and seemed to be ecstatic and grateful that she was looking after my need.

tut, tut - you boys are cruising for one... :D I cannot belive you actually phoned your wife to ask her to make you a cup of tea. Are you the type of guys who don't simply have a cold but suffer with man flu? :D

tut, tut - you boys are cruising for one... :D I cannot belive you actually phoned your wife to ask her to make you a cup of tea. Are you the type of guys who don't simply have a cold but suffer with man flu? :D

Oh no, no, last year I had bird flu, the year before that it was swine flu. That said - very serious illness you know that man flu, always made worse by the amount of time it takes you ladies to get down to the chemists to purchase the lemsips, and then get yourselves home to make one!!

Then theres the headache caused by having to listen to the nagging about how you guys feel terrible and still have to look after us. TUT TUT :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

Somebody contact the local Zoo, they must be missing a few animals. There seems to be a couple of Apes running around the thread.

The sound of knuckle dragging is putting me off my advice.:D

TraceyMarie, everyone has their own ideas on quitting - in reality all that matters is that you remain quit imo. If that means getting an inhalator - you go get it......and then, when you are calm and your head isn't screaming at you, you can be a bit more cerebral about it all.

Don't feel bad, don't give in - do whatever it takes :)

nsd_user663_20591 profile image

someone noticed john, thats why they called u sexist:eek: anyway i know that it can be soooo difficult at times not to give in!! i am quit now for 12 days and there have been some times along the way where iv really wanted a smoke but i really thought it through....i thought of all the reasons why i stopped and the first week of hell i went through to get to day 12 and if i can make it this far that i can continue to make it to a long healthy life with my family AND YOU CAN ALSO!! PLEASE DONT GIVE IN TO THIS...IT WILL PASS..HAVE FAITH IN YOURSELF AND KNOW THAT U CAN DO IT!! stay well hunny and dont give up:D

nsd_user663_20815 profile image

Just wanted to check in to say a great big THANKS to you all...

I didn't give in, so now I am feeling quite proud of myself :)

Its been a nightmare the last 2 days and just think my head has been all ovcer the place but i'm hoping for a better day tomorrow...Fingers crossed

Thanks so so much guys


nsd_user663_4625 profile image

You go girl :D

Gaynor xx

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