1 Year....Done and Dusted: WOW THE PENTHOUSE... - No Smoking Day

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1 Year....Done and Dusted

nsd_user663_2040 profile image
35 Replies

WOW THE PENTHOUSE :D Dee you have done a grand job!

Champix got me started, but it was this forum and sheer bloody mindedness that got me here. TODAY I FEEL I HAVE DONE QUITTING AND AM NOW QUIT....

There are plenty posts chronicling my journey...nausea, pain, paranoia, despair, enlightenment but above all lots of laugher courtesy of the many friends I have met on this forum not least the amazing Octoquits. To any newbie's reading feel free to trawl the many laughs along the way, clipboards, bullets, slippers, suitcases, a lot of wine and at one point a video camera featured I believe......:eek:

Everyone has been great but a few specials;

Jack my quit twin....delighted not to win or loose that bet ...thanks for the monthly check ins....lots of love and luck to you and yours my lovely....x

Pol and Christine...it has been a blast. Pol...thanks for the wine and the cushions, and Christine.... thanks for never giving up the bullet...love you both...xx

Kat & Co....you and my "Angel of the North" have given me so much support these last few weeks I will never forget your kindness & loyalty…..thanks and hugs xx

Bradders....Thanks for the kick, the advice and the consistent support. I started running to prove YOU wrong and I keep running to prove ME wrong.........still my hero..x

What's next??......first 10k in Nov then train for the Great North Run in September 2011. Me ?? ....the woman who wouldn't exercise for 25 years in case she broke a nail is going to run a half marathon for charity at 49....If anyone had predicted that would be my penthouse post I would have choked on my Champix. But it is, and I am very proud. :D

Advice..... I don't have much, everyone's quit is personal and whatever works for you do it. But take one day at a time....you will get there. Being a non smoker is a whole new way of life, embrace it. Believe me it is so worth it.

My room in the Penthouse had a design change. Out with the wine, chocolates, shoes, beauty products and Alan Rickman as my personal butler....

Now a fully equipped gym, a health bar, kit room and Alan Rickman as my personal masseuse...WELL...I've not changed that much ;)!!!!!!

Lots of sweet smelling love....Lorna xxxxxxxx

Slàinte mhòr agus a h-uile beannachd duibh, mo chairdean choir

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nsd_user663_2040 profile image
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35 Replies
nsd_user663_3117 profile image

Dear Lorna

What a fantastic post - truly inspiring for newer quitters! I can't wait to feel like you do (only 10+ months to go :eek:), I really applaud you all.

Jane x

nsd_user663_5956 profile image

:cool:Lorna, a massive well done on 12 months quit

You have kept us all in control with your whacky clipboard, cajoled, smiled, cried with me for one and I really appreciate all your effort.

WOW girl, keep up the running and I will be the first to sponsor you next year for your great North run, truly inspiring.

Enjoy the Penthouse my lovely girl you deserve every minute.

By the way have ordered you a new masseur, details to follow.

Dee xxxx

nsd_user663_5956 profile image

Just had to interview a few masseurs, think this one should be OK his credentials are ok.


nsd_user663_4149 profile image

Well done Lorna on your first year, all downhill now isn't it.


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Lorna :D

Many commentsyard.com/graphics/c... on reaching the penthouse

I know it wasn't always easy for you but you stuck with it well done

Love and Hugs

Marg xxx

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

A wonderful day for a wonderful person :cool:

Big BIG CONGRATS Lorna on your first year smoke free.

You were, and always will be one of the most fun and supportive members of our group :) The fun we had some evenings early on in our quits, one night in particular ...... you were away from home on business. I think you must have emptied the room supplies of wine :cool:

Sharing this quit journey with you and the rest of the Octo's has been a joy. The pleasure and pain you dished out equally thanks to the clipboard and the wine will always be a treasured memory. Bumps, bruises and scarring almost gone, thanks for asking.

Have a great day Lorna and enjoy the deserved reward, whatever it turns out to be. You may even find yourself rummaging around in second hand record shops for a certain single from the 70's ..........:D

But I'll save you the trouble .............

Hit me if you dare .....

Love Pol


nsd_user663_14114 profile image


You are such an inspiration to me, and all the other who are yet to reach your milestone.

I cannot wait to move into the penthouse..only 9+ months to go!!

jackieinv profile image

Great big Well Done Lorna on reaching your special day. Enjoy every minute and keep the laughs coming on the forum, I enjoy the fun from you and your Octo mates.

Best wishes for your run.


nsd_user663_1719 profile image


Yay Lorna! I always knew you could do it, and I'd forgotten about those slippers! :D

See you in a couple of days!:p

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

A proud lady I see on such a special day & quite rightly so...How good are you Lorna, 1 whole year gone.... all gone & not up in smoke:), a cool quit youve got going , this days for you, a proper inspiration you are, well done Lorna J :)


nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Meal a naidheachd* from me...another Penthouse resident!! Isn't that great!!!

Well done, Lorna.


*Nope, I don't speak Gaelic but then google has so much info

nsd_user663_2040 profile image


Thanks you all very much for your congrats yesterday....it really did feel a special day and made the last 365 worth every minute.

Jane & Claire....I have no doubt you will join us next year and if I have helped in anyway then I feel very honoured. I am passing the clipboard to Tinks at the end of the month so she will keep you all in line...:eek:

Dave, Jackie, Cav...you guys have always been here...Cav, "ur" or "do" rather than "a" but I appreciate the sentiment. (sorry couldn't resist..:p..lol)

Marg...meant the world to see you yesterday...:)...xx

MCW.....tomorrow!!!!! Dee....I am so looking forward to your year.

Pol....it was the train not the wine honest!! Thanks for Debbie...and diamonds were my reward.....;)

Kat....good to see you Hun, lv and speak soon..xx

thanks again......Lorna xxxx

Cyprien profile image

Well done on the year - and I'm full of admiration about the running. Good luck with it.


nsd_user663_5972 profile image

That's me blubbing...what a great post Lorna

You are huge support to others and me for that I thank you.

I am so proud and pleased for you...


Oh and by all means I will accept the clipboard but your shoes are big shoes to fill but I will do my best

Lots of love

Tinks x :)

nsd_user663_4149 profile image

The post from Fiona has gone missing Lorna, poor old thing is distraught over it. I'm sure she will be here grovelling later on.

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Yep. My computer skills are getting worse not better with use!

Well done Lorna. Brilliant to see you hit the 1 year. Big cyber applause from me xxx

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Yep. My computer skills are getting worse not better with use!

Well done Lorna. Brilliant to see you hit the 1 year. Big cyber applause from me xxx

Fi, your phone skills *cough cough* with the exception of pics, more than compensate.

Love the reward Lorna :cool:

Clipboard with new owner ...... couldn't have gone to a better new owner.

Tinks, I hope you were warned of the extra sharp corner for clipping the odd ear? It's been sharpened to within an mm of it's life ;) I know :mad:!!

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Phone skills??????...I wont ask???? Thx ladies...:)

Hey settle....it has the rest of the month in my hands....it will be handed over on 31st....the end of the Octo years and the start of Tinks third month.:D

As for the shoes....is she saying I have big feet....:eek:

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

*Nope, I don't speak Gaelic but then google has so much info

...Cav, "ur" or "do" rather than "a" but I appreciate the sentiment. (sorry couldn't resist..:p..lol)

Luckily I qualified my source as well as expressed a total lack of knowledge.... :p back atcha.

Dave, Jackie, Cav...you guys have always been here

Yup, we are nearly always here...whatcha see is whatcha get :eek:;)

Enjoy this 2nd year of freedom...it does just get better and better.


nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Phone skills??????...I wont ask???? Thx ladies...:)

Hey settle....it has the rest of the month in my hands....it will be handed over on 31st....the end of the Octo years and the start of Tinks third month.:D

As for the shoes....is she saying I have big feet....:eek:

No idea if Tinks is saying you have big feet ............. I do recall Christine saying you did.

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

No idea if Tinks is saying you have big feet ............. I do recall Christine saying you did.

But that was only because she wanted Frenchy's collection of Jimmy Choos...as it turned out Christine had bigger feet and Frenchy and I were the same size....Now given that I am 6" taller than Christine surely SHE has the big feet....

Strange but true....all the running...dropped 1/2 shoe size...mad..:cool:

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

So that then proves that little women do have something big and real to offer whereas little men, don't?

Ah, the Jimmy Choos ..... that particular post/convo is coming back to me :D Wasn't that around the time Christine's hubbie mentioned video camera? ;)

Atomicguy profile image


Brilliant news - andn what a fantastic post.

Not bad here is it?

You and the Octo quits have been great. Its so good to see you so positive at 1 year quit.

And yes - you are now quit!




nsd_user663_2040 profile image

So that then proves that little women do have something big and real to offer whereas little men, don't?

Ah, the Jimmy Choos ..... that particular post/convo is coming back to me :D Wasn't that around the time Christine's hubbie mentioned video camera? ;)

LOL....I remembered....Quality...

Video Thread

This was another vintage.....the Gate thread...

Gate Thread

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Well done Lorna on your one whole year smoke free, you are a great role model for so many on the forum me included, I hope that you will run right past the finish line with no sprains or strains, have a great second year of smoke free.

I have to agree that my feet have got smaller since I quit??? or is it that my belly has got bigger so I can see less of them LOL joking size 5s here xx

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

LOL....I remembered....Quality...

Video Thread

This was another vintage.....the Gate thread...

Gate Thread

Ha-ha, brilliant reading back on those, really was :D

nsd_user663_5956 profile image


Brings back lots of memories, have you heard from Christine lately, she is due in the Penthouse this week along with JJ and of course you sweetheart, wow.

Dee xx:);):)

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

JJ's Will....

Remember...JJ's death post and the fight over her houses....

Dee...I had texts from Christine yesterday she is great and will be here this week.....I also heard from Frenchy last week and hopefully she will be around on Wednesday as well.


nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Oh crap .............. I think I'm gonna have to get in some hankies :p

Jj and those bloody ankles and the fight for her houses :cool:

JJ got the Pity Reward one month didn't she? :D You even put up a picture of her medal you cow ......... oooops! sorry? meant Gobby Person! :p

Somehow I remember that Christine, yet again, came off better......maybe with all properties......... in Ireland, Norway and the South Coast.

hahahah the blind veterans with their bow and arrow lessons.

nsd_user663_5812 profile image

well done Sis

Thanks for the support, you have been a rock to me and so many others even when you have had your times of struggle.

Thanks and a year doesnt mean wandering off ....stay in touch !!!!

Jack X|Xx

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

I'm here, late but here.

Apologises as I've been away for the week-end (you all know I am the holiday queen) but I did text our Lorna on Saturday to tell her she was my rock and I am very proud of her.

Lorna - You were my strength when I needed it, especially around that 6 month mark (when I was thinking about turning into a serial killer!) However my head still hurts from being hit by that bloody clip board! Right, do we have wine??

It is a pleasure to call you my friend.

Proud of you honey xx

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Lorna ..... done and dusted and always smiling :cool:

The final clear up .....



nsd_user663_2040 profile image


usually comes before the bucket........:rolleyes:


nsd_user663_5920 profile image

You rebel rebel, you :p

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

You rebel rebel, you :p

loud and proud

Not what you're looking for?