Why today?: First day of week 6 and I want to... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Why today?

nsd_user663_8873 profile image
18 Replies

First day of week 6 and I want to smoke more than any other day so far!! Why?

Nothing's p'd me off today (any more than usual) and it's as miserable as sin outside so I certainly wouldn't choose to be outside tabbin' - but hell yeah, I want one.

Am I punishing myself for having an easy quit so far? Just under 4 weeks on patches and nicotine free for 11 days with no real problem and here I am now obsessed with having 'just one'!!

I see posts on here about people having 'blips' or whatever you wanna call it and hearing how horrible it was and it's reinforced their quit!! I even tell people plenty of times to view their blip as a positive if that's how it's made them feel - I don't really don't need to do this to know how horrid it is.

I've already had a cornish pasty this morning as a little treat to take my mind of it - wish I'd bought 2 now! Gym later I think...

Just needed to write my thoughts down.

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nsd_user663_8873 profile image
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18 Replies
nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Hi Chris,

Sorry you are having one of 'those days'. They just come from nowhere to bite you on the bum when you have been walking the path relatively smoothly hey. That ol' nicodemon does like to try his just one whispering from time to time. A last ditch attempt to get you to swerve of the path. Mentally give him a shove, stamp on him, beat him black & blue. He'll leave you alone then ;)

Go on, beat the c**p out of him :eek:

Gaynor xx

nsd_user663_8873 profile image


Jeeze Gaynor, sounding a little violent there - lol !!!

I'll be sure to give him a real good seeing to should he manage to dig his way out of the cornish pasties. Smoking is definitely not an option tho. Just one of those days and good to write it down.


nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Only towards the Nicodemon ;)

That's it, suffocate him in cornish pasties, can't hear him then :D

G x

nsd_user663_8876 profile image

mmm... cornish pasty eh?

nsd_user663_8873 profile image


oh yeah....

proper cornish pasty......

perfect pastry................... go treat yourself...

(have to pretend I'm still hungry when I go home for lunch in 1/2 hour)

nsd_user663_8876 profile image

Trust me i could ravish one right now and it wouldn't touch the sides :eek: but the problem is i can't open my mouth wide enough at the moment to eat one lol.

*sulks off to heat up parsnip soup*

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Trust me i could ravish one right now and it wouldn't touch the sides :eek: but the problem is i can't open my mouth wide enough at the moment to eat one lol.

*sulks off to heat up parsnip soup*

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I dream of parsnip soup and wouldnt consider soiling my mouth with Cornish Pasty, sob sob sob I lie so much just lately that I scare myself.

I dont here the nicodemon any more to busy hearing the choccy bar every where I going screaming eat me eat me its driving me nut whole hazle nuts cover them in chocolate grrrrrrrrrrr

It will go I promise but dont let the food demons in the back door while you are shoving the nicodemon out the front cause they are harder to shift cause they get comfy on the sofa and if you get comfy with them you will be lard ar*ed to it LOL Happy quit xx

nsd_user663_8873 profile image

Food is the answer....

Man I love parsnip soup (although not quite as much as pasties). Bet you could manage a liquidised one angel?

Hope your mouth gets better soon, meanwhile jamangie & me will be gorging ourselves on pies & chocolate.... :o

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

meanwhile jamangie & me will be gorging ourselves on pies & chocolate.... :o

:eek: Don't you dare Jamangie, I'll tell :p

G x

nsd_user663_8123 profile image

they happen Chris

Although, you're off subject completely by now and got everyone drooling at the thought of a nice warm cornish pasty, i had one of those horrible days sneaking up on me last week. Not pleasant at the time, but it passed!

Right, lunch - where's the nearest pasty shop!! :D

nsd_user663_8676 profile image

Hi Chris

Really sorry you are having a bad day and the weather is terrible (I was up most of the night with the sound of the wind battering everything outside – looks like Armageddon out there)

Despite that I am feeling strong and am happy to pass some over – here you go :D

Staying strong together - OK?

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Hi Steph,

So glad to read you are feeling strong & happy despite a sleepless night.

Long may it continue (the strong, happy bit I mean ;))

Gaynor xx

nsd_user663_8873 profile image

Good day...

Hey Steph,. not been a bad day really and being on here has made me smile quite a lot (is there a thread left on the site where I haven't mentioned cornish pasties today?) It's certainly taken my mind off my earlier thoughts.

If you are available later tho I may need a hand getting my fat ass outta this chair? :o

Windy as hell here, should burn a few calories biking home :)

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

(is there a thread left on the site where I haven't mentioned cornish pasties today?)


Ummmmmmmm, no.

Only kidding :p Anything that takes our minds off smoking is a good thing ;)

G xx

nsd_user663_8873 profile image

It's you...... not me Gaynor !!!

It's not me stalking you at all Gaynor. I've just realised it's you hiding and waiting for me then jumping out infront of me - lol


nsd_user663_4625 profile image

It's not me stalking you at all Gaynor. I've just realised it's you hiding and waiting for me then jumping out infront of me - lol


ohhhhhh, hoped you wouldn't notice. Can only jump now I have found all this energy from not smoking :D

G x

nsd_user663_8676 profile image

Hi Steph,

So glad to read you are feeling strong & happy despite a sleepless night.

Long may it continue (the strong, happy bit I mean ;))

Gaynor xx

Hi Gaynor

I hope this wind settles down a bit - I've just been to the bank and it is still really scary out there. Glad I don't have to stand outside for a ciggie. I passed a guy standing outside the pub trying to light up - it was really funny :) I shouldn't laugh - that could have been me 6 weeks ago :eek:

I hope you're doing OK?

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Gosh, hope the wind dies down soon for you then. Looks windy here but only been out to the bin :p

I'm glad I don't have to brave the weather for a ciggie anymore as well, another positive of being a non smoker me thinks ;)

I am good thanks for asking, quit going well, 38 days today. Still hate getting up & knowing I can't have a ciggie or 3 but then I don't like getting up anyway!

G xx

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