Help !!: I am trying to give up. I am on... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Help !!

nsd_user663_8998 profile image
12 Replies

I am trying to give up. I am on patches but keep sneaking a ciggie. I am on about 3 a day but just don't have the willpower to kick the habit completely. My partner has given up to. He is on champix and is doing really well. It is so so hard. I have never been on any forums and don't really know how they work, but am hoping I will find some help from you good people to stay strong !!

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nsd_user663_8998 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi Vinnie

I disagree you do have the wilpower or you wouldnt be on here you would just be smoking end of story, you have taken the step that is most important ie you have started using the patches and you are only smoking a couple a day which is not ideal but you have taken the first step and now all you need to do is instead of smoking those 2/3 cigs a day sit down close your eyes and imagine that you have already done the deed ie smoked the cig for the amount you are smoking to the point of smoking 0 is not as hard as the giant step from being a full timer to nearly stopped, I promise within a few days you will find it soo much easier, this site and all the support you need is here for you, so NOW you are a none smoker xxx

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Vinnie :)

3 a day is better than 20 but none would be even better than that of course which is what you want and why you're here of course

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and give all new members

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathising with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

This link is good for the psychological part of quitting

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK



nsd_user663_8999 profile image

Hi Vinnie

Third time trying to quit for me. I'm on Champix this time which is making the ciggies taste foul. My quit date is Sunday.

I've had one ciggy so far today - so like you am on the brink of being a non-smoker. Keep going :D & feel free to shout at me if I waver! ;)

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Vesper Trust me I will LOL

nsd_user663_8998 profile image

Thanks guys !!

I can't believe you guys have come back so quick. By the way, it says i am a junior member...don't know why...I am knocking on 40 although I wish I was a junior still. If I was I would NEVER have started smoking in the first place. I have only had two today and normally I would have had about 10 so I suppose its a start. It is just so hard. I never realised how much cigs take over your life..until now when I am trying so hard not to have one !!

nsd_user663_8999 profile image

Vesper Trust me I will LOL

Thanks LOL! I know there will be points when I need it!

nsd_user663_8999 profile image

I can't believe you guys have come back so quick. By the way, it says i am a junior member...don't know why...I am knocking on 40 although I wish I was a junior still. If I was I would NEVER have started smoking in the first place. I have only had two today and normally I would have had about 10 so I suppose its a start. It is just so hard. I never realised how much cigs take over your life..until now when I am trying so hard not to have one !!

Yup - I look back at my school days and think "what on earth was I doing letting myself get addictied to this ^*(^?!"

I just went to the shop to get some milk and saw 6 people in a 5 min walk smoking! I think you just notice it more when you're consciously trying to quit!

nsd_user663_8995 profile image

Hi Vinnie- I'm just into my third week and very much being helped by Champix (though it's not recommended for everyone).

The thing is I'm starting to get really excited at the prospect of actually being free of this thing. I don't know if you feel the same or why you want to stop, but for me, the thing that gets me down as a smoker is being a slave to something... not being able to make choices without taking into account my smoking habit.

Good luck and keep giving up... hopefully we'll all get to that place where we aren't reliant on tobacco anymore


nsd_user663_8599 profile image

Your doing great...

The worst thing you can do is beat yourself up. Be proud of yourself for what your doing, what we are all doing is the best decision of our lives. Every individual has his or her own struggles during the quit, some different than others. Today is day 21 for me, quit cold turkey and this forum is the best thing I could have ever stumbled across. This is my 3rd attempt to quit. I continue to remind myself daily that I control me, not the cigs.. I remind myself WHY I quit. My reasons. Thats what helps me, not sure if that helps you out, but I hope it does. Im not sure what the rules are on this forum about religion but Im going to say, whenever I have a craving I PRAY through it. For the strengh and willpower to be delivered from this stronghold. Well, Vinnie I could go on and on. Im a I hope you continue to fight this good fight. Hang in there and keep your head up.;)


nsd_user663_8998 profile image

thanks guys

The craving..the craving...I want one soo bad. If only I could turn back time. I started 23 years ago cause I wanted to be "cool" like my mates. Its definately NOT cool and a swine to give up but thanks for your support. I think i will be logging on regularly to let you know how I am doing and see how you are doing. By the way, although I am called "Vinnie"..I am a girl !! LOL

nsd_user663_8599 profile image

THATS FUNNY. Up until I posted a picture of myself alot of people thought that I Zanadoo was a My name is Maria and I am a girl. LOL ...Its hard to tell by some of the names used? :confused:

nsd_user663_7435 profile image

can be done

Hi Vinnie

I'm a little ahead of you - day 5. I was terrified about the day I went without and did the whole cutting down thing for ages. In the end, the first three days were, not easy, definitely not, but nowhere near as hard as i thought they would be. I think I've read someone on here saying anticipating quitting is almost worse than actually doing it! I think if you can cut down to 3 a day, you're nearly there.

Good luck!


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