Octos March Roll Call: WOW, end of another... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Octos March Roll Call

nsd_user663_2040 profile image
95 Replies

WOW, end of another month (ok it was the sneaky short one) but haven't we all done well.

Month 5 seems to have had mixed feelings around the group, but a few of us have turned the corner...or gone round the bend.:D Those of us that are round the bend all experienced a black and difficult time right before it...so for anyone feeling that in month 5, don't despair and stick with it.

I for one have taken great delight in being able to finally say with total honesty to those starting out IT DOES GET BETTER.. :D:D

So to all of you lovely people who kicked the weed into touch (notice the rugby terminology) in October 09...hands up and shout "HERE MISS" and I will tick you off on the clipboard. Christine and Pol and standing by to round up any tardy responces..:eek:

Love and hugs....xx

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nsd_user663_2040 profile image
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95 Replies
nsd_user663_5649 profile image


True it does get better! I have the odd thought about the stick but I think I'm getting there now, I love saying things like "sorry I don't smoke" when asked for a lighter or tick the non smoking box on forms! :D

2010 is definitely a new start for me in all sorts of ways and I started it as a non smoker with MASSIVE help from this forum and especially you Lorna ;)

nsd_user663_5557 profile image

Still here. Waiting for it to get easier.

jackieinv profile image

This is great, watching you all go into month five and still willing each other on big style. You are such a fun bunch you give me loads of laughs, wishing you all many many more smoke-free months.


nsd_user663_5920 profile image

I'm here :) Not round the bend yet but there's hope ;)

I'm kind of knowing it's getting better but a lot better as opposed to a bit better would be good.

KTBird, good for you for keeping going and still waiting. Hope you 'see' it better soon too.

nsd_user663_5977 profile image

Hi im here and tomorrow will be month 5

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Something I have noticed these last few days........

When my OH has a rollie and I'm in the room with him, particularly the smaller study, it smells really dry and acrid, leaves a foul 'taste' at the back of my throat .......... up until recently, it's still smelt sort of nice and tempting in a very low way. Now it (and he) smells like the 'proverbial' old ashtray than people who have never smoked mention I guess.

It's good to finally begin to dislike the smell and find, in a small environment anyway, that my lip and nose are curling up and this is helping strengthen my quit and reasons for staying quit.

Hmmmmm, I posted earlier about not noticing an improved sense of either smell or taste............ :confused::) May I am.

nsd_user663_5971 profile image

Here Miss - so pleased and proud to be able to say that .....

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

I am here (after a 48 hour hang over) and still round the bend, yeah!

Humour back - tick

Diet working - tick

Cravings easy to control - tick

Hopeing my fellow gorgeous Octo lot are soon able to do the above tick list.

Happy 5th month people, bloody hell never thought we would make it.:)

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Something I have noticed these last few days........

When my OH has a rollie and I'm in the room with him, particularly the smaller study, it smells really dry and acrid, leaves a foul 'taste' at the back of my throat .......... up until recently, it's still smelt sort of nice and tempting in a very low way. Now it (and he) smells like the 'proverbial' old ashtray than people who have never smoked mention I guess.

It's good to finally begin to dislike the smell and find, in a small environment anyway, that my lip and nose are curling up and this is helping strengthen my quit and reasons for staying quit.

Hmmmmm, I posted earlier about not noticing an improved sense of either smell or taste............ :confused::) May I am.

In my humble opinion, I think anyone who is trying to quit while their OH is still smoking is BLOODY fantastic and a better person than me. Honestly I don't think I would have made it this far if DH smoked.

Proud of you my lovely, you are my hero. That bend is near.:D

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

I am here (after a 48 hour hang over) and still round the bend, yeah!

Humour back - tick

Diet working - tick

Cravings easy to control - tick

Hopeing my fellow gorgeous Octo lot are soon able to do the above tick list.

Happy 5th month people, bloody hell never thought we would make it.:)

Hmmm....honestly some people just cant follow simply instructions..."Here Miss" two words, not difficult, once a month, but no, some people just like to bend procedures....tut tut

taps foot and roll eyes :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Oh oh, does Christine of the humble opinion and hangover get a clip?

(thanks Christine by the way :)) - Now duck :p

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Did I mention the serial killer thing??????

Here Miss:D

Pol, you know we could take her if we wanted;)

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Did I mention the serial killer thing??????

Here Miss:D

Pol, you know we could take her if we wanted;)

You could but you love me far too much .....:D:D

you may have the bullet but no gun remember...I have clipboard and in the right hands this is a lethal weapon...


nsd_user663_5920 profile image

A serial killer with only one bullet? ;)

And yes we could, easy peasy. So just don't get to cocky there Lorna :p

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

A serial killer with only one bullet? ;)

And yes we could, easy peasy. So just don't get to cocky there Lorna :p

1 bullet, no gun but a large axe:D

Trouble is we do love Lorna:o (but we could still take her).

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Yeh Yeh...every month I hear the same old thing!!!!

Maybe one day if you actually get here first on the last day of the month, steal the clipboard and start checking everyone in....

Then you can say you've taken me...till then, get back in line ladies :D:D


nsd_user663_5920 profile image

But you see Lorna, we'd take you in the nicest way possible ........ and probably loose ourselves in the sharing....


Chocolate and wine? You'd never resist us turning up with that little lot ;)

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

But you see Lorna, we'd take you in the nicest way possible ........ and probably loose ourselves in the sharing....


Chocolate and wine? You'd never resist us turning up with that little lot



nsd_user663_5649 profile image

yummy ooooooooooooh that looks sooooooo good

nsd_user663_6090 profile image


nsd_user663_2658 profile image

hello octos. I'm still hanging in there. Glad to see you all. Yes, it does get easier. Had dinner with someone who has been quit for 6 years, and she says now she doubts she would go back even if she found out she had an incurable disease. (Don't tell me you've not thought it, lol).

I don't have the 'odd craving' as some of you seem to; instead, I wax lyrical about my weekend evenings with my wine and fags and how great it all was. It is more like feeling that I lost my lifestyle. I know that that is stupid and horrible -- basically a drug addict's lifestyle!! That is what I have to tell myself. Whateve I need to do to replace the fags (exercise, for instance) is what I need to do; doing back to fags is not the answer. I still feel empty and in need of something much of the time, and I don't know to do about it still -- but I refuse to fill it with fags.

Cyprien profile image

Hi All,

Present and correct.

Am I moving into Month Six now? Think so, because March will be the sixth month of no- smoking.

Haven't we all done well?


nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hi Sue..... :)

Yes, we wave you off again and you move on up into 6 Month room.

We've lost some folk along the way but are still good and strong with a good number left.

It's spring and you get to move and get Month 6 all spring cleaned for us ;)

nsd_user663_5598 profile image

Here miss!

Not much in the way of cravings anymore but still miserable as sin!! Nothing seems to be going right and the latest was the text from OH saying they'd had a tsunami warning where he was. Well, I think 5 months of tears nearly caused a tsunami in my area!!!

After taking over 2 years for a complete overhaul of the house (what an effing nightmare it's been...workman ggggrrrrrrr)

Anyway, jobsworth himself turned up with new sofas Wednesday, shortly after my old ones had been taken away. Handed him a cheque for the balance and nope, he couldn't take cheques. Cards only and the card had to be seen as well so hubby couldn't give details over the phone. Off they went with cheque and will return with sofas once said cheque has cleared. So...that's me, in my bare sitting room (new wood floor still to be laid so it's just concrete at the moment!!) on a sun lounger watching tv. The hallway floor is still concrete as well but the tiles are being laid on the 8th, if he turns up! And don't get me even started on effing decorators, plasterers and plumbers. Of course, they all think they're the bees knees when in fact I'd probably make a better job than the majority of them!!!! I thought for once I'd let someone else take the strain....hahahahahaha effing ha!!!!!!!

Apart from that, everything's fine!

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Glad to here you are having such an easy time of it JJ :rolleyes:...I mean some of us have put on a pound last week after exercsing and dieting like crazy ....:eek:

Pol, I nominate JJ for the February pity me prize...she has worked damn hard for it....

Chin up Hun (Christine do not say which one, JJ has enough to worry about)


nsd_user663_5598 profile image

Sorry about that...I didn't mean to get so carried away!!! That's why I'm not posting much, nothing cheerful to say really. No matter what happened in the past I always used to think I was lucky compared to alot of people around the world but can't even get my head round that at the mo!

But I'll accept the prize anyway thanks and come back when the drugs kick in :o

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

JJ, is it to late to ring the company and see if you can do a bank transfer, fast payment, which would clear same day? That's if you have on line banking that is. Waiting for funds to clear from a cheque is going to take days.

Meanwhile, we'll come round and throw you a pity party....... we'll bring cushions and charis as well as chocolate and wine :cool:

Get yourself out and about in the sun today. It's a lovely blue sky above me, hope it's as good in Brighton.

Post if you want and don't worry about how those posts might come across. If we can help, we'll help and if it helps you feel better for posting, then sod it, go for it :) If you don't want to post on the main boards, then post in our group area.

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

....and if that fails we will come round and do the work ourselves....

BTW....is Brad still in your cellar ;);)

L xx

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Hey Duck good to see you.

Julie - I felt that way last month, really thought I had something missing but much better now.

JJ - I love you and I am giggling at your misfortunate (in a nice way). How are the ankles??

Sue - 5 full months of not smoking today, well done my love.:D

nsd_user663_1719 profile image

Ooops nearly forgot to reply!

*sticks hand up eagerly*

HERE MISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

nsd_user663_5812 profile image

im stll in x

nsd_user663_5956 profile image

Here Miss - Just.......

Hi All, I am in complete sympathy with JJ, still feel bl...y miserable and tearful, have conjunctivitis and my right leg and foot are all swollen and blood pressure now gone through the roof. So am trying to give up the wine as well as the fags all a girls treats gone now.

Sorry girls (and Dave and Jack) like JJ did not want to post negaitively again, so will disappear back in my hole again.

So pleased to read that some of you have turned the corner and started feeling better, just praying I am a few weeks behind you as I could drive down to the village and buy some baccy as easy as !!!!!

Take care you lovely people.

Dee xxxxxx

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Dee, lovely to hear from you. Don't you dare disappear back away in your black hole again.

Keep posting (sod what others think) or pm me......... I may not always reply in a timely manner as I'm busy with work and home stuff atm, but I've wide shoulders, a good ear and your one of my first reasons here, that enforced my quit.

And anyway, you can't go buying another tin and stuff....... it wouldn't be the same and you've laid your original baccy tin and gubbings to rest .... it's history sweetheart.

Things will improve........... we don't always know when but they will, and bit by bit, they do


nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Dee....dont leave us please...so sorry you are having such a hard time....if it helps 3 weeks ago I was at the ends of despair but out of nowhere the sun shone and I suddenly got my life back.

Its not negative it just asking some mates for support....if you lot had not given that to me throughout the mouth abscess saga and the depression and the breathlessness etc etc etc....

You have now done 4 complete months and hopefully month 5 will see a change....keeping everything crossed for you

hugs xx

nsd_user663_5956 profile image

Pol and Lorna

Thank you both so much for lovely replies and I promise I will stay in touch.

This quit is a real bugger isnt it, have to say that in devonian ,

"reeeeel buggerrrrrrr aint it me handsome" . I was feeling so much better 3 weeks ago and thought I had cracked it and then slowly gone down hill since then. Went to Falmouth for OH`s conference at weekend and spent most if it trying to hide away as it was such an effort to be cheerful. I help OH in conference office which I enjoy and kept longingly looking at others smoking outside, but when I smelt it it was foul.

Its the depression and tears I cant stand much longer. Not feeling well does not help as Lorna will know, just want this to pass quickly before I give in.

Thanks Pol and Lorna and so pleased you are both getting there.

Dee xxxxxx

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Here Miss - Just.......

Hi All, I am in complete sympathy with JJ, still feel bl...y miserable and tearful, have conjunctivitis and my right leg and foot are all swollen and blood pressure now gone through the roof. So am trying to give up the wine as well as the fags all a girls treats gone now.

Sorry girls (and Dave and Jack) like JJ did not want to post negaitively again, so will disappear back in my hole again.

So pleased to read that some of you have turned the corner and started feeling better, just praying I am a few weeks behind you as I could drive down to the village and buy some baccy as easy as !!!!!

Take care you lovely people.

Dee xxxxxx

Hi Dee

We have all posted negetive posts as we all know this is really hard, but we do understand. Frankly my love this is not the right time for you to give up wine, pour a large one.

Take care

nsd_user663_2040 profile image


OK enough already....

Too happy....moan moan moan

Too sad.......moan moan moan

Too sarky....moan moan moan

Too painful...moan moan moan

Too silly.....moan moan moan

I may just have to start wacking people...:mad:


nsd_user663_5401 profile image


OK enough already....

Too happy....moan moan moan

Too sad.......moan moan moan

Too sarky....moan moan moan

Too painful...moan moan moan

Too silly.....moan moan moan

I may just have to start wacking people...:mad:



Oh you little minx you!! Take your clipboard to the main board and wack when ready! However the Octo lot have managed to have breakdowns with at least style. xx

nsd_user663_2040 profile image


Oh you little minx you!! Take your clipboard to the main board and wack when ready! However the Octo lot have managed to have breakdowns with at least style. xx

Indeed the Octos have style...(there are other support groups with style available)...don't want to offend anyone.

However, this thread my contain scenes of hilarity, tears, wine, chocolate, shoes, handbags, fat, calories, violence, loud music and strob lighting....


Sorry I forgot NUTS....may contain traces of Nuts...

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

What do you mean calories, oh my lord what calories (jumping up and down on the spot trying to burn the calories). You never mentioned calories before!! Right I'm leaving.......

See nervous breakdown with style!! Does my arse look fat in this?:eek:

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

What do you mean calories, oh my lord what calories (jumping up and down on the spot trying to burn the calories). You never mentioned calories before!! Right I'm leaving.......

See nervous breakdown with style!! Does my arse look fat in this?:eek:


stay behind the bar where no one can see your arse...:eek:

Dont jump up and down too hard you will damage the floor and we have another month to do in this room...:p


nsd_user663_5401 profile image

You are horrible to me, you don't care about me it's all me, me, me with you!! Well you can take your clip board and bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep

Note to board Christine has been taken away for her own good

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Strob lightening? ;) Never came across that one in my days of watching men dancing around handbags and women revving up their m'bikes.

Great pic Lorna, so apt .......... oh, getting a little 'edgy' their girl..... careful with those emotions now:eek: :D

Hey, Lorna and Christine...

I have found the perfect bike for you two ride and throw insults at me whilst I run my mile to the pub.


nsd_user663_2040 profile image

You are horrible to me, you don't care about me it's all me, me, me with you!! Well you can take your clip board and bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep

Note to board Christine has been taken away for her own good

Don't think you can get away that easily.. This is the Octoquits group...like Hotel California...you can checkout any time you like, but you can never leave.


nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Love it Pol

Christine has the devil horns though not me....never me

You are picking on me now aren't you

I may just have to leave, its because I'm blonde isn't it...I'm 48 you know I've been told this before...sob sob sob


nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Note to board - Pol is going to run a mile and Lorna and I are going to ride our bikes and shout at her (as in Rocky)!!

Lorna you are a scary woman and for some reason I picture you as the female Jack Nicholson with an axe, scary!!;)

I'm sorry for my outburst, I never liked children when I was one so I will stop acting like one!

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

48, 48 (nice one, I think they fell for that):D

Now it's war!

nsd_user663_2040 profile image


I'm coming to get you.....:eek::eek:

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

48, 48 (nice one, I think they fell for that):D

Now it's war!

LOL.....actually I'm only 47 I forgot....


nsd_user663_5920 profile image

It's definitely Lorna with the horns and who, worryingly fits the female Jack Nicholson (Who by the way is just DDS, knock off a few years though pls) scary person role rather well :eek:

Note to board.......... it's a 1 mile run to the pub for a pie and a pint and a lift home. It's not for charity, it's for me and my competitive nature.... others can do it so why not me?

Hahaha, I spent a whole year a while back thinking I was a year older than I was thanks to a dopey Aunt. Actually, it was me that was dopey wasn't it? I believed her :confused:

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

I do it every year...come January I think I am the age I will be on my boirthday in May (31st so you can sent flowers)..

Then on my birthday in May (31st dont forget the flowers) I add another year on.

So next year in May (31st I love roses) I will think I'm 50 and get miffed that no one has remembered.

Middle age eh:rolleyes::rolleyes:

nsd_user663_6596 profile image




nsd_user663_2040 profile image




Come in, sit down, relax and have a large glass...red or white your choice my lovely.

Foot massage on its way, some St Johns Wort and a extra large bar of chocolate.

So sorry about that Hun...you of all people on here did not deserve that.


nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Indeed Zozie.... Boing. You boing where ever you want and if it brings a smile to someones face then it's all worth it hun :)

Lorna........ we are women (along with men who live with women *ooops*) and you do not need to drop so many obvious bloody hints on what flowers/shrubs/plants/trees you want giving you.

Steady on there woman......... you just might end up with tan coloured slippers (a wear worse than death)

It's marked on my calendar :rolleyes: I WILL not forget......... :cool:

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Indeed Zozie.... Boing. You boing where ever you want and if it brings a smile to someones face then it's all worth it hun :)

Lorna........ we are women (along with men who live with women *ooops*) and you do not need to drop so many obvious bloody hints on what flowers/shrubs/plants/trees you want giving you.

Steady on there woman......... you just might end up with tan coloured slippers (a wear worse than death)

It's marked on my calendar :rolleyes: I WILL not forget......... :cool:

NO NOT MORE SLIPPERS....the blue ones still wink at me every night from the floor in the wardrobe..he has never even asked why I don't wear them....men

So now you know....I'm a Gemini...bet that explains a lot..

Zozie...need a top up before Pol drinks it all or Christine steals it again.


nsd_user663_6596 profile image

Awwww *sniff*

thanks ladies..... i just had my coat on.... but being as its so lovely in here i'll stay.... foot massage you say? Oooh white wine would be good.... crikey, in the pit of my tummy theres a developing boing......

......i'll nurture it and it'll be back before i knows it!

Thanks Again.... I may leave the conga for today though...


nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Awwww *sniff*

thanks ladies..... i just had my coat on.... but being as its so lovely in here i'll stay.... foot massage you say? Oooh white wine would be good.... crikey, in the pit of my tummy theres a developing boing......

......i'll nurture it and it'll be back before i knows it!

Thanks Again.... I may leave the conga for today though...


Doing the conga whilst having a foot massage and enjoying some wine is not good

Let us know when the boing is about to materialise so we can protect the wine, dont want any spillage, Christine gets so angry about that...alcohol abuse apparently.


nsd_user663_7154 profile image

I'm here too!!!! :cool:

Mark a "tick" to me as well....

Sorry, but as I have told before I rarely enter the forum (I don't have much time to sit in front of the PC :p )

But I'm really happy to see all of you there... to see that there are other people like me, that taste the freedom of non being a smoker anymore! It's really fantastic!!!

I'll see you on Month 6, on April!!!

Many many smoke-free kisses

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hi Smokefree (In Greece)

Good to hear from you and to know your still going good and strong and happy with your quit :cool:

See you next month :) xx

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Morning girls

Zozie - Can you put the wine down and move away please (you can have anything but the wine:D).

Well I enjoyed the hoot last night ladies.

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

For JJ.....


With love and hugs


nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Except that you went off to bed far too early Christine and missed so much more goings on.

Zozie...... Christine's on the booze free wagon (apparently) and has (disbelievingly) given me all her wine. Help yourself :)

Today I had 10 mins break sat on my lounger in the sun. Very nice it was too until a want, so deep and tempting, came along and stopped me in my tracks. Not a crave in the bite the nails, get edgy scene, something completely different. I'd been sat there thinking of summer and mentally planning some border changes and this want was just........ wow.

I guess this a time of remembering in a 'romancing the smoke' kind a way? Was not unpleasant nor unnerving ............. but surprising. If someone had walked up with a rollie and passed it................ I would have been on cloud nine.

I could taste it.............. you know when a plate of lovely food is being bought over and your anticipation is building?

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

I have had the biggest bar of chocolate you lot have ever, ever seen. Fantastic but I now feel very very sick!!

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Was that enormous bar to celebrate or commiserate your day's events?

nsd_user663_5598 profile image

Oh I say Lorna...good job I didn't tell you the whole 'ins and outs' of the 3 year scenario!!!! :D I'd never have carried the damn medal home!!!!

But thanks so much :o I'm embarrassed now!

JJ xxx

nsd_user663_6090 profile image

Morning all its the duck moving on to month 5. what a journey it is high times low times and just times ! thanks to all for support especially my Pal, Pol

xx Louise

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hey Louise

Hope Month 5 proves to be your corner :) and our plodding, along with your ole dog, picks up a pace :)

Just watching some lambs chase each other round the field from my office window ......most amusing and a lovely distraction from low cravey wants and paperwork.

Enjoy your weekend folks

Pol x

nsd_user663_6090 profile image

Hi Pol and all

the weather certainly lifts the spirits- I havent seen any lambs yet but it may be because alot of our pastures are flooded.The ducks are pairing up and having duck wars.

Crikey am glad its friday and looking forward to a glass of wine. start packing sunday for our hols in Egypt, unfortunately my nice baggy tops are too tight so am going to tescos to buy some cheap stuff in the hope that i ll be losing it all sometimr soon.

Groan didnt realise that Egypt is one of the smokiest destinations ever its hard getting no smoking rooms and some of the restaurants " boast " smoking areas....

Ducks xxx

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Hi Pol and all

the weather certainly lifts the spirits- I havent seen any lambs yet but it may be because alot of our pastures are flooded.The ducks are pairing up and having duck wars.

Crikey am glad its friday and looking forward to a glass of wine. start packing sunday for our hols in Egypt, unfortunately my nice baggy tops are too tight so am going to tescos to buy some cheap stuff in the hope that i ll be losing it all sometimr soon.

Groan didnt realise that Egypt is one of the smokiest destinations ever its hard getting no smoking rooms and some of the restaurants " boast " smoking areas....

Ducks xxx

Hi Ducks

Noooooo.....I go to Egypt in June....but we are going with non smoking friends so fingers crossed can keep away.

Have a fabulous holiday......xxx

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hi Louise

Those Duck wars really can get heated can't they......... murderous even. You go steady with your Chap at this time of the season ;-)

Have a great time out there and especially catching up with yr daughter.

Smoking restaurants and smoke rooms in hotels........ how 'yesterday' that seems now :rolleyes: How tempting too :( but you'll be fine come the end.

I think these last couple of months have about the only time so many of us have not enjoyed clothes shopping........ but, hey look at the payoff :cool:

Have a safe journey and a brilliant time .......... drunk, tanned and relaxed :cool:

Pol x

nsd_user663_6090 profile image

Hi Pol not off till next saturday so will be around. you all look out for your postcards

xx Louise

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hi Pol not off till next Saturday so will be around. you all look out for your postcards

xx Louise

And you start packing this Sunday? Are you a 'take everything + kitchen sink' traveller? ;)

Postcard or pic in the Octo group......... I look forward to one or the other :)

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Wow Duck, you are a serious packer...CONGRATS ON 5 MONTHS COMPLETE LOVE

I do night before, which sounds very spontaneous but I have spend weeks before writing and re writing lists of what to pack and then just work from that in the end...

Where about are you off too....please let me know what it is like...


nsd_user663_6090 profile image

Not so much packing but trying stuff on have grown a dress size or should that be groan. Am off to Cairo and Luxor Lorna- not particularly restful but interesting. took me ages to find reasonable Cairo hotel with bar...!

dunno about a pic pol have no idea of how to upload them altho daughter will be back she will be able to help me.

had a lovely day today and managed not to think about little white sticks till I got home- thats progress

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hello :)

One of our group asked how many of us were still smoke free and going strong.

Well, Lorna may have the clip board but she never kept abreast of numbers staying strong or falling by the way side ;)

31 began with the group and were in a collective sig.

By the mid end of Jan we were 22 strong with 1 re-starting.

Today (as far as I know as we've not heard from Dawn in a while) we are still 22 :cool:

I think that calls for wine Jack, Dave, Bob and ladies *cheers*

Pol x

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Hello :)

One of our group asked how many of us were still smoke free and going strong.

Well, Lorna may have the clip board but she never kept abreast of numbers staying strong or falling by the way side

31 began with the group and were in a collective sig.

By the mid end of Jan we were 22 strong with 1 re-starting.

Today (as far as I know as we've not heard from Dawn in a while) we are still 22 :cool:

I think that calls for wine Jack, Dave and ladies *cheers*

Pol x

Hey I never said I could count.....:p

I think that is a pretty good show....Go Octos

Mine's a large RED...if anyone does not know by now...:D

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Hello :)

One of our group asked how many of us were still smoke free and going strong.

Well, Lorna may have the clip board but she never kept abreast of numbers staying strong or falling by the way side ;)

31 began with the group and were in a collective sig.

By the mid end of Jan we were 22 strong with 1 re-starting.

Today (as far as I know as we've not heard from Dawn in a while) we are still 22 :cool:

I think that calls for wine Jack, Dave, Bob and ladies *cheers*

Pol x

At 5 months 70% of October quitters are still not smoking, they are very good odds. Proud of us even though we all now have a drink problem:)

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

At 5 months 70% of October quitters are still not smoking, they are very good odds. Proud of us even though we all now have a drink problem:)

.....and collectively weight 25st more:o:o

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Collectively weigh 25st ?


have collectively put on 25 st since quitting?

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Collectively weigh 25st ?


have collectively put on 25 st since quitting?

Ignore above post :rolleyes:

Tut at self for not reading properly at time.

This site needs to increase the time given to edit own posts.


Louise, hope you've finally got sorted what your taking clothes wise.

Have a great trip. Just think, no building in smoke times before and after airports.

There's bound to be a lot of smoking over there. Have you had any thoughts about wobbly moments you may have and how to stay strong? (Wobbly as in quit;) )

nsd_user663_5908 profile image


I don't post that often but i'm still around :)

I quit October 24th and i'm stilll quit :)

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Good to hear from you and well done for still going strong :)

Hope alls been well and stays well with your quit.

I'll add you into the Octo numbers :) Always good to hear of someone still going, thanks.

nsd_user663_6358 profile image

Still here and not smoking :D

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Good to hear that Niki, nice to see you a good update. I hope all is warming up nicely in your part of Spain.

Hear some areas got some unwanted snow recently?

nsd_user663_2658 profile image

Hello! I am here. Sorry if I am late!!!!!!! Congrats to us!!

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Hi Julie

Nice to see you my love. Glad you are still going strong sweetheart.

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Julie :) Lovely to hear from you and yes, congrats us indeed :cool:

nsd_user663_5977 profile image

Well today i leave you all and move into month 6 OMG were has the last few months gone


nsd_user663_5977 profile image

Still here and not smoking :)

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Kay, great you are still with us

All Octos....Octo April 6 month party on Thursday....

Mass entry to the 6 month board on April 1st....

should be fun :D:D

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

I've taken the whole day off work and I have 125 cases of red wine ordered for 9am (is that enough?). 2 more days and we move to 6 months, aren't we clever people. However I am fed up with sharing a room, do we get our own room in month 6??

Oh can we order pizza??:D

PS - Are we all wearing joggers and mens shirts (including the boys) to hide our increasing waists??:D

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

I've taken the whole day off work and I have 125 cases of red wine ordered for 9am (is that enough?). 2 more days and we move to 6 months, aren't we clever people. However I am fed up with sharing a room, do we get our own room in month 6??

Oh can we order pizza??:D

PS - Are we all wearing joggers and mens shirts (including the boys) to hide our increasing waists??:D

Own room and one bathroom between 2 so that is a defo improvement...we will be there for 6 months so they make it extra comfortable.

Also has a pool...for laps not fun and a fully equipped gym, plus a health bar.

125 cases of red should be enough for the morning...same again for the afternoon me thinks. As for the pizza we are allowed to have the extra low fat pizza....that'll be NO TO PIZZA..

Joggers and long shirts is great....long sleeved to hide the bingo wings though...

should be a good night.....LOL

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

A pool? That''ll help us tone up then :o


First half dozen bottles to whoever names the four blobs in the pool ;)

Wine and pizza? Suits me fine and a bar too? :D

nsd_user663_5401 profile image


For those who don't know, the picture left to right is:

Pol, Lorna, myself and JJ (she is the one with fat ankles!!)

Pol - I've order 268 large pizza's to keep us going on Thursday, do we need nibbles too?? I have order a 70s disco and I've got DH to go in and widen the doors to allow our backsides through. (why do I keep having visions on the Disney Film Fantasia in my head!!).

2 more days girls and we are offically in our 6 month.:)

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Yip we are looking good ladies....I used to do syncro (seriously I did)

Loving the 70 disco idea....may need some reinforced platforms..


Not what you're looking for?

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