Victory Is Mine!: I think I've finally quit... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Victory Is Mine!

nsd_user663_1793 profile image
33 Replies

I think I've finally quit! I used a different tactic this time which made the quit not so hard. I remember my brother-in-law telling me that when he quit after 30 years of smoking, he always kept a pack around, so that he had a choice along with each craving. He allowed himself 1 or 2 a day at first, if he really needed it. I didn't understand it then, because I wasn't a smoker at that time, but I understand it now.

I decided to try this method, and just knowing that I could have a smoke after work or whenever I really needed one took away the panic of "OMG!! I can't have a cigarette, ever!". I did well with 1 a day, and fought off my other cravings by constantly chewing gum (sometimes Nicorette). I never got the crazies, although I'm still battling each day not to buy a pack.

After 2 weeks or so of doing this, I slipped on the ice and hurt my back pretty badly. I smoked the last cigarette in my pack on the way to the hospital. I debated stopping off to buy a pack, but I was in too much pain to stop. I had the next 4 days off to rest my back, and never left the house. By the time the 4 days were up and I was back at work, I kept telling myself how stupid it would be to buy a pack after having gone 4 days without a cigarette. I thought about how much my fiance would hate it, and how I'd much rather deal with craving a cigarette for a few minutes than worry about oral or lung cancer. That was a month ago, and although I have bummed a few smokes, I still have not broken down and bought a pack. It's still a battle, but for the first time I feel like I'm winning, not the cigarettes!

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nsd_user663_1793 profile image
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33 Replies
nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Keep going, Jules, and victory will be yours. Having said that, it won't be a victory if you are still having the occasional smoke because as time goes past it will lead to having 2 smokes, then more and eventually you'll be back to full-time smoking.

Try not to panic about never having another cigarette. Rather be pleased about it...that you aren't being held a slave to the stupid habit; that you, your clothing and your home don't smell of tobacco. There are more advantages of being a non-smoker than there are to being a smoker. That's easy 'cos there aren't any advantages to being a smoker.

I quit CT but I know a few who quit via Allen Carr's Easyway. Have a look at his last book 'Scandal' which is available as a free download. It may help to get you past those last odd wee smokes you currently have.

Hope that the back is's no fun whatsoever having a sore back.

Keep on keepin' on,


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Jules :)

Well done a whole month almost smoke free is good

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and give all new members

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathising with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

This link is good for the psychological part of quitting

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK



nsd_user663_6991 profile image

Hi Jules

The technique you describe sounds a bit like a technique that I used to get me through the early days/weeks and still use now if need be. It is definitely very hard dealing with the thought that you will never have another ciggy again.

I used a technique that Gillian Riley promotes and although I did find it quite scary having cigarettes around at the beginning she says it important to believe that you have real choice so that you dont feel deprived. I quit cold turkey and have never had one since my quit started. And you just deal with one craving at a time with what she calls The Outline which you recite to yourself and it goes like this:

I have a desire to smoke

I have the freedom to smoke

One puff and I'll be smoking


I choose to return to smoking


For now I choose to accept this desire (this means feeling the uncomfortable feeling that goes with a craving)

So that I can enjoy these benefits from not smoking...... (this is your list)

I found it very effective to have something to say to myself along with deep breathing when I had bad cravings. I used to carry it around with me on a tiny piece of paper until it became imprinted on my brain and I could recite it whenever the need arose.

I found that the book it came from was a great source of information about what was going on in my head and how to overcome certain emotions (conflict, panic, fear etc) Anyone wanting a bit of help would do well to get a copy 'How To Stop Smoking and Stay Stopped For Good' by Gillian Riley. I found it a great comfort to understand what was happening both physically and psychologically at the different stages of my quit. I pin my quit on this book, Allen Carr's book and this forum's combined wisdom and am doing OK coming up to nearly 5 months now.

I wish you the best of luck with your quit.

nsd_user663_9212 profile image

managed for 2 and a half days smoke free (but not nicotine free!) but gave in to a massive crave today :(

Very unhappy with myself but determined to try again using different method.

Patches have been tried and tested to within an inch of their lives and no joy yet, although i realise this indicates its my mind messing me up!

Have decided to try cold turkey from what people have said, i think the fact you get the nicotine out of your system in the first few days is much more logical than feeding yourself with it through a different route!

I am also keen to try some herbal remedies to cope with the extreme stress,anger, irritability that seem to be my only side effects but are extremely damaging (even when patches are on!)

Have been advised Avena Savinta, Potters Relax tablets, valerian root or beech.

If anyone has any experience of these or others, i would love to hear from you! :)

nsd_user663_9529 profile image


I hope me quitting is as easy as yours. I actually stop at once, when I gave birth and saw my child. she was premature probably because of my smoking. My conscience triggered me to stop smoking, but it was a rough road for me.

nsd_user663_2484 profile image

I used a technique that Gillian Riley promotes and although I did find it quite scary having cigarettes around at the beginning she says it important to believe that you have real choice so that you dont feel deprived. I quit cold turkey and have never had one since my quit started. And you just deal with one craving at a time with what she calls The Outline which you recite to yourself and it goes like this:

I have a desire to smoke

I have the freedom to smoke

One puff and I'll be smoking


I choose to return to smoking


For now I choose to accept this desire (this means feeling the uncomfortable feeling that goes with a craving)

So that I can enjoy these benefits from not smoking...... (this is your list)

I found it very effective to have something to say to myself along with deep breathing when I had bad cravings. I used to carry it around with me on a tiny piece of paper until it became imprinted on my brain and I could recite it whenever the need arose.

I found that the book it came from was a great source of information about what was going on in my head and how to overcome certain emotions (conflict, panic, fear etc) Anyone wanting a bit of help would do well to get a copy 'How To Stop Smoking and Stay Stopped For Good' by Gillian Riley.

I have got the same book. I bought it literally years ago, obviously never used it until I stopped this time.:o I must admit it is a good read and I often dive into it when I find myself weakening. Even though I am using patches I still find it helps me.

nsd_user663_8421 profile image

How to Stop Smoking and Stay Stopped for Good - Gillian Riley.

I like this book. Since I slipped on 7th March I have kept the packet of tobacco I bought then in the top drawer of my computer desk. I know everyone says throw it out but knowing it's there comforts me. I'm always aware that I could have a rollup any time I want but I am choosing not to. In the same way each day I choose not to drink even though there is an off licence just down the road. I haven't had a drink since June 19th 2004 - a day at a time. I haven't had a rollup since March 8th 2010 - every day I choose not to.

nsd_user663_20041 profile image

Hello Nicolajane, I would consider yourself lucky. Although I first started on Champix but only for a week I had no side effects. I did not feel it was stopping me from smoking although I stopped in that first week so maybe it did. I don't think they are meant to stop you smoking in the first few days I think they are meant to take away the craving to smoke once you have picked your stopping day and stop. I believe it is something to do with receptors in your brain, sorry don't know the scientific reasons but only know many people have stopped using Champix.

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

From 'Victory is mine' thread

Hello Nicolajane, I would consider yourself lucky. Although I first started on Champix but only for a week I had no side effects. I did not feel it was stopping me from smoking although I stopped in that first week so maybe it did. I don't think they are meant to stop you smoking in the first few days I think they are meant to take away the craving to smoke once you have picked your stopping day and stop. I believe it is something to do with receptors in your brain, sorry don't know the scientific reasons but only know many people have stopped using Champix.

From 'Managing nausea with Champix - any ideas?' thread

Hello Nicolajane, I would consider yourself lucky. Although I first started on Champix but only for a week I had no side effects. I did not feel it was stopping me from smoking although I stopped in that first week so maybe it did. I don't think they are meant to stop you smoking in the first few days I think they are meant to take away the craving to smoke once you have picked your stopping day and stop. I believe it is something to do with receptors in your brain, sorry don't know the scientific reasons but only know many people have stopped using Champix.

Not entirely sure what you're up to Sadie. Neither of the quotes from different threads you've posted so far feature a Nicolajane in them. And then both posts are exactly the same. Is this spamming evolving as I watch :confused:

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

....and I just thought I had opened the same thread twice by mistake but I am not feeling too bright today :rolleyes:

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Is this spamming evolving as I watch :confused:

I'm all excited now wondering where this is going.

I'm guessing there's not a link to an acupuncture site about to arrive...:rolleyes:

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

I'm all excited now wondering where this is going.

Sadly with all the attention Sadie seems to have hidden her talents under a bushel.

Now we'll never know if it was acupuncture, hypnosis, quality watches, insurance, essaying or ecigs :(

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

hmmm..... think we may need another sarcy thread ;)

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Luckily you were there Chavelier, once again saving the day. Phew!!!

Thank goodness for superior intelligence and swift intervention.

Aw, for a minute there I thought you were just taking the Mikhail, Michael :p

hmmm..... think we may need another sarcy thread ;)

:eek: Talk like that will only bring M3 out of retirement.

Here's a fav artist of yours, Bella - Merry Xmas

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Aw, for a minute there I thought you were just taking the Mikhail, Michael

Don't be silly Cav, no way would Micallef take the Mikhail...... that would be mean :(

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Wow, Bella just blew the Chavalier :rolleyes:

Certainly didn't blow the Mykhaylenko ;)

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Indeed, he would have been completely unimpressed, deeply disappointed, somewhat suicidal in fact.

Settle down Rainbow boy ;)

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Just watching the Snowballing between you and Chavalier :D:D:D:D Feeling kinda sick really.

Wow, some comment there, Mikey. I just had suspicions that you were a tad arrogant...didn't suspect you to be a pervert....yeuch!!

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

In any case, where do you get off on calling people perverted? Is that some kind of sick joke?

Pretty much the answer to both the above questions appear in your own words....yeuch!!

Just watching the Snowballing between you and Chavalier :D:D:D:D Feeling kinda sick really.

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

How strange 2 needed against 1 ..... oopsey... thought blla could drive the truck alone:rolleyes:

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

How strange 2 needed against 1 ..... oopsey... thought blla could drive the truck alone:rolleyes:

For once kk you may have something as your comment above reminds me how you finally ousted Jase, a great supporter, from the site.

You were as mentioned "the harbringer that led him to leaving ...."

Yes kk .... you were just that 1 :)

Thank you for your timely joiner and I'm sure many are suitably reminded.

nsd_user663_4964 profile image

hmmm..... think we may need another sarcy thread ;)

Oh Pleasey Please Please.......;)

I think Michael would be good at it..yes?

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Oh Pleasey Please Please.......;)

I think Michael would be good at it..yes?

Good to see you gracing the boards, Jude...fingers crossed for 2011 :)

For once kk you may have something as your comment above reminds me how you finally ousted Jase, a great supporter, from the site.

You were as mentioned "the harbringer that led him to leaving ...."

Yes kk .... you were just that 1

Thank you for your timely joiner and I'm sure many are suitably reminded.

Pol, interesting that you should link to Jase's experience. KK and I haven't seen eye to eye but despite that difference I sought her out a few months ago when she was getting savagely trolled. Offered her my unequivocal support in dealing with that episode.

But on realising that she wouldn't use that experience to finish the bridge building I've just ignored her and then recently was reminded about the block facility. That reminder came from the Quitting Boards and by virtue of Michael's own unique type of 'support'. I gather quite a few have added him...I've elected to join them in that regard ;)

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

I gather quite a few have added him...I've elected to join them in that regard ;)

I realised that once I started to use the facility it became quickly apparent that I was talking to myself...

hello, hello...


nsd_user663_1658 profile image

For once kk you may have something as your comment above reminds me how you finally ousted Jase, a great supporter, from the site.

You were as mentioned "the harbringer that led him to leaving ...."

Yes kk .... you were just that 1 :)

Thank you for your timely joiner and I'm sure many are suitably reminded.

seeing that we are linking ...lets listen in my dears:D

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Found out at last ;)

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

why can't we be friends.......................


nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Oh Pleasey Please Please.......

Those were good times eh ;) Tell you what, Jude..... you post in the 3 months quit section and I'll start a thread for you..... what day/week/month are ya? Come back, Jude!!

Just for you lovely Jude.........


nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Astounding. I can't believe this place still allows arrogant nobs and their hangers on to say what they like to whom they like. Bloody glad I stay away and keep in contact with the Cavs and Pols and Bells seperately.

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

Astounding. I can't believe this place still allows arrogant nobs and their hangers on to say what they like to whom they like. Bloody glad I stay away and keep in contact with the Cavs and Pols and Bells seperately.

So fiona exactly why are you here? :confused:

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Having succesfully quit after using this forum for the right reasons I use my right to come on here occasionally to support and cheer on others. I am also entitled to have my say when I see others being treated unkindly not just on this thread and not just with my friends. Its shocking. And yet again, like a broken record, years down the line, you are still in the thick of it. Sad really. If you put that much effort into your quit you might be succesful.

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Here here Fi.

nsd_user663_3367 profile image

For the second time today I am forced to close a perfectly good thread all because certain members are using the forum inappropriately.

Certain members will be receiving warnings regarding there behaviour on this thread and I hope that the warnings will be heeded and excepted in good grace.

I am sad that it has come to this as many people rely on this site to give them help and support in there quits and when people are bickering amongst themselves they are not doing what the site was intended for, that is to make it an enjoyable place to spend time and remain smoke free.

I hope you all have a pleasant evening.

regards Mod 2

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