5 months today.: Smoked from age of 15 till... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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5 months today.

nsd_user663_5402 profile image
22 Replies

Smoked from age of 15 till aged 40. B&H Gold, 20 or more each day, enjoyed being a smoker.

Quit 5 months ago today as I was fed up of being criticised and moaned at by people on the street as I stood outside work to have a ciggie. I realised how desperate I had become, that I was not in control, the weed was controlling me.

It's been hard. I still like the smell of smoke.

I am writing this to encourage anyone who is thinking of quitting to go ahead and do it! Noon of my friends can believe a chimney like me has just stopped so suddenly.

I had help. Niquitin patches and lozenges. I just kept going with the patches until I felt brave enough to go without.

I went out on a big drinking session last weekend, and one of my friends chain smoked all night, I was not tempted once!

You can do it. It is tough. You will be happy one day and low the next. But it is worth it.

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nsd_user663_5402 profile image
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22 Replies
nsd_user663_7762 profile image

That is fantastic advice and encouragement.

Day 10 here. But already I feel more in control than I did 10 days ago.

Thanks for posting this - Although early on in my journey, I couldn't agree more with your experiences and sentiments.


nsd_user663_5402 profile image

Day 10 here. But already I feel more in control than I did 10 days ago.


Well done for doing 10 days, it is great to feel in control isn't it? Love it! I am the boss of me now lol

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

This is the sort of thing that should be stickied on day one.

Thanks for this.


nsd_user663_7674 profile image

That's a great post and real inspiration.

I'm on Day 14.

I can emphathise as I got a bit sick of standing outside the office smoking getting sideways looks from people walking past, saying things like "It'll kill you you know", "A girl like you shouldn't be smoking". Etc. Etc. I'd always smile nicely and curse them under my breath.

It's not easy to stop but people like you prove to us that it is possible, it's not going to necessarily be easy, but there will come a day when we're all blissfully smoke free.


nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Mods may we have this thread stickied please? I believe this could help many starters and I'm sure other would agree with me. Maybe other good posts and links could be added.


nsd_user663_7318 profile image

Smoked from age of 15 till aged 40. B&H Gold, 20 or more each day, enjoyed being a smoker.

Quit 5 months ago today as I was fed up of being criticised and moaned at by people on the street as I stood outside work to have a ciggie. I realised how desperate I had become, that I was not in control, the weed was controlling me.

It's been hard. I still like the smell of smoke.

I am writing this to encourage anyone who is thinking of quitting to go ahead and do it! Noon of my friends can believe a chimney like me has just stopped so suddenly.

I had help. Niquitin patches and lozenges. I just kept going with the patches until I felt brave enough to go without.

I went out on a big drinking session last weekend, and one of my friends chain smoked all night, I was not tempted once!

You can do it. It is tough. You will be happy one day and low the next. But it is worth it.

Fantastic post StOP! (ha...see what I did there)

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

This was originally written by mrsbluebear and I think this can help newcomers wishing to or trying to stop smoking.

QUOTE=mrsbluebear;158681]Hi guys!

You'll never guess what?! Its Day 7 for me. That's a right a whole week of being smoke free :D And here's what I have learned in the last week...

I've learnt that:

I have quit smoking, and the sky didn't fall in, rivers did not dry up and the world did not come to an end.

I have quit smoking, and I am still a nice person. I haven't turned into a demon and wanted to cast people in to the fires of hell because they annoy me just because I haven't had a fag.

I have quit smoking, and I am still me. I still have the same personality, the same good/bad points and the same outlook on life.

I have quit smoking, and although the odd thought of a fag may cross my mind, I have the willpower to say no.

I have quit smoking, and although I am an addict, I will not have one puff ever.

Some things that struck me....these were things that even on the day before my quit, I could not imagine. I didn't think I would still be the same person. I thought I would be nasty and irrational, not able to admit that I am an addict and would tell myself one wouldn't hurt...But those things didn't happen, and I just want to say if anyone reads this and is thinking about quitting, do it. Sometimes your fears of quitting will put you off, but they are rarely true.

Lindsay xxx


nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Fantastic post StOP! (ha...see what I did there)

Mart no understand:confused:


nsd_user663_7318 profile image

Mart no understand:confused:



St OP .... quit? ok maybe it was just me :)

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Ah ha!! now I understand cool:cool:


Ps my son is upstairs working on a new track and it sounds interesting.

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

I was tinkering yesterday...interesting wasn't the word the wife used to describe my musical creation.

nsd_user663_5402 profile image

Fantastic post StOP! (ha...see what I did there)

LOL never spotted that before!

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

I agree this post is exactly what you need to see when you first quit smoking. Good one for posting it.

I can concur what has been written too, i'm at 6.5 months my quit is so solid now that even my OH has commented a few times that she doesn't think i will smoke again.. and that I seem very very confident and balanced since quitting.

You don't always see this in the first few days.. in a way, you're scared of failing at what you are setting out to do here.. you want freedom like everyone else here, and you may or may not be on your first attempt to quit either.. but what matters is that you are here.. right now, giving this a go.

I can't stress enough the importance of determination though.. something someone said to me last year was 'you've gotta want it enough' and this year i did want to stop, i quit with renewed vigor because I simply was fed up of failing at quitting for silly reasons like my temper flaired up.. or treating myself with a cigar due to complacency creeping in and me thinking i could dodge the simple laws of addiction. So yeah.. determination, and even if you are not really determined, force yourself into that mindset.. fake it somewhat and then believe it.

Most of the battle with quitting is done with a strong mind and a desire to be free. You won't get what you want without a fight, but with the battle lines drawn between you and that nicotine demon, you will win.. its about time you did .. right? YES!

I wish any of you luck with your quit that you are embarking on right now, the first days can be quite scarey and overwhelming but as i posted for someone else recently, you just have to hold on and ride through those stormy seas and head for the calmer waters further into your quit, where even you will be able to look back and help those who are just starting their quits too.

Good luck all and thank you stateofplay for making the post you made here.

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Jase you are dead right. for many years not months I pondered the idea of stopping and never thought I would or more realistic COULD!

Okay it's not a long time but I have been quit now 51 days (7 weeks 2 days) but I smoke 52 years and yes I do get emotional but for a different reason to most. It's not the quit that makes me emotional it's I can't believe I've done this, the emotion is because I'm so happy.

I still believe I have a long way to go but I now know barring anything stupid I will never smoke again. Some days are very hard and I expect them to continue being hard for some time. I don't care now because I now know that what is ahead is well worth the pain I'm going through now.

I listen to the 6 monthers and the ones who have been stopped longer and it makes me realise every minute of pain will be replaced with hours, days, months, and years of happyness eventually.

So go for it guys it's well worth it.

I hope there will be many posts put on this thread and keep it at the top. If you see it going dowm bump it up.

Love to you all,:)


nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Just bumping this up.


nsd_user663_4754 profile image

WHOOOOP! massive congrats stateofplay :D

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

I don't know if or how many will see this, this may help some of you who are just starting to quit and possibly some of you who are well down the road of quiting and this happens.

I can't go into a lot of detail but I received a letter today that may unless I can prove I am innocent which I am cause me a lot of trouble in the months to come.

Yes I did think about smoking I did think "how can I stop smoking and deal with this as well" I could not see that I could.

Then I remembered something I had read somewhere on this forum and this is the benefit of reading everything you can.

If I had or were to smoke yeh go have a fag it will help you cope. No it won't because after I've had that fag will the problem have gone? No it will still be there and I would also have the added problem that I had started smoking again after everything I had went through. Yes the thought did go through my mind "Just one then I could stop again" Just one won't work one becomes two and two becomes three and so on.

If you do get something like this happening to you it wont go away after you have smoked. All that will happen is you will have added another problem you have started smoking again. And that is a hard problem to get rid of.:eek:

Please don't


nsd_user663_5956 profile image

Sate of |Play, Well done you on reaching this goal. Fantastic post, good advice, it is not easy but rewarding as you go on.

Dee xxxxxx

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Well done you 5 months smoke free is great


Marg xx

nsd_user663_4256 profile image

Fab post S.T.O.P - so encouraging... massive well done to you - I want to be there with you! and I will be, I've promised myself :)


nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Thank you for this - it is encouraging especially when we are struggling

Thanks xx

nsd_user663_5402 profile image

I have decided to treat myself to a meal out at a michelin star restaurant when I reach my half year anniversary of quitting.

Hmmm where to go.....

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