Day 4 (19.01.10): Hello all, How is... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 4 (19.01.10)

nsd_user663_7635 profile image
13 Replies

Hello all,

How is everyone today?

I'm good, and I've made it to day four. I am please to report, I had a little better sleep last night and finally dozed off about 1ish, which wasn't too bad. I am hoping my pattern is on the mend as when I return to work 1am isn't good when you have to be up at 5am!

The appetite...well..don't ask!! My body is determined to swap one addiction for another, but its not getting it. I have been reading up on foods that help during the first few days of non smoking and its helped a lot. Its also helped that all the lollipops and boiled sweets I have in a fat free and sugar free, so no guilt there!

I started a healthier eating plan today and intend to combine foods that are meant to work for longer energy levels and avoid blood sugar dips, so today had one poached egg on wholegrain toast with a small glass of orange juice, it seemed a lot of breakfast but apparently its quite healthy and I need to eat so the champix doesn't make me sick.

I know a lot of people say day 3 and 4 have been the worst for them but Day 3 was fine really, and Day 4 seems okay so far too :)

One thing I did feel yesterday was a realisation that I need to find pleasure and enjoyment in other things as smoking was that for me. And now I don't smoke, I don't drink, I don't touch caffeine and I'm trying to eat more healthy, I feel like I don't have a source of enjoyment so I'm going to take up a little hobby I think, not sure what yet.

Well, sorry for the long post, I seemed to have waffled a bit...but my quit feels good and the willpower is still strong!

Hope everyone on Day 4 has a great day xx

Lindsay xxx

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nsd_user663_7635 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Lindsay :D

Day 4 well done you

Glad you slept better last night as well


Marg xx

nsd_user663_5258 profile image

Well day on reaching day 4!!

One word of warning (from experience of having an addictive personality) dont try too much at once. It may help to avoid certain triggers to avoid temptation to smoke, but when I have tried to give up all my vices at once, once one goes, they all go!!

BUT.... that said, I wish you success, and I understand the all or nothing mindset completely!!!!! :)

nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Thanks Marg, I'm so happy still...its quite strange actually, I've normally been so tetchy by now in previous quits but not any more :D

Hey MrV,

I know exactly what you mean. But I haven't given up all my vices in one go...I didn't drink or do caffeine when I smoked :) I've just given up the fags but my body is craving junk so I'm switching the biscuit barrel for some sugar and fat free snacks, just trying to eat healthy I guess and not swap a nicotine addiction for a fat or sugar addiction.

My triggers seem to be so deminished, I was saying the other day one of my biggest ones was my morning cuppa, I thought I would never be able to face that without a ciggie, but I have and the sky didn't fall in which teaches me triggers are only triggers if you let them be ;)

You are doing so well too, I noticed on your thread your at the coughing up stage, I hope that passes quickly for you!

Lindsay xxx

nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Fantastic on day 4 Lindsay. Nothing wrong in finding a love of food since stopping. Doesn't matter if we eat a bit more of the things we like does it? As long as we don't bloat out on them.

I've directed my new interest in food to recipes, trying new stuff, taking time to cook them and making them an enjoyable experience instead of a must do to feed the family. You can do it in the evening for the following day so it doesn't have to be a rush if work hours dont accommodate.

Try to find ways that make you relax and make you smile :). Well done again.


nsd_user663_5258 profile image

Hi Lindsay

Yes its passing now though. day 9. Taking it one day at a time. I feel confident this time though, and my wife quitting is helping loads too! :)

nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Fantastic on day 4 Lindsay. Nothing wrong in finding a love of food since stopping. Doesn't matter if we eat a bit more of the things we like does it? As long as we don't bloat out on them.

I've directed my new interest in food to recipes, trying new stuff, taking time to cook them and making them an enjoyable experience instead of a must do to feed the family. You can do it in the evening for the following day so it doesn't have to be a rush if work hours dont accommodate.

Try to find ways that make you relax and make you smile :). Well done again.


Thank you Lorraine!

That's such a good idea, I actually love cooking anyway and baking but haven't done anything new for ages, I think I might dig out the recipe books and find something nice to cook later :)

I think the key is not to be subsituting fags for food. My problem has been my body has wanted to react to times when I would smoke, with food...which in the long run is going to turn in me into a house! lol I think its about finding the right balance as you say :)

You're doing fantastically well too Lorraine, keep going :D

Lindsay xxx

nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Hi Lindsay

Yes its passing now though. day 9. Taking it one day at a time. I feel confident this time though, and my wife quitting is helping loads too! :)

Day 9 is amazing and you must feel so much better as a person. It must be hard if you have a partner who continues to smoke whilst you quit so its great she's quitting too. My other half and I have quit at the same time too, but he's doing CT and hasn't had a fag since Friday, just like me...I think its amazing he has the willpower to just stop completely :)

Lindsay xxx

nsd_user663_7675 profile image

which foods?

Pleased to hear your doing ok. Yes I am having the same problem as you - don't drink, don't smoke, what do you do? Unfortunately i'm eating. What foods did you read helped with the quitting process?

I was thinking about going back to weight watchers but don't think I can handle two strict regimes at the same time!

Shame the weather is so bad as a spot of seed growing and pricking out is great for passing the time and keeping the hands busy.

nsd_user663_7635 profile image


I'm glad its just not me who is having urges to pig out :o I feel like I could stuff my face constantly but am being good. I read lot of websites so here's some tips from what I noted down for myself :)

1. Eat the right types of food. As you quit your blood sugar levels can be quite erratic, with highs and lows. This will make you want to eat high fat or sugary foods but these won't help as although they will give you a sugar high, it will fade quickly and you'll be back to craving. Try to go for complex carbohydrate foods such as wholegrain bread, brown rice, brown pasta.

2. Make sure you have things at hand to snack on, so pre prepare things such as sliced pinapple, apple, mango, celery - whatever healthy fruit or vegetables you enjoy. Once chopped, store in the fridge to grab as snacks as opposed to biscuits.

3. Drink plenty of water, and fruit juices.

4. Have something containing protein and complex carbs for breakfast as this will release energy slowly such as poached egg on wholegrain toast.

5. Keep a stock of low sugar, fat and calorie sweets such as lollipops or gum at hand, that way you will have something to keep your hands and mouth occupied but you will also not feel deprived of treats as they can be seen as 'sweets'.

6. Avoid caffeine, apparently its been linked to increased nicotine cravings and makes it harder to quit.

That's all I found up to now, but I'm still reading - if I find anymore I will post them if you like. I have been quite good today, poached egg on wholegrain toast for breakfast, with a small glass of juice, fruit salad snacks throughout the day, and brown pasta with low fat mince bolognese :) Quite please, but still want a choccy biccie :o

Lindsay xxx

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

The appetite...well..don't ask!! My body is determined to swap one addiction for another, but its not getting it.

Hey Lindsay, day 4 already and all seems to be well, I'm sure you know we are all proud of you.

The only thing I'm concerned about is the above quote, how's your OH going to feel about this? :D:D

Keep going babes.

Jack xx

nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Aww Jack, you do make me smile and I'm glad you're feeling happier...

And, in fact, that department is doing quite well since we keep having to make up :p

Day 5 tomorrow ;)

Lindsay xxx

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Hi Lindsay and well done. I remember you planning this and worring about going to the doctor and now look 4 days already. But one of the great things that nobody thinks of 4 days for you is another 4 days for me. Your 5th day will be my 7 weeks (49 days) only one day to 50. If I can do it after 52 years of smoking so can you. Lets do it together, em stop smoking I mean.

Jack xx

nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Jack, you're doing fantastically well and are an inspiration! Well done on 49 days of being smoke free.

I'm off to start Day 5 for me :D

Lindsay xxx

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