Day 3 (18.01.10): Hello all, Its day 3 for... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 3 (18.01.10)

nsd_user663_7635 profile image
7 Replies

Hello all,

Its day 3 for me now and still doing great. Thank you for all the wishes in Day 2, it really does help to keep the smile on my face!

Day 3 is going well, I'm still not 100% happy with my sleeping, its taking a while for me to drop off and I'm eating like a horse :o It seems food tastes so good, and being a food lover anyway I'm struggling to resist but will keep trying. Don't want to put on too much weight if I can help it.

I went for a walk down the beach today, WOW! I felt dizzy after a few deep lungfuls (and lots of coughing in between lol) of air.

I am surprised at how easy I'm finding my quit, and I don't mean that in a boastful way, its just come as a shock. All my previous quits, I had to fight tooth and nail to survive each day, and now I don't. I'm not sure if its a change of mindset, the champix, being postive, being a bit older....maybe a combination. But I'm really proud of how I feel.

Hope everyone on day 3 is having a good day.

Lindsay xxx

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nsd_user663_7635 profile image
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7 Replies
nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Lindsay, don't expect miracles to happen just yet regards sleep. One of the first things that suffer on many quits is your sleep patterns, perhaps a little exercise extra may help this to adjust.. but it may well just settle down all on its own. For now, don't worry about it, little worries can become big worries while your quitting, so for now, just concentrate on the main job in hand.. not smoking.

Day 3 now and today and tomorrow (day 4) are pretty much the 'walking through glue' days, you may get a little more moody than normal, so be watchful for that.. but other than that.. keep seeing this as the best thing you could have done for yourself.. and indeed all those around you.

The rewards present themself soon enough, and you feel great when they do.. in fact once experienced you end up wanting friends who smoke to experience that same freedom too.

nice feeling :)

good luck and look forward to reading your next posts. :)


nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Thank you for the advice Jase, I really appreciate it :)

And you're right when you say its easy for little worries to become big worries, so I shall give my body the time it needs to adjust. I love my sleep and its a shame its the only thing that has been affected adversely by my quit.

My moods in all honest have been OH commented on how happy I seem considering I am quitting. I think its because I know I can do this and its the best decision I have made in a long time.

The Champix certainly has been a godsend for me, and so far its day 3 and I'm still not craving a ciggie. Even trigger situations which I thought would be hard before quitting have been relatively okay, such as having a meal or my morning cuppa. I have still managed to enjoy things which previously would have went hand in hand with a fag - it amazes me I can say that on day 3.

Obviously I'm under no illusion that it is difficult and my positivity may not be at the same level all day, every day and even with the Champix I may start to get cravings later down the line but at the moment I'm just taking each day at a time, and even if I have to put up with a lack of sleep, I'm not going to fail.

Lindsay xxx

nsd_user663_7741 profile image

Hey Lindsay,

Day 3......

Wot can I say hardly any sleep last nite, kept tossing and turning all nite much to my husbands dismay (serves him right for refusing to quit).

Know exactly wot u means bout eating, ive worked my way through a weeks niceys in 3 days gonna have to stop this carry on.

I have been sipping iced water all day instead of nibbles and it itsnt too bad not as tasty but hey better than ending up dying from heart attack seeing as I gave up cigs to prevent lung desease.

Heres to another day :D

nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Hi Kat,

You're doing so well! The sleeping is awful, I too have taken to tossing and turning all night. I'm going to try going to bed earlier tonight and then hopefully by the time I've finished tossing and turning it will be my regular bed time.

I cannot believe how your appetite changes, and am glad its not just me! I can plough my way through snacks and meals like there's no tomorrow, it tastes so good. But as you say, no use swapping one addiction for another so tomorrow I will be trying your ice water tip ;)

Keep going!!


nsd_user663_7254 profile image

You're doing fantastic

Hi lindsay,

Whow day 3, well done hun, it sounds as though you are completely determined this time to quit for good....

I was like you in the early days, didn't seem to struggle and to be honest I have had more good days than bad days in the last 15 days, but I do worry as I'm expecting to have a bad spell and don't want to. Maybe it's our time this time to succeed with the quit that is why we feel so positive. I'm sure if it was as easy as it has been for us then wouldn;t we have given up before now????.

I really pleased with you being so up beat and positive, it's great.

Keep it up and here's to your day 4.


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Lindsay and Kat :D

You'tr both doing really well just hang in there this phase of bad sleeping will pass promise try and grab a nap as and when even 5 mins can help

If it gets really bad try Nytol or Kalms either will help, they're both herbal, non addictive and can be bought over the counter and in most supermarkets


Marg xx

nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Thanks for the advice Marg :)

Over to day 4 now - yay! :D

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