Day 1 (16.01.10): Hi all, Thought I would... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 1 (16.01.10)

nsd_user663_7635 profile image
58 Replies

Hi all,

Thought I would bring myself along and post a message. I am quitting the fags on the 16.01.10. I have smoked at least 20 a day for a long time and began smoking at 12...I'm now 27 :eek:

I have tried many times before only lasting a few days at most (patches, gum, cold turkey and so on). I am now on Champix and hoping this will help. I'm on day 9 of my Champix course, and it was going great until I started on the blue tablets. I now feel a little sick when I take them but very spaced out. I am hoping this will pass as I get used to the altered dose. I also have a smoking coach now :o She is a bit too nice and I sometimes feel we should be sitting, holding hands and singing kum-by-ah but if it works, I don't mind :D

I have had really big ups and downs with the amount I am smoking at the moment, when I started the Champix, my smoking went down to about 6 or 7 day and I was amazed..but then slowly it crept back up and now I'm smoking about 10-15 :confused: I'm only on the 2nd day of taking the blue ones so hopefully the smoking will come down a little before quit day.

I am determined to be smokefree for 2010. I can do it and have nothing to lose but a bad habit.

Lindsay xx

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nsd_user663_7635 profile image
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58 Replies
nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Hi Lindsay

Welcome to this great forum. Well done on your decision to quit. My advice would be to read as much as possible about quitting. Others will be along shortly to and they have great links in their signatures for you to have a read.

Champix - well a lot on here have been really, really successful using this method. I used them last year and yes I did get the sickness the thing that helped me though was having something to eat before taking the tablet.

The other guys who have been on the champix longer and been successful with champix will be better at giving you advice as unfortunately they didn't work for me. But different things work for different people and I' sure you'll be just fine ;)

Keep posting to let us know how you are going on

Good luck

Tinks xx

divenow67 profile image

Hey Lindsay

Hi and well done on your decision to quit smoking - you're right you have nothing to lose and so much to gain (even if it means singing kum-by-ah every now and again ha ha...)

I'm also using Champix to quit and I'm on Day 38 (yes - I'm still counting it in days...). Champix has been a revelation for me, it has upset my sleep pattern but I'll put up with that for now what with all the extra spending money and healthier body I get in return!

Welcome and look forward to hearing from you again as you leave smoking behind!

Paul. :eek::cool:

nsd_user663_5048 profile image

hi lindsey:D

good to hear you decided to stop smoking, were all a warm bunch and up for helping you, if you have any problems dont hesitate to ask

good luck and welcome to the forum:)

Geoff xx

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Lindsay :)

Well done deciding to stop smoking

Use the time between now and then to get to know your enemy read not only the posts but the links in many of our signatures it really does help

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and give all new members

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathising with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

This link is good for the psychological part of

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here


Marg xx

nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Thank you for the welcome everyone. You all seem quite friendly and I look forward to being able to post on here and say how many days I have been smokefree for ;)

Thank you for the links too. I have just been reading Tales From The Quit...I read Kevin's goodbye letter and I think I may do one of my own later. The tablets have started kicking in a bit more...I posted this afternoon to say my smoking had increased to around 10-15 per day....well yesterday I definitely smoked 10...Today? I'm on 4 :eek: Yes, 4.....its strange, the spaceness has wore off a little and now its almost like I'm forgetting I smoke...very strange :o

I'll be back to read a little more later...I have to go get ready for my weekly singsong of kum-by-ah :D

Lindsay xx

nsd_user663_5971 profile image

Welcome Lindsay, and well done on deciding to quit.

I used Champix to stop. Really strange, just got to a point where I was wondering why I was bothering to smoke at all. And yes, I seemed to drop from 20/day to 3 overnight. There are side effects to Champix, but not everyone gets any/all of them. Most common are strange/vivid dreams, disrupted sleep pattern (dream related?) and nausea, but that can be helped by eating as Tinks said.

I didn't complete the whole 12 weeks on the tablets - I've got 8 days worth left and an unfilled perscription. I just kept forgetting to take them until in the end I decided not to bother.

My stop-smoking nurse was great - very practical. And I felt great when my CO count dropped to 2 (was 28).

The other thing is use this site. Although the pills stopped me smoking, the people on here have kept me smoke free. Read and learn (know your enemy), and post on here.

Good luck - and look forward to the 16th and having a smoke-free day.

nsd_user663_7571 profile image

Hi Lindsay and welcome, I am new also, found this site when I was on day 3 or 4 of my quit. in my little Champix box it says I am on day 13, I gave up an day 8 - that was the start of the big blue bad boys! - I also felt light headed, but it is passing. I put it down to oxygen finally getting to my brain cells after many years of starvation!

Good luck here - they are a real nice bunch of people

nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Welcome Lindsay, and well done on deciding to quit.

I used Champix to stop. Really strange, just got to a point where I was wondering why I was bothering to smoke at all. And yes, I seemed to drop from 20/day to 3 overnight. There are side effects to Champix, but not everyone gets any/all of them. Most common are strange/vivid dreams, disrupted sleep pattern (dream related?) and nausea, but that can be helped by eating as Tinks said.

I didn't complete the whole 12 weeks on the tablets - I've got 8 days worth left and an unfilled perscription. I just kept forgetting to take them until in the end I decided not to bother.

My stop-smoking nurse was great - very practical. And I felt great when my CO count dropped to 2 (was 28).

The other thing is use this site. Although the pills stopped me smoking, the people on here have kept me smoke free. Read and learn (know your enemy), and post on here.

Good luck - and look forward to the 16th and having a smoke-free day.

Hi Dave,

Strange things those Champix...I do get the vivid dreams, not unpleasant - just very real.

Its good to know some people can succeed without taking the full 12 week course, I don't know if I'll be one of them but can try :)

My smoking nurse...well, let's just say she isn't what I would have chosen for myself. She wanted me to start group therapy tonight, I politely declined, she wasn't happy or impressed at all...okay, so I'm trying it next week :rolleyes: I know I'm here talking to you lot but this is different. I don't want to spill my guts to other folk face to face...the thought of it is making me want to smoke :o

Lindsay xx

nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Hi Lindsay and welcome, I am new also, found this site when I was on day 3 or 4 of my quit. in my little Champix box it says I am on day 13, I gave up an day 8 - that was the start of the big blue bad boys! - I also felt light headed, but it is passing. I put it down to oxygen finally getting to my brain cells after many years of starvation!

Good luck here - they are a real nice bunch of people

Wow, well done on quitting on day 8...I'm on day 9 so far and have planned my quit for day 16. I have a little routine planned for Friday night, that will take a bath before bed, slip into clean pjs so that I wake up smelling fresh on my quit day and not of fags :)

Those blue tablets do the trick...I can't believe how quickly they work to be honest, its come as such a surprise!

Lindsay xx

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Hello Mrs BB and welcome

I stopped using Champix and it's a fantastic drug. There is a blog on Day 1 about Champix which is a really good read. Make sure you eat with the blue tablets.

Try and plan something for your quit day to keep yourself busy, good luck and we are here to support you.


Edited to say - I have bumped the Champix thread up for you.

nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Hello Mrs BB and welcome

I stopped using Champix and it's a fantastic drug. There is a blog on Day 1 about Champix which is a really good read. Make sure you eat with the blue tablets.

Try and plan something for your quit day to keep yourself busy, good luck and we are here to support you.


Edited to say - I have bumped the Champix thread up for you.

Thank you Christine, that is so helpful of you :) I will definitely give it a read, and am finding just typing on the laptop helpful - gives my hands something to do. I can't smoke whilst typing :D

My hubby is taking me out for the day on Saturday, to keep my mind off the fags, and we have nice meal planned!

I'm not dreading Saturday though, which I always have on previous quits...leading up to the quit day was always a huge source of anxiety in previous quits but this time I'm actually looking forward to it, which I find so unusual.

nsd_user663_7254 profile image

Hi Lindsay and welcome to the forum.

Congratulations on deciding to quit. I'm on the patches so cannot say much about the tablets but I hope they do the job for you. Whatever the method anyone uses on here the one thing in common we all have is that we have decided to quit and want to be smoke free for life.

I'm sure you will get so much from this forum like myself and all the others have, it's a fanatstic motivation tool, you can just say how you feel and you can be sure somebody has also felt like that so how ever high or low you feel dont be shy to voice.

Good luck


nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Thanks for the welcome Shazie :)

The sickness with the big blue uns has hit me like a truck today, despite eating. Its absolutely dreadful and I'm hoping it wears off.

I'm also getting all worked up over this group therapy thing too, so much so its making me smoke even more :( I'm off to the docs tomorrow, I may ask if there is an alternative to the sessions - I'm thinking probably not but I don't agree with the idea of being forced into something I'm not comfortable with, and I'll struggle to attend the sessions once I'm back at work (currently on holidays and work 12.5 hr shifts normally). I'm really worried its case of 'don't attend the sessions = no champix' which case as I'm not going to be able to attend them all, I might have to come off them :eek:

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh....bad day here :(

nsd_user663_6090 profile image

Do hope you have an understandind doc Mrs BB, I wouldnt want group sessions but am happy to participate on here which is similar. My smokey nurse had never heard of this site and was not interested either which is a shame. hope you get sorted out


nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Thanks duckling. Its so hard as I'm not a sharing person in life...I'm quite private and also with what I do for a living (I'm a student nurse, and have done referrals for others to smoking therapy groups :o), I'm also not keen on opening up in front of people who I may have potientially cared for - its only a small town :rolleyes:

But if I have to go, I'll have to go...I just hope that if I have to go they will be understanding when I can't attend. When I'm not working 12.5 shifts, I'm at Uni, which is quite a drive away (can take up to 1.5 hrs to get home) and I don't finish until 5pm...most of these sessions are either 1 in the after noon or 6 in the evenings. Initally, when I explained all this to the smoking nurse, she seemed fine with it, then last night was all..."well, you did sign up to the programme, so you will have to attend.." which is fair enough....when I can attend, but I can't miss Uni or Work, to attend group therapy :rolleyes: They will only allow time if its a medical appointment, and smoking sessions (either to see the nurse, or I'd assume to sit round in a group) aren't counted, they will only allow time of for actual doctors appointments, I already asked before starting the Champix.....

Sorry for the rant guys, but I'm feeling pretty annoyed...I feel like I'm going to be descriminated against for either not being very sociable or for actually having to work :(

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Hey Mrs Bluebear

Surely that can't make you go to group sessions to get the pills? I know when I was using champix I had to go to the smoking nurse every 2 weeks to get the pills but this was at nurse based at the doctors & I just made an appointment for after work.

Like duckling I wouldn't want to go to group sessions (each to their own though I suppose). Also like duckling I have found smoking cessation nurses and pharmacisits pretty un-supportive. It's just like blow in this (carbon monoxide) thing sign your prescription and go or give you more patches and go.

I hope you can get this sorted out

Tinks xx

nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Hi Tinkerbell,

I'm not sure what he will say to be honest. I know my doctors surgery doesn't have their own in house smoking services, so I have a feeling he will say I have to be monitored and going to these group things will be the only way. My counter arguement for that is, well, surely if he only gives me a two week prescription for Champix, then he can monitor me when I go back for each prescription (for checking side effects, how I'm doing and so on...).

I ws really upset last night with how to nurse spoke to me to be honest...kinda like..."Do it or else..." I felt like a naughty child because I'd expressed the preference not to go to group therapy and tried to explain if I did go, it would be sporadically depending upon work or Uni, which she must understand has to come first - I can't just drop my life... :(

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

I went to the group session once and without sounding rude I was the only person there who could string a sentence together!!

I just asked them to send me the prescription, and the nurse rang me and asked if I was ok. Mrs BB, explain you can not make it and ask for a prescription, just explain you are very motivated to do this and have no problem with a one on one or a telephone session.

They have targets which they need to meet, so they do want you to quit and will be helpful.

XX You are doing really well.

nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Thanks Christine, I'm going to explain all this to the doctor when I go tomorrow, and hopefully, there will be some alternative.

I don't want to come off the Champix as they're really working and I am very motivated towards quitting. I suppose I thought it would be more choice that I could choose what works for me....missing work or having major anxiety attacks for group sessions isn't going to work for me :o

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

I promise they will not take you off Champix just because you can not make it. However I do have 4 weeks supply if it comes to that I will send you them:)

nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Bless you Christine...I am going to keep everything crossed that the doctor will be understanding tomorrow and that it will all go well, and thank you for your kind offer :)

They are really working for me though...yesterday when I went to bed I had smoked 5 cigerettes, down from 20, sometimes even 30 previously and I'm really looking forward to my quit day.

Here's hoping for tomorrow...I get really flustered when trying to be assertive :o

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Bless you Christine...I am going to keep everything crossed that the doctor will be understanding tomorrow and that it will all go well, and thank you for your kind offer :)

They are really working for me though...yesterday when I went to bed I had smoked 5 cigerettes, down from 20, sometimes even 30 previously and I'm really looking forward to my quit day.

Here's hoping for tomorrow...I get really flustered when trying to be assertive :o

I have read most of this thread and I can't understand why some of these medical people (nothing personal) make such a big thing of this. You're not the first to have to put up with all this crap I think some of them are desendants of Hitler.

I went to my doctor complaining I had a sinus infection. She asked me if I smoked and did I want to stop, I said yes. She asked me if I would like to try champix which I had heard of and when I said would she gave me a prescription for it straight away.

I only used them for 1 week then stopped using them as I had stopped smoking within 4 days of starting them and felt I could manage without them.

I went back to the doctor and jokingly told her unfortunately the champix had not stopped me smoking and I had stopped taking them. Before I could explain I had stopped without them she asked me if I would like to try again and offered me another starter pack.

Why are they trying to make it harder for people to stop smoking when it's hard enough and they supposedly want us all to stop.:confused:

I have stopped smoking now for 6 weeks and this is partly due to my doctors relaxed attitude towards stopping smoking. I didn't have to go and see a nurse, I didn't have to sign up to any program. All I had been asked to do was phone one of the doctors in 2 weeks (my doctor was on holiday) go back and see my doctor in 4 weeks, which I did. Now I have been asked to go back and see her 4 weeks from the last visit which is next Thursday but if I didn't turn up I won't be banned from the surgery.

Sorry but if I was you I would tell them, I want to stop smoking but if you are going to make it very difficult for me I may as well give up before I even start.

Don't know if that helps.

Angry Jack :mad:

jackieinv profile image

There are some websites in my signature which will help you to get your head in a good place when you stop. It's so important we have as much knowledge as possible to help us to stay stopped, know the real truth about smoking, what to expect along the journey and much more.

Best wishes.


nsd_user663_7635 profile image

I have read most of this thread and I can't understand why some of these medical people (nothing personal) make such a big thing of this. You're not the first to have to put up with all this crap I think some of them are desendants of Hitler.

I went to my doctor complaining I had a sinus infection. She asked me if I smoked and did I want to stop, I said yes. She asked me if I would like to try champix which I had heard of and when I said would she gave me a prescription for it straight away.

I only used them for 1 week then stopped using them as I had stopped smoking within 4 days of starting them and felt I could manage without them.

I went back to the doctor and jokingly told her unfortunately the champix had not stopped me smoking and I had stopped taking them. Before I could explain I had stopped without them she asked me if I would like to try again and offered me another starter pack.

Why are they trying to make it harder for people to stop smoking when it's hard enough and they supposedly want us all to stop.:confused:

I have stopped smoking now for 6 weeks and this is partly due to my doctors relaxed attitude towards stopping smoking. I didn't have to go and see a nurse, I didn't have to sign up to any program. All I had been asked to do was phone one of the doctors in 2 weeks (my doctor was on holiday) go back and see my doctor in 4 weeks, which I did. Now I have been asked to go back and see her 4 weeks from the last visit which is next Thursday but if I didn't turn up I won't be banned from the surgery.

Sorry but if I was you I would tell them, I want to stop smoking but if you are going to make it very difficult for me I may as well give up before I even start.

Don't know if that helps.

Angry Jack :mad:

I totally argee with what your saying Jack, and trust me when I finally plucked up the courage to visit my doctors to quit smoking, I never imagined it would be so hard to get help without clauses.

I am sensible person, and am also training to become a health professional myself. I am 27 and have a full life that includes working, university, children and a partner. I want to quit smoking and I want help to do that, unfortunately because I am short on time available to devote to groups and sessions it seems I might be denied that help.

Obviously, it may not come to that but if it does, what I am suppose to do? Its terrible when I'm sat here, wanting to quit, looking forward to my quit date but at the same time nervous as hell I'm going to be taken off treatment because their sessions don't 1) fit in with my working day, and 2) don't suit me personally due to their group nature.

I am actually dreading tomorrow, and don't want to raise the issue with my doctor at all if it means me coming off the Champix and failing to quit (again) :(

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

I would say to you if the doctor was to take you off champix he/she is not doing there job. Their job as you know is to do what is necessary for your health.

I know right now there is probably many sinareos going through your head and you will be asking yourself what you will say if this happens or that happens. Try not to, relax and worry about that tomorrow, tomorrow, just enjoy today. I know it's hard but you are possibly putting yourself through a lot of distress for nothing. You may find and I think the sinareo will be that your doctor will tell you the most important thing is to help you to stop smoking. It is very necessary for you to tell the doctor how you are feeling and how much you want to stop, but you do feel that you need help to do so.

Don't hold back speak your mind just think you are talking to one of us, someone who understands.

Good luck for tomorrow go in there shoulders back, chest out, (ehem if you know what I mean) and tell them how you feel.

Jack xx:)

nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Thank you for all your advice Jack :)

Its helped to calm me down ;) I guess I'm just all panicky in case the doc says no now I've found something that works. But you're right and I can always get a second opinion if he is less than helpful.

And like you say I should quit worrying about it and just let it happen. I am sure whatever the outcome is I will find a way to remain on the Champix and quit :)

Lindsay xxx

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Lindsay that's much more like it, you're now using that same positive aproace you used to stop smoking in the first place. :cool:

Keep us all posted tomorrow.

Jack x

nsd_user663_7635 profile image

I will do Jack, thanks for listening (reading) :)

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

You are welcome like everyone on this forum I'm always here for you.:)

Jack x

nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Well, I'm off to the doctors at 1.30pm...I'm terribly nervous and not sure what I'm going to say, I always get all flustered but I'm trying to be positive.

Its hard though.

Its also making me smoke, which is very disheartening. I've smoked 3 already and its only 12 :(

Its silly as I was really looking forward to today, it being the day before my big quit day tomorrow - now I'm a wreck. I've decided I will explain the situation and see what the doctor says. I am almost certain that in this primary care trust you can't undergo Champix treatment without attending smoking meetings, so I'm not very hopeful (Sorry Jack, I am trying! lol).

I am unsure where I will go from here if I am taken off Champix as it is definitely working for me, and I haven't had too many side effects. I don't want to smoke but nothing else works...

Nervous Lindsay :( xxx

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Sweetheart deep breaths my love. You WILL get your Champix, unfortunately you can not make the classes but you are extremely motivated for this quit but can only do it with Champix. If that does not work stamp your feet and remind them you are a woman on the edge:D

Good luck and let us know later, do you just want me to come with you, I am very good at this sort of thing??


nsd_user663_7635 profile image


I would rather like you to come with me, yes :o I'm no good at this sort of thing and I think instead of smoking classes, I need assertive classes...I will take you along on my Iphone...and let the doctor type messages to you, how's that? :)

Thank you for the hugs...I may need more later :p

nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Right...I'm off.... *inhales deeply..*

Be back later all xx

nsd_user663_6810 profile image

Hope your trip goes well today. Its a shame to have this brilliant decision you have made hampered by this worry.

BUT I do believe making the decision is a huge part of quitting, not a small part and i am sure your determination will pay off.

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Sorry Lindsay been out working let's know how you got on when you get back.

Jack x

nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Good news!!

My doctor says yes! :DSorry I took so long to post - I went shopping to celebrate...I thought it might be nice to have some fresh new clothes, that haven't been tainted by smoke LOL!!

I just said..."I am very comitted to quitting and the champix is working but I don't think I can attend the sessions..." He immediately said..."It doesn't matter, what's important is the tablets are working okay without side effects and your determined to quit..." :eek:

Just what you lot said he would say :o

Andddddddddddd to reassure me, he gave me the whole course of Champix on the promise that I would go see him once a month, or sooner if I had a problem.

I can't wait to start my new life tomorrow now :)

Lindsay xxx

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Just what I said Lindsay it is more important to them that you stop smoking. I think you just had a stubborn nurse and want's to be the boosy boot's.

You've survived that so nows the time to make you a new you.:);)

Jack xx

nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Maybe so Jack...I do look forward to ringing her tomorrow and letting her know I won't be attending :D

I have stocked up today on some fruit juice, and sugar free gum. I'm going to get some lollies tomorrow too :)

Lindsay xx

nsd_user663_6165 profile image

Yayyyyyy **Cheers Jumps up & down**:p I have just read the whole of this thread for the first time. It was like a John Grisham novel - the suspense, the worrying, will she get the Champix? Or will the bully boy nurse win out? I've got a "comfort blanket" stash of Champix and was planning to send that if your miserable smokey nurse wouldn't back down.

I'm so glad you've got the prescription, and what a great idea to go shopping for new "untainted" clothes. I hope your former excitement about your quit date is restored, and best of luck with the quit.

I used Champix and it worked for me, I hope it does for you as well.:)

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Maybe so Jack...I do look forward to ringing her tomorrow and letting her know I won't be attending :D

I have stocked up today on some fruit juice, and sugar free gum. I'm going to get some lollies tomorrow too :)

Lindsay xx

I found extra strong mints have helped me and cold fizzy Fanta. I keep it in the fridge and have a quick swallow if I need it, I also have some in the car when at work.

I am and I'm sure I speak for everyone else on here in that we are all looking forward to helping you quit and enjoying your new life.

Jack xx

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Told you so, you people never listen to me:D

Fantastic news and how exciting about tomorrow. Enjoy tonight my lovely and be gentle on yourself tomorrow, remember we are here for you and will support you all the way.

xx Good luck sweetheart.

nsd_user663_6810 profile image

Yayy, good news

nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Thank you Lily!

LOL @ you novel comment. It has been kind of like that for me, its been a rollercoaster ride of emotions and I'm so glad it came out in my favour :)

I just liked the idea of having freshly bought clothes to put on tomorrow. Its like, I know it probably sounds weird, but I a plan on having my last ciggie soon, then I'm off in the bath. I'm gonna get all clean, wash my hair then pop on some new pjs so when I emerge out the bath, its the new non smoking me in smokefree clothes. I've also put some fresh bedding on so it smells all nice. Its probably silly but I feel like making a big deal out of it because, is a big deal, and I want to wake up tomorrow all fresh, not reeking of fags.

I figure I should start as I mean to go on ;)

Aww, bless you for your offer of the Champix. It's so kind. I'm glad the doctor agreed. The nurse made me feel awful when I mentioned it...kinda like 'you will attend or else' and the doctor was fine about it. It worries me though as I wonder how many people who aren't little wobbly about quitting and wouldn't like to attend those meetings, continue to smoke because of her!

Still excited about my quit,

Lindsay :) xxx

nsd_user663_7635 profile image

I found extra strong mints have helped me and cold fizzy Fanta. I keep it in the fridge and have a quick swallow if I need it, I also have some in the car when at work.

I am and I'm sure I speak for everyone else on here in that we are all looking forward to helping you quit and enjoying your new life.

Jack xx

Thanks Jack :)

I may get a few packs of strong mints too. I'm not putting myself in any 'trigger' situations tomorrow so I'm hoping to be okay. My OH is taking us shopping and then we're off out for a meal. The meal used to be a problem when smoking was allowed but since its been banned I haven't had a cig until I got home anyway, so that should be fine.

Also, good news...I have overcome the sickness of the big blues today! I've took both tablets and neither have made me feel sick, so I'm pleased :)

Lindsay xxx

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Good Luck For 16th

Good Luck for 16th

Heres a Little Ditty to print and read when you feel tempted

Written by me for this site so no royalties to pay LOL

I’m really glad that now I’ve quit

Cause in the past I’ve smoked some sh**

Smelly Hair Hands and Breath

Shorter Life but longer Death

Up the hills you’ve got no puff

Smokers cough that makes you rough

So pass each day without the weed

Cause only then will you succeed

So Bravo to all that now don’t smoke

Cause early Death is sure no Joke

nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Told you so, you people never listen to me:D

Fantastic news and how exciting about tomorrow. Enjoy tonight my lovely and be gentle on yourself tomorrow, remember we are here for you and will support you all the way.

xx Good luck sweetheart.

Thank you so much Christine, you're support today meant so much for me. I was deep breathing in the waiting room and was repeating what you said nearly word for word when I spoke to the doctor! lol

I'm smoking my last ciggie at 7, so four minutes to go. I figure its best as I hardly smoke in the evenings now and at least this way the first 12 hours without smoking will be taken up by sleeping :D

Lindsay xxx

nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Thanks Jo :)

Thanks Jamangie....nice little ditty to keep in mind there. I should print that off and stick it where I normally smoke.

1 minute remaining until my last fag :)

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Thanks Jo :)

Thanks Jamangie....nice little ditty to keep in mind there. I should print that off and stick it where I normally smoke.

1 minute remaining until my last fag :)

This should have said;

1 minute remaining until starting my new smoke free life.

We all know you'll do well but don't feel pressured.

Jack x

nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Yep, Jack - today is the start of a whole new me ;)

Well, surprisingly, I'm not feeling too bad... I didn't have any after 7pm, went to bed at 11pm, and woke up earlier and haven't had so much as a craving.

I suppose its still because I have nicotine in my system, and once that is gone the cravings will start, but really...I haven't even wanted or needed a cig. Which is strange because when I smoked, I always wanted or needed one :eek:

Must be the Champix doing their job too, but I don't feel at all bad this morning :)

Lindsay xxx

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Hi Lindsay and good day one to you.

It could be that you have nicotine still in your system but the people I have spoke to said they did not want to smoke when they were on champix. The only thing is follow instructions and keep to them.

One of my ex pupils John he stopped using champix and said he found he did not want to smoke. But I am sure you are going to need strength and willpower to keep you from smoking, you seem determind enough.

John was a heavy smoker on roll ups for years he decided he wanted to stop smoking use the money to learn to drive and buy a car. John can now drive has a 55 reg Fiat Panda and it has changed his life. Him and his wife now take trips to Perth shopping and they can go where they like when they like plus he tells me he feels so much healthier. He kept on the champix for at least 3 months then felt he could come off it and did.

Keep posting, keep talking to us and if you need help we're all here.:)

Jack xx

nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Jack, that's a great positive ending to someone giving up smoking, I am sure before long I will I have a similar tale to tell people :)

I'm a few hours away from being smoke free for 24 hours now and I feel fine. I still haven't had a craving and no fact I feel happish. Not how I expected to feel at all.

I've just been to Tescos and got a pile of lollies and hard boiled sweets. I also got some Fanta zero to put in the fridge (thanks for the tip Jack, it might work for me ;)) and some weirdly, I am craving icy cold things - not sure why?

Lindsay xxx

nsd_user663_7254 profile image

Hi Lindsay,

Just wondering how you getting on with day 1?. It's fanatstic that you have made the best decision to quit. I'm on patches so not much help when it comes to the tablets but those that are taking them can give you advise.

Wishing you much PMA and keep strong.


nsd_user663_7635 profile image

:)Hi Shazie!

Well, its a little over an hour until I've been smoke free for 24 hours, and I feeling great. No ciggie cravings at all yet. Of course my thinking patterns are still the same, as I'll think 'oh I'll just do this then I'll have...' but when I get to the then I'll have bit, I just change it to a drink or a lolly or sweet...but no honest cravings where I'm dying for one. So its all good so far:)

How are you feeling? Good I hope, and well done on making it to day 13 ;)

I'm looking forward to posting in day two tomorrow :D

Lindsay xxx

nsd_user663_7254 profile image

That's great news Limdsay on nearly 24 hrs, you are doing really well, keep it up.:D

I'm doing OK, last few days been more of a struggle then the days before that but still in positive mode. My day 1 & 2 were really good and felt easy but by day 3 that's when they cravings where bad, however I overcame that. Don't know if you will be like me but I find weekends very hard even though this is my 2nd one, cannot venture out to the local pub as still feel as though I would be tempted even though I'm drinking at home.

They say on here about the terrible 3's which was true for day 3 for me but not looking forward to week 3 and month 3 but I'll cross that bridge when I get there, I suppose everyone is different.

Look forward to hearing how you get on tomorrow.

Well done again.


nsd_user663_7635 profile image

You're doing so well Shazie and I'm sorry to hear you're having a bad day.

You might be right with terrible 3's...I will let you know how I get on on day 3, but look at it this way, if its only days with a 3 in them, you'll have 10 days in between to psych yourself up for them ;)

I've passed my 24 hour milestone - Yipeeeeeee!

Day two for me in the morning :)

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Hi Lindsay, first 24hrs: I can remember how much that meant to me. I had always said if I could go 24hrs I would not smoke again. Now for you it's 1hr at a time then you'll go to bed when you wake up in the morning if the thought comes into your head "oh no another day and I can't smoke" turn it around to "oh yes another day of being smoke free".

I know today I'm having a bad day and I could murder a cigarette but I don't have a gun. Getting a little annoyed very easy, my son Brendon was playing very loud music and normally I can put up with it but well not today. I just told him to take the bass off a bit but felt like shouting turn that ******* music off.

So you will get good days and bad days so try and turn it to the positive side and not the negitive. I'm thinking I am feeling bad today that's negitive, the postive as to why am I feeling bad? because I have gone 45 days smoke free.

So keep us posted.

Jack xx

nsd_user663_7635 profile image

You're totally right, Jack. It is an hour at a time for me at the moment, but so far you know what....I haven't smoked for more than 24hrs and no one has died, I'm still here, still quite cheerful and still not if I can do it for one day, I can do it every day :) Plus after all the fuss of getting the Champix sorted, I'm not messing it up now.

You're doing so well Jack, 45 is a such a long time and if you're a little tetchy at times, well...aren't we all? And you're right looking at it postively, you've come so far. I won't have that problem because I'm usually a mardy cow! :p

Lindsay xxx

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Lindsay, I like the spirt it reminds me of me when I first started. You have a great night and we'll speak to you tomorrow.

Jack xx:)

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