Arrrrgggghhhh: day 3. I thought it would be... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_7359 profile image
11 Replies

day 3. I thought it would be easier than yesterday. I feel murderous!! On the plus side, I'm loving the dreams that the nicotine patches are giving me (I won't go in to detail, some were quite smutty ;)) but god damn am I feeling emotional!! And I can't shift a headache that I've had since last night. Any tips to get me through today? This is now officially the longest I've been without a cigarette in 15 years and I feel like I'm mourning!!

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nsd_user663_7359 profile image
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11 Replies
nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Hi Emily

It is my day 3 today as well. From previous experience day 3 and week 3 were the most difficult. They say month 3 is tricky too but I can't comment on that as I have never got that far!!

I am finding today extremely difficult too but there is absolutely no way I'm giving it this time.

You might want to try getting some of the lozenges. I orginally tried to go CT this time but was finding it really difficuly so I went to a local pharmacy and got the 24hour patch yesterday. I then went back after work last night and got the Nicorette Lozenges. So far I have found they do help. It was good really becasue this pharmacy offer a smoking cessation service. So I had to pay 2 prescription fees one for the patches and then 1 for the lozenges. Then I have to go every week for the next 12 weeks to blow into a puffer thing to make sure I haven't been smoking and so long as I haven't I get the patches and lozenges for free for the next 12 weeks and they gradually lower my dose. It gives me incentive really having to go for a check every week.

My advice to you to get through day 3 would be to read and post on this forum and keep really busy. For the headaches drink loads of water or herbal tea try and lay of the coffee and normal tea (with caffeine in).

Hope this advice helps you a bit

Remember you can do this - ONWARDS & UPWARDS!

Tinks xx

nsd_user663_4453 profile image

Well done your doing great!:D

Yes i find day 3 is really hard also. Be on your gaurd and show them nicotine monsters whos boss!!

lee x

P.s Tell me more about them dreams your having;)

nsd_user663_7359 profile image


Thanks Tinks!!

I did buy an inhalator just in case and it has helped a little bit. I just want all the pangs to go away and leave me alone! I'm back at work and finding it hard too as I used to break my day in to bits by having a fag every couple of hours. I'm going to call the doctor now and find out about some classes near me, particularly as I find the patched really expensive!! I'm going to go and have a big glass of iced water now and snack on some grapes at 11 (I'm really concerned about putting on weight, too). You keep strong too, chick-we can do this out of sheer determination!! xx :D

nsd_user663_7359 profile image

Well done your doing great!:D

Yes i find day 3 is really hard also. Be on your gaurd and show them nicotine monsters whos boss!!

lee x

P.s Tell me more about them dreams your having;)

Ha ha-I'd love to but think it may break some sort of forum rule ;)

nsd_user663_4453 profile image

Ohhh damn it!!!


nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Do you have an Asda or Tesco pharmacy anywhere near as I know they definitly do it. It's worth a try.

The weight thing was and still is a big thing playing on my mind. Last year when I tried to quit using champix and I put on weight. However I have now resided to the fact that it is something that happens. HOWEVER I did read in the leaflet that was in the box of patches that people put on weight when quitting smoking becasue they eat more and because nicotine increases metabolic rate. It said that using patches means still have nicotine in system and slowly being "weaned" off nicotine means metabolic rate changes gradually?

All that said it may happen and so if it does I'll loose it, it can't be as bad as smoking. In the long term we will be able to happily live a smoke free life, happier and healthier, won't we Emily.

One of the forum members actually advised freezing grapes to help with cravings, I have never tried it but it's worth a shot?


Keep me posted

Tinks xx

nsd_user663_7359 profile image



I just found out that my local chemist runs a clinic so I'm going tomorrow at half 2!

I think you're right about the metabolic rate, although as another of my resolutions was to lose weight anyway, I'm paying much more attention to what I eat. I used to skip breakfast as I didn't have time (I always found time for a ciggy though:eek:) but now I'm eating wholemeal toast so I don't want to snack in mid morning. Seems to be working so far!

I'm drinking water to try and shift the headache. My brave other half is on day 4 of going CT and he's doing so well but it frustrates me to think he's actually doing better than me as I still have nicotine going in to my system. I guess it's each to their own, hey?

This forum is fab-I was a right grumpy mare this morning (the foot of snow we've got doesn't help!), but I feel better already. Nice to know you're going through it too, chick! :)

nsd_user663_7318 profile image


Keep getting that water down you and soon you'll be so busy heading to the loo every 5 mins you'll not have time for thoughts of smoking!

Keep it up though!

My trick for the headache was to wear an elastic band around my wrist; when my head started hurting I "pinged" the elastic band...a sore wrist for me was easier to deal with.

As a collegue said to me yesterday..."good on you, it must be nice achieving something by choice. The good thing is if you want to smoke again you could also shoot yourself in both knees...the long term survival rate is probably about the same"

I've found some things people say make it soooo much easier.

nsd_user663_7359 profile image


Keep getting that water down you and soon you'll be so busy heading to the loo every 5 mins you'll not have time for thoughts of smoking!

Keep it up though!

My trick for the headache was to wear an elastic band around my wrist; when my head started hurting I "pinged" the elastic band...a sore wrist for me was easier to deal with.

As a collegue said to me yesterday..."good on you, it must be nice achieving something by choice. The good thing is if you want to smoke again you could also shoot yourself in both knees...the long term survival rate is probably about the same"

I've found some things people say make it soooo much easier.

Ha ha-you're so right about the toilet thing, I practically live in there today! I feel like I'm getting stronger each day, although I still crave and still wish to punch somebody or something!

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

I've been getting my first cravings although after I sat down and thought about it, I'm not craving sounds strange but I would like a smoke; sometimes I'd like a mars bar etc.

Pretty much able to just ignore them now.....I'm finding expresso helps..provides a caffein hit and leaves an after taste. Working as a replacement for me at the moment.

nsd_user663_7359 profile image


I've been getting my first cravings although after I sat down and thought about it, I'm not craving sounds strange but I would like a smoke; sometimes I'd like a mars bar etc.

Pretty much able to just ignore them now.....I'm finding expresso helps..provides a caffein hit and leaves an after taste. Working as a replacement for me at the moment.

I know what you mean-it's like I want something but not necessarily a fag. I just feel something's missing! I don't drink coffee-I wish I did-so I'm sticking to water and grapes! My concentration has gone right down hill, I've done practically nothing for the last two days at work!

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