New and feeling very positive: Hi all I`ll... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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New and feeling very positive

nsd_user663_7328 profile image
3 Replies

Hi all

I`ll tell you a bit about me - i`m 31 tomorrow and i`ve been smoking since i was 15. I have given up both times i was pregnant but silly me started again, so this is the first time i am giving up because i want to. I started taking champix on the 1st and i smoked my last fag yesterday at 10am only managed half of it it tasted disgusting so today is my first full day of being a non smoker and it feels awesome. At the moment i am finding it ok no cravings really just habit reached for my fags last night then had a little giggle at myself. So what i want to ask is does it get harder? I thought the 1st few days would be the worst but my mum seems to think it will get worse.

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nsd_user663_7328 profile image
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3 Replies
nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Clare :D

Well done deciding to quit and on day 1 smoke free

I also used champix and admit that I had a fairly easy ride, we all get bad days but an awful lot more are good ones Promise

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and give all new members


Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathising with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

This link is good for the psychological part of

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here


Marg xx

nsd_user663_7254 profile image

Well Done Fellow day oner!!!

Hi claire,

I'm on day one two, this is my third attempt, failed last year after 8 weeks and like you the last time I gave up for a long period of time was 9 years ago when I was expecting and silly me too started again.

I wish you much success and I hope we both can kick this awful habit and have a long and happy smoke free life.

Happy Birthday for tomorrow.

Shazieb x

nsd_user663_7328 profile image

Thanks for the welcome both! I will keep posting on here i`m sure i`ll need the support and hope that i`ll be able to support others also.

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