36th Day... yay and boo...: Hello there... - No Smoking Day

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36th Day... yay and boo...

nsd_user663_6596 profile image
11 Replies

Hello there!!

Just reporting in on the 36th day!!! Yaayyy!!!

Have a small confession to make... pls dont tut at me too loudly *looks guilty*

I succumbed to the evil darklord Nick... i was most drunk at a party, this weekend and woke up feeling terribly guilty, :( my OH was lovely and stated that this was a slip and not a relapse... i'm still on the quit!!!!!!

I have now stopped Nicotine Patches also, its time for CT and to get this poison out of my system once and for all.:D

I can do this... i only waivered, and i didnt fall all the way back. Hes a sneaky bugger mugging me when i've had cocktails.... i'll be watching my back in future!!!


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nsd_user663_6596 profile image
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11 Replies
nsd_user663_6385 profile image

awwww not too worry hun, we have all done it.

Like you said just a slip, dont let it get in the way of your quit. Defences are certainly down when you are drinking, I've had a terrible time on the booze... I probably would have had one on Friday if friends had let me but I was held back until I forgot about it again lol

Keep smiling and keep quitting :D


nsd_user663_6596 profile image

awwww not too worry hun, we have all done it.

Like you said just a slip, dont let it get in the way of your quit. Defences are certainly down when you are drinking, I've had a terrible time on the booze... I probably would have had one on Friday if friends had let me but I was held back until I forgot about it again lol

Keep smiling and keep quitting :D


Thank Mixxy,

Your a star indeed! Tis tricky with the booze isn't it? Still never mind, on previous attempts i would have bought a pack in the morning and carried on proclaiming weakness... but not this time! Thanks for your support Mixxy honey, you have helped me through some tricky times xxxx

nsd_user663_6496 profile image

Be confident in yourself and accept that it was simply a slip up and nothing more. You can continue on and don't beat yourself up. It still counts as 36 days with a hiccup. Remind yourself u dont want to do those bl..y 36 days again. I know when I drink now I drink a lot faster because I dont have to keep ducking out for a fag. But the hangovers are lighter without the nicotine.

nsd_user663_6596 profile image

Be confident in yourself and accept that it was simply a slip up and nothing more. You can continue on and don't beat yourself up. It still counts as 36 days with a hiccup. Remind yourself u dont want to do those bl..y 36 days again. I know when I drink now I drink a lot faster because I dont have to keep ducking out for a fag. But the hangovers are lighter without the nicotine.

Thanks SmokyBear!!!

Yes it was just a hiccup.... and it wont be happening again for sure!!! I sooo didn't want to have to start again at the beginning, and so have allowed myself a stupid moment... i'll remember next time when i get tempted all the guilt i felt when i awoke the next day, with a horrid taste in my mouth and a minging sore throat.... and to think i used to feel like this all the time and convince myself that i enjoyed it!!! Pah!!! 3rd day of complete patchless CT today....!!! yippee!!!! xxxx

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

I wish you the power to overcome the blip you had.. you quickly realise it as a huge mistake, and your other half sounds like just the kind of close-by support you need.

As long as you leave it at that you'll be ok i'm sure, but no more repeats of this now, and i think you know yourself that doing this patch-free/cold turkey is the right move.. get rid of all nicotine out of your system and keep it that way.

Well done on getting to day 3 and i wish you all the best for the days ahead.

nsd_user663_6596 profile image

I wish you the power to overcome the blip you had.. you quickly realise it as a huge mistake, and your other half sounds like just the kind of close-by support you need.

As long as you leave it at that you'll be ok i'm sure, but no more repeats of this now, and i think you know yourself that doing this patch-free/cold turkey is the right move.. get rid of all nicotine out of your system and keep it that way.

Well done on getting to day 3 and i wish you all the best for the days ahead.

Thanks very much Jase,

I appreciate the words of encouragement, as they keep spurring me on. I dont want to have to do the last 36 days again for sure! There were trials tribulations and tantrums a'plenty! However, the slip did spur me onto the decision that no nicotine is good nicotine and so the morning after the 'accident' i decided that was it Chilled Christmas Poultry time....

My resolve is strong, Uncle Nick is weak and shall be beaten with pigs in blankets and trifles over the festive season.....:cool:

nsd_user663_6412 profile image

That's ok Zozie....I thought I almost was going to a few weeks ago....I'm

getting all psyched up for the holidays, as most of the out-laws smoke.....just a small bump in the road.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Zozie :D

Well done you 36 days is great sorry you had a little slip but he's a wily sod is Nico :eek: Demon so be on your guard in future

Be careful though Zozie or you may not be lucky enough to get away with it next time sometimes all it takes is one puff never mind a fag OK


Marg xx

nsd_user663_4990 profile image


Good for you. Now on with quit for you, but plan ahead.. just a little gameplan that sorts what you will do better 'next time' you are having drinks.. its all about diversion, if your buddies disappear for a smoke (or are smoking in the room you are in), then you need to find something to do that takes you out of the picture just for a little bit and out of temptations way. If you are a bit flush for cash then get the round in at the bar? or offer to go the bar for someone while they go for a smoke? Nowt wrong with being the runner to the bar, it keeps your mind focused on a task and you can still have all the fun of drinking. The pubs i used to go in were 6 people deep to the bar near christmas half the time, so it took a while to get served anyway.

Drinkin in the house? they have a smoke? you prepare bowls of peanuts/crisps or the like. Just anything other than sit among the smoke if its indoors. If they are good and go outside then the same applies as you are still not thinking about going outside and joining them.

Just have a battleplan.. how will you cope wiht the same situation as last time without taking a smoke from someone.

You'll crack this Zozie, you really will, just learn from any mistakes you do make as it will make your success all the more rewarding in the long run. JUST NEVER GO BACK tha's all. :)

nsd_user663_6596 profile image

That's ok Zozie....I thought I almost was going to a few weeks ago....I'm

getting all psyched up for the holidays, as most of the out-laws smoke.....just a small bump in the road.

We're all strong, and Christmas will be fine methinks... i'm going with the Jase law of distraction... not succumbing again. Good luck with the outlaws!!! :D

nsd_user663_6596 profile image

Hi Zozie :D

Well done you 36 days is great sorry you had a little slip but he's a wily sod is Nico :eek: Demon so be on your guard in future

Be careful though Zozie or you may not be lucky enough to get away with it next time sometimes all it takes is one puff never mind a fag OK


Marg xx

Hi Marg!

Thanks for your message, he is a wily little sod, but i'm onto him now, and he'll not manage to slip under my radar, what with the alarms, razor wire and everything else installed, he'd have to be an SAS Ninja to catch me unawares!!!

My lesson is learned, You Guys have made me all heartened and better than i did on Sat Morning. 3 Days of CT and i'm feeling good.

Hope you are too?


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