Day 19 and LOVING it! Strange new symptom t... - No Smoking Day

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Day 19 and LOVING it! Strange new symptom too...

nsd_user663_1719 profile image
5 Replies

I've just had my first completely stress-free day since I quit!

It's been REALLY busy at work and I didn't have time for a break this afternoon - if I still smoked I would've been getting all stressed as I'd be gagging for a fag, but today it didn't bother me in the slightest apart from slight caffeine withdrawal - I just got on with it and actually ENJOYED being busy! :D

One weird thing though - I deal with customers all day - and I've been finding lately if I'm seeing someone who smells strongly of cigarette smoke, it sets me off coughing like anything - although the rest of the time I hardly cough at all! I was with one customer earlier who was obviously a heavy smoker, and although the smell didn't make me want a cigarette (quite the opposite actually - I hope I never smelled that strong!), I could hardly talk to the poor bloke for choking all over him!

Has anyone else had this, or am I just weird? (Well I KNOW I'm weird, but.....)

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nsd_user663_1719 profile image
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5 Replies
nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Yeh you are right you are weird....:D

Well done on 19 days and being so positive...see you in week 4

L x

nsd_user663_5598 profile image

I haven't started coughing but my throat has gone all croaky after I've been chatting for a while...whether they're smokers or not! Perhaps we just go weird when we give up smoking :confused:

18th day for me and I'll keep on croaking :D

Well done everyone else!

JJ xxx

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Hello my lovely, yes you are weird but thankfully so are the rest of us (the two above are weirder than us!!:D)

I had a meeting and sat by a smoker and even though he was lovely he stank!

Frankly my dears we are all doing very well, group hug!!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image


Well done you 19 days is great

I don't think that's weird at all just carry on coughing over them

nsd_user663_1719 profile image

Well he DID smell a bit like he's been rolling in an ash tray........... :rolleyes:

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