Sad :(: Well after over 8 glorious months... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Sad :(

nsd_user663_3602 profile image
11 Replies

Well after over 8 glorious months something terrible happened. I had a photoshoot to do, and due to the nature of a rather terrible industry I was told it would not happen until I lost 1/2 a stone.... The precise amount of weight I gained during my wonderful successful quit.

I tried running and dieting etc but nothing happened ( being naturally pretty skinny I am no good at dieting, I like to eat all the time, it just happens I like to eat more when not smoking and have very little control over this!!) So after a month of this I decided to start smoking again only to get me through the shoot and then stop again after... so after 8 months I conciously planned and went to the shops and bought some roll ups... 1 week later I had lost over 1/2 a stone (crazy) shortly after I did the shoot, then I re-read allen carr and attempted to quit, 3 days later i started again and I have been yoyoing ever since.....Nightmare i don't want to be a smelly smoker anymore.

To be honest I had almost forgot about this forum and how helpful it was to me during my best quit ever.

sooooo... Now i feel sad and stupid and stuck and i just want to get back to how it was as I felt soo good as a non smoker and didn't feel that I wanted or needed them anymore.

it was my birthday yesturday tommorow is my new quit date wish me luck and help meeeeeeee :)

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nsd_user663_3602 profile image
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11 Replies
nsd_user663_3633 profile image



I can't beleive it, you seemed so settled :(

Anyway, enough of whats past.

Happy birthday for yesterday and lets make tomorrow the start of the one that has no end, shall we?

As usual, we will be here to help if and when you need us :)

All the best.

nsd_user663_3602 profile image

Thank you

Cheers stuart, back to sq 1, wish me luck :)

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Cheers stuart, back to sq 1, wish me luck :)

It's not about luck, you know that ;)

Welcome back :)

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Welcome back, so very sorry to read what happened and best wishes for your new quit.

What more can I say, you know how all you have to do it make it happen.



nsd_user663_1733 profile image

So sorry to hear this but its done.

You know what you need to do we are all here to support you so day one here we come. Also happy birthday for yesterday.xxxxx

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Sachmo :)

Happy birthday for yesterday

I'm so sad to hear this but welcome back to the forum

Forget the past but remember the pitfalls and resolve to avoid them this time no matter what happens

You know what to do and how to beat this after all you've already done it once

Also remember we're all here for you to help and support as and when needed



Deke profile image
Deke9 Years Smoke Free

Hi Sachmo,

Sorry to see you are back at day 1 tomorrow. But glad that you are not giving up on giving up. Having got to 8 months, you know what to expect, I guess. And a lesson learned and shared too.

All the best


nsd_user663_5028 profile image

no way

Well after over 8 glorious months something terrible happened. I had a photoshoot to do, and due to the nature of a rather terrible industry I was told it would not happen until I lost 1/2 a stone.... The precise amount of weight I gained during my wonderful successful quit.

I tried running and dieting etc but nothing happened ( being naturally pretty skinny I am no good at dieting, I like to eat all the time, it just happens I like to eat more when not smoking and have very little control over this!!) So after a month of this I decided to start smoking again only to get me through the shoot and then stop again after... so after 8 months I conciously planned and went to the shops and bought some roll ups... 1 week later I had lost over 1/2 a stone (crazy) shortly after I did the shoot, then I re-read allen carr and attempted to quit, 3 days later i started again and I have been yoyoing ever since.....Nightmare i don't want to be a smelly smoker anymore.

To be honest I had almost forgot about this forum and how helpful it was to me during my best quit ever.

sooooo... Now i feel sad and stupid and stuck and i just want to get back to how it was as I felt soo good as a non smoker and didn't feel that I wanted or needed them anymore.

it was my birthday yesturday tommorow is my new quit date wish me luck and help meeeeeeee :)

Aww mate so sorry for you, come on you can do this again no problem go for it :)

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Bad luck on this. Its never good to read, and you know how good it was being a non-smoker.. and i'm sure you are as gutted about smoking again as you are about the reason you smoked after all this time.

I would definitely take some steps towards finding ways and methods to keep the weight down though when you are a non-smoker again, there has to be some subtle changes to what you eat, and a little more exercise .. or even different type of exercise altogether.. just to ensure you don't put this extra weight on.

The reason i say this is because if you are working in an industry that looks at you and tells you to lose the half a stone you put on while being a non-smoker then there is every chance they would do that again.. and again.. and again.. and you can't keep punishing yourself by having to purposely break your quit of the addiction for the sake of a job. You absolutely cannot use smoking as a weight loss plan after this time.. its not fair on you at all, its a classic double-edged sword sadly.

I wish you absolute luck on this quit.. but please please please, look at alternatives for the weight control if you can, you can't go through withdrawal your whole life, and you can't force yourself to be addicted either.

Sorry if i'm saying something that is either something you know already or didn't want to hear.. but you'll get used to me, i try to speak sense where its needed.. and right now, you need both the support and the guideance.. even if it is from a relative newbie like me :)


nsd_user663_3602 profile image

thanks jase

I like the cut of your jib!!!! onwards and forwards, it is something I have thought alot about but I feel I am in a place now where it is possible to be slim and a non smoker.. also I was working in a cake shop for the majority of my last quit which didn't help!!! I am such a healthy person in everything else in my life so the smoking really has to go. It is riddiculous. Nice to feel some support again.... Just about to smoke my final ciggarette ever... (I hope :( ) actually hope has nothing to do with it, here I go.....

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

It is a good thing you are doing. life is too damn important to play funny beggers with it with smoking. In your position, i'd rather take my chances at the gym, than spend a lifetime hooked on drugs and chemicals of which i cannot see the damage they are doing until its too late.

Health is far more important, we spend our lives avoiding the topic of health when we smoke.. we know the damage its doing and we swear we'll give in one day.. but omg how long does it take to build up the courage. (can you believe it?) to take the right decision where our health is concerned.

You've done right here.. examine your options on food and treats though, i swear to god if you can't find alternatives for your favourite foods just by looking a bit harder i would be very very surprised. I had to do this exercise years ago when i found a food intolerance and it involved alot of foods i really liked.. now after just changing to other 'nice' but healthier things.. i love them more.

You got so much going for you, you really have, but good healthy living without throwing nicotine into the mix will set you up so much better when anything else, and half a stone i promise you is an achieveable loss, if you balance everything out properly.

Anything IS possible, and nothing is unacheiveable if you put your mind to it.

You can do it.. and i'm proud of you for taking the step forward to quit again.

Go you!

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