Diet, Nutrition and giving your body what i... - No Smoking Day

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Diet, Nutrition and giving your body what it needs

nsd_user663_4754 profile image
8 Replies

hey all,

well after being a month in, i've come to the conclusion that the "ill do whatever it takes" philosophy might now be doing me more harm than good.

I think the booze intake needs to drop significantly (was using it as a substitute for smoking a bit i think) and i need to sort my diet out.

ive noticed that ive been sleeping loads but still feeling pretty bad most days and i think its gotta be diet. I think its also exemplified by the fact that im not able to go running at the moment but the diet thing needs tackling i think

so my question to you all is

what ways have you changed your diet to give your body what it needs to heal itself and make you feel good.

also are there any specific vitamins or anything to help with the healing / cleansing process?



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nsd_user663_4754 profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_4680 profile image

Because I was getting lardy after my quit I have replaced all chocolate and cakes with fruit, I am feeling a lot healthier and have lost a couple of pounds in weight and gained a couple of pounds in money (fruit is cheaper than cake)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Bman :D

Well done a month into your quit

I didn't change my diet at all have always eaten fruit and veggies a lot but don't worry to much about a few pounds extra weight just now

The extra I put on started coming off after 6 months without any help from me and now just 4 lbs and I'll be at pre quit wieght again


Marg xxx

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

hi marg - yeah weight isnt an issue really.

its more the need to start feeling good if you know what i mean.

i was hoping a month in that id be feeling a lot better than I am so i think the diet needs a good look at.

im not really eating any fruit and veg at all at the moment so will go to the supermarket and buy a load of fruit and change that i think :)

nsd_user663_5034 profile image

Hi BMan....I think fruit and veggies are a good start:D....I have been trying to have 5 small meals with with lots of fruit and veggies.......lots and lots of water....I have cut down on my alcohol(sometimes) and I exercise (walk the dogs and gardening:D) as well and I have more energy than I have for ages....A multivitamin can't hurt though....Hope this helps you a seems to be working for me,,,,for now:D

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

I did a similar thing to you when I quit.

I drank a bit more, I ate a LOT more :D

I put on close to 3 stone in 6-7 months, even though I took up cycling again and have covered well over 1,000 miles in 7 months... thats some eating!

Then it dawned on me (well on Mrs StuartH) that it wasn't so much quantity of food as type of food.

I started eating a couple of pieces of fruit with my lunch at work, switched from white to wholemeal bread and ditched the fried for grilled food with steamed veg.

I thought I would hate it, but guess what? I'm loving it. Food tastes fantastic cooked better and with no smoking... I haven't lost much weight, but even still eating sweets now and then my (very round) quitters tummy is going... to be replaced by a leaner fitter version due to the exercise.

So, I am heavier than I was as a smoker - but although I am bigger, I am fitter (and feel a lot better) and the extra wieght is now mostly muscle. Changing my diet slightly and cooking the same things in a healthier way has worked for me :D

I think a combination of not smoking, eating better and the cycling has combined to make me feel as good as I feel right now.

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

that is some eating stuart!

bloody hell!

to be honest id quite like to do the same, that is get a lot heavier but because i was stronger and fitter.

I dont seem to have really got my appetite back properly yet though which is weird as other times ive quit ive gone crazy on the food.

though i did just go to the shop to get some stuff to cook for dinner and was so hungry i bought a cadburys twirl. How bloody nice is chocolate when you dont smoke eh?! .. thats the first time ive had some since ive quit (which is quite surprising seeing as its day 33) and bloody nora, talk about taste the difference!

nsd_user663_4964 profile image

i've become a bit of a veggie fiend. (five a day) and drinking water...

When i stopped (the first time...not that i can remember this) I decided to go from having a massively unhealthy diet, smoking 40 a day, drinking quite a lot,never exercising being mega unhealthy to really trying to be the opposite.

I used to eat rubbish, but the veggie stuff has stuck (unlike the non drinking and smoking) and i feel so much better for it. My skin is much better and i have much more energy. I keep trying to work up to the exercise thing tho.

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

that is some eating stuart!

bloody hell!

to be honest id quite like to do the same, that is get a lot heavier but because i was stronger and fitter.

I dont seem to have really got my appetite back properly yet though which is weird as other times ive quit ive gone crazy on the food.

though i did just go to the shop to get some stuff to cook for dinner and was so hungry i bought a cadburys twirl. How bloody nice is chocolate when you dont smoke eh?! .. thats the first time ive had some since ive quit (which is quite surprising seeing as its day 33) and bloody nora, talk about taste the difference!

Chocolate is awesome :D

I was seriously underweight as a smoker (I weighed the same at 34 as I did at 14 years old!), and I like to think that my body is now the way it should be.

I'm 35 now, 5' 9" and just under 13st - and not much bodyfat now.

I feel fit and healthy, and that is not all down to quitting - but I think a lot of it is down to the quitters mentality.... if I can break the chains of nicotine I can do anything.

The only downside? Expense! All new clothes except socks... I am 2" bigger across the shoulders, 3" across the chest, 2" on the waist... very few of my old clothes fit now, but never mind eh?

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