Tiny Story based on real events, by me. (jase) at Christmas last year. I was a fool, and the guilt and sorrow that consumed me on boxing day i cannot even begin to put to words. 7-8 months it took me to think about quitting again, don't ever let my experience become yours. Once quit, stay quit and never listen to your nicodemon (gollum) when he tells you one will be ok.. it just won't be) you take one.. you accept your entire addiction back again. its that simple.
Picture if you will a situation like on lord of the rings...
You (Sméagol): Ahh Christmas in a few days, all sorts of nice things, and presents...
Gollum: and cigaretteses?
You (Sméagol): Cigaretteses?
Gollum: Yess, cigaretteses, they tasteses so nice. Christmas so much better if we could just have one? Perhaps Sméagol has just a little cigar?
You (Sméagol): but we have tried to not touch them for 8 months.. but we are doing so well?
Gollum: but We likeses them, we needses them... we only need one??
You (Sméagol): One? yes one, perhaps we can just have one? Thats not like we are smoking again?
Gollum: One cigar yesss, go and buy one of the packetses from the shopses and we can just have one after we eatses on christmasss day?
You purchase, a small tin of cigars from the local merchant, the day before christmas, and on christmas day.. after dinner....
You (Sméagol): That dinner was lovely, mmmm , now i can have that cigar.. christmas day is so nice.. this is just a treat for me!
*you light it up, half choking on every toke.. it doesn't taste nice at all, you don't really like it.. you've been tricked*
Gollum: Myyyyyyyyyyyyyy Preciousssssssssssss!!!!! Oh yes we likeses this...
You (Sméagol): No, we don't?
Gollum: We wantes more, theres no harm in more... have another? you've got 9 left??
You (Sméagol): We said just one, we've had just one, i'm throwing the other 9 away. *you proceed to throw the other 9 in the bin*
Gollum: Nooooooooo..... myyyyyy preciousssssssss???
Christmas Day ends.. you (smeagol) go to bed... and as you are trying to get to sleeep... Gollum returns.
Gollum: We have cigarses in the bin, it isss a waste .. we likeses them, we needses them.. lets go get them!!
You (Sméagol): Noooooo, we said....
Gollum: Now.. come.. come! We needses... we wantses..
** We (Sméagol coerced by Gollum (the nico-demon) then proceed to take the tin of cigars from the bin.. and smoke another...precioussss.. then another.. precioussssss... and over the coming days.. more and more and more..
Well the rest for me was history... 7 to 8 months i entertained my gollum,.. him constantly telling me it was ok and that cigaretteses were OUR friend...
Til july the 11th came (6 days after my daughters 2nd birthday as it happens), i decide enough is enough and that i would cast my addiction, and indeed my gollum into the fires of mount doom.
I have now been free of Gollum, my addiction and indeed all that went with it for 7 weeks. Yes Gollum has indeed somehow returned a number of times since.. but i even though i am the smeagol in this dual personality that smoking addiction creates.. i managed to silence Gollum, and cast him back into the fire of mount doom many, many times... he will not get his preciousss.. i want my life back.. and my time is now.
I hope the above shows you just how easily the addiction can restart, how your gollum (nicodemon) can convince you that just one is ok, that one smoke in 8 months can be controllable, and fine.. and you only need that one right? Well, certainly in my case, and probably in every one of you, its exactly the same.
One is never ok.. and its not 'your preciousssss'... they are pure evil, they have a magic that is far more harmful than 'the one ring'.. they consume you, they make you become Gollum.. and the hold they have on you is far greater than you are led to believe when gollums voice first starts to tell you its ok..
Don't listen to gollum, and never take another puff of a cigarette, cigar or heck.. if you are into that stuff.. even a toke on a spliff..