woo hoo - week 2: made it. and feeling strong... - No Smoking Day

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woo hoo - week 2

nsd_user663_4754 profile image
30 Replies

made it. and feeling strong. (if not a little hungover)

last night was a big test.

normally on other quits i have really started craving ciggies once ive had a few beers and it becomes a battle.

I'm pleased to write that there was none of that last night. somethings different this time round. i think i know deep inside that i truely know that i want it this time, and that seems to be making it much easier psychologically.

i think that the champix is doing a fantastic job as well.

the only down side to all this is that i've gone a bit silly on the running front and hurt my leg so i dont think i can run for a bit. i think one of the tendons is sore/stretched/ or something (i'm no doctor!).

ordered some new running shoes so will wait for them to arrive, give the body a bit of a chance to catch up and then try again next week.

good luck to all those on week 2, infact all those at any stage of your quit.

we can do this. ;)


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nsd_user663_4754 profile image
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30 Replies
nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Bman :D

Well done you on week 2 that's great Big Hug for you

Sorry you've gota hangover though but well done not smoking with a skinful :p

It's certainly different this time for you

Keep it going and yes the champix is working for you


Marg xxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4901 profile image

Hi bman!

How great that you got through a good night out! :D Pleased for you - how's the head? :D

Keep up the great work - you are really doing so well.

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

thanks guys - head is fine.

just sitting down to a mountain of mashed potatoes and 6 sausages.

this appetite is incredible. Gonna send me bankrupt!

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Ahh shuddup and eat yer sausages n mash :) hehe

Seriously tho.. well done on your night out.. and your new week too!!

Just goes to show that if you stick at this, you go from strength to strength. You just have to believe in yourself, and stop letting the addiction convince you any different.

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

a very well done bman x

well done bman for 2 weeks+. You should be so proud well done & i love the little saying i will remember that one if youre going through hell keep going .. cheered me up a bit that having a odd day today :)

nsd_user663_2190 profile image

You go bman :) Great that you made it through the beer and out the other side. Also good that there was no battle with yourself. It sucks when you have good and bad demons trying to fight it out, bad demon will win quite often so you have to boot him out of your head entirely.

nsd_user663_5031 profile image

Well done fella.

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

struggling today

man - just seem to have the taste for smoking in my mouth today.

really need to get through this. ive no doubt that i will but needed to come on here and vent for the first time since i've started quitting. wondered how long it would take!


god damn it!

nsd_user663_4786 profile image

Some days are just harder than others, sorry to hear you are havin a bad one. choose not to smoke today and read read read and post post post.

Huge Hug for you (((((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))) and lots of positive vibes are on there way.

We are all here if you need us and keep up the great work.

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

thanks bev - just gotta get through it and choose not to smoke - your right:rolleyes:

will carry on carrying on :)

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Keep strong Bman, 'these tests are sent to try us, and they surely will' springs to mind, so just see it as that, tis a bit of a test.

The taste in your mouth thing sounds like a sneaky trick of the ol' nicotine monster.. back i say!!! back!! *pokes monster with pointy stick!*

You get through today however which way you can, keep the faith, keep going and stare that monster right in teh face and tell it NO.

eventually you will not get it like this at all and it will get easier, just get there and see. Stick it out, it'll all come good.

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

Keep strong Bman, 'these tests are sent to try us, and they surely will' springs to mind, so just see it as that, tis a bit of a test.

The taste in your mouth thing sounds like a sneaky trick of the ol' nicotine monster.. back i say!!! back!! *pokes monster with pointy stick!*

You get through today however which way you can, keep the faith, keep going and stare that monster right in teh face and tell it NO.

eventually you will not get it like this at all and it will get easier, just get there and see. Stick it out, it'll all come good.

thankyou - words of encouragement are greatly recieved at the moment. im riding the hard edge, its doing my head in!

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

day ten done

well got through today. thats all that matters - hoping for some good sleep and a better day tomorrow.

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Good for you Bman m8y, have a great sleep, take each day as it comes and keep beating that monster down with the pointy stick when it goes 'oy? what about me?' :)

I know it seems a tough bit at the moment, but it gets better as you go. If you didn't get these tough bits, the feeling of empowerment you get on the really good days wouldn't be quite the same :)

Keep in mind that most of the negative stuff you are feeling is all pure illusion created by the addiction you are in the middle of cracking the back of, and you'll see it for what it is.. just another trick.

Good luck, sleep well and see you online tomorrow.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Bman :D

Sorry only just found this post

Sorry you had such a bad day but so pleased that you got through it OK

Hope today is much better and easier for you though

Just keep knocking those demons down


Marg xxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_5028 profile image



well done on your second week of no smoking!! just a tip for your running

when you get your new shoes just make sure you break them in slowly ie one night new shoes one night old shoes etc i have always done that and stayed injury free, and as you have an injury instead of running get on a bike mate till it heals and then go show your new trainers off mate ... dont overdo it

good luck mate


nsd_user663_4754 profile image

yeah good advice on the running front bradders - i do wanna break em out but know that its probably best to give my self a bit more time off - have been on the bike, just got it fixed up, sorted the chain out and gears this weekend.

just wanna take advantage of all the extra time and motivation ive got now ive quit but i guess you cant just go from zero to hero over night. body has gotta have time to adjust as well.

day 11 today. hope everyone else is doing ok. and hoping today will be a bit easier

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

hard time

man - i dont know what it is today and yesterday but im having a really hard time,

was feeling pretty good for a while in this quit and have just felt very edgy and uncomfortable the last few days.

did anyone else have a wobble around the 12 day mark?

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

thanks chrissie. just gotta get though it i know.

not really getting craves so much as just feeling like sh*te.

really want to go out for a run and clear my head but know I need to give my leg time to heal.

arr... its just a bad day thats all. need to just put it into perspective. Its not like i didnt ever have bad days when i was a smoker as well!

nsd_user663_4901 profile image

Hi Bman

How's it going? I hope things are getting better for you. Time is a great healer! How about a walk/cycle/swim if you can't run? Cycling and swimming are great cross training - or just a walk is better than nothing! I'm sure a bit of fresh air will do you so much good!

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

day 12

thought it was day 12 yesterday but apparently its today.

seem to be coughing my guts up today (was nearly sick on my keyboard a moment ago). which is weird as I've coughed up loads in previous quits but haven't done this at all in this quit.

I think this was around the time I folded in June so i need to be careful here. the last few days have been especially psychologically tough, so gonna take it real gentle.

nsd_user663_4901 profile image

One step at a time - it's great you recognise the problem times though.

Hope the cough is improving.

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

day 13 and feeling good today

still having those moments but seem to be able to deal with them fairly easily now.

managed to lock myself out of my flat last night in only a pair of trousers and had to go and wake up my neighbours who ive never met before!

luckly they had a key to the main door and id left the inner security gate open.

still quite stressful for a while stood in the street half naked with no phone or keys at 2 am! :eek:

to be fair smoking never crossed my mind. where i was gonna sleep did however. :)

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

day 14

last day in the week 2 forum :D

i think im through my wobble at the beggining of the week. but still very aware that my body is going through some big changes. Last night / evening i was finding it very hard to breath in a relaxed way. my chest just felt like i couldnt get enough oxygen in. its quite a wierd feeling and makes you feel a bit tense but an early night and 13 hours of sleep (omg) have sorted that out.

I cant get over how much I can sleep at the moment. very unlike the insominia at in the early days.

anyway - im just learning to listen to my body. if it says its hungy, i feed it, if it says its tired, i sleep (or give it coffee!)

at the moment this seems to be working so gonna stick with it.

all the best to everyone else who is sticking with this amazing decision to stop smoking:)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Bman :D

So pleased to hear you've got over that wobble you had earlier in the week and well done you 14 days is great Big Hug for you

I can't remember the last time I slept for 13 hours the most I get is about 7 hrs

Continue to listen to your body the only thing you need to ignore is those Demons if they come visiting give them a good kicking


Marg xxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

thanks marg - yeah the only problem is im not tired tonight and will have to make sure im not up till silly oclock!

anticipating the dawn of week 2 - Im ashamed to say it but in 15 years of smoking only once have I gone longer than I have now without smoking. and that was 9 years ago when I joined an NHS stop smoking clinic.

so this really is very nearly unchartered territory for me and athough it doesnt seem like much, im really proud and would be ablolutely devistated if I folded now.

coalt - just been reading some of your posts. Congratulations on doing so well - keep it going, thats all we all have to do! :D

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Bman :D

Hope you weren't still up in the silly hours

Uncharted territory [nearly] or not you're doing it and have every right to be proud of yourself Huge Hug

Stay strong and just keep plodding on you can and will do this


Marg xxxx

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

anticipating the dawn of week 2 - Im ashamed to say it but in 15 years of smoking only once have I gone longer than I have now without smoking. and that was 9 years ago when I joined an NHS stop smoking clinic.

Hi Bman,

Don't be ashamed but instead feel very proud. Even if you managed two weeks before it was still an acheivement. This time I am sure you will fly past this mark as you have given yourself the gift of life & it's to precious to give away.

Love Gaynor xxx

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

thanks gaynor and marg - your words of encoragment are much appriecated and taken on board :)

... anyway im being a bit naughty posting this on here cos .....

its week 3!!!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Bman :D

A little naughty eh OK you're allowed after all you've got to WEEK 3


Marg xxxxxxx

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