My first day.: Hi all, Today was my stop day... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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My first day.

nsd_user663_4703 profile image
10 Replies

Hi all,

Today was my stop day and I have made it. After thirty years of over 30 cigarettes daily I have made it thought the day without one, a day that is almost over and I am about to retire. I have mixed feelings about how the day went; I used patches and an occasional puff on an inhaler.

It was the unguarded moments that I found the most difficult. Being in places where I am so used to smoking or times I used to smoke, i.e. the garden and after meals. I found it quite difficult this morning when rather than have my first cig, I put my patch on. It was kind of like "well, ok what happens now ".At some stages it did get quite difficult but I found the craving went away after a few minutes and rather than dwell on it I did something else.

I know I have a very long way to go but I have taken the first step, I have actually made it thought the first day. The next thing is to get through day two. This is really the only way I can do this, one day at a time or if today is anything to go by one hour at a time.

Anyway thanks for reading and regards to you all.

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nsd_user663_4703 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Nice job making it through day1! Well done :) It will take time to learn to not associate everything with a cigarette.... believe me it is well worth it....... the moment you breathe better, the moment you smell others who still smoke, the moment you realize you are no longer in withdrawal, the moment you learn what it means to again be free...... those are all 'real' things to look forward to..... just wanted to give ya some positive things to think about in case day 2 becomes tough! Taking a day at a time is good! Just remember that it gets easier!!! No way would I be smoke free now if it didn't. Take care and have a good day 2!

nsd_user663_4706 profile image

Good job! congrats, you made a great decision to quit. Each day it gets easier, the time seems to go in reverse for the first couple of days for sure but when you get through them it becomes a great feeling and motivation to know you have made some time and separation between the last cig. Keep up the good work, you will be very happy you did.:)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi State of Grace :)

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

Day 1 over that's good yes a small step but those small steps will all add up and before you know it you'll be counting in weeks well done

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK

Best Wishes

Marg xxxxxxx

Deke profile image
Deke9 Years Smoke Free

Hi Stateofgrace,

Welcome to the forum, and congratulations on your decision to quit.

Well done on getting through that crucial first day without lighting up. It does get easier after a while. So stay strong, you can do it.


nsd_user663_4337 profile image

Well Done Stateofgrace,

Big welcome to the forum. well done on getting through day one, stay strong and read up on everyones links, it really is how you get your mind set and determination helps alot.

I am now on day 21 and everyday is getting easier just keep really positive and post on here as often as you need.

Congratulations on your decision to quit ,keep strong .

lots love ali x:D

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Today was my stop day and I have made it.

Welcome to freedom :D

nsd_user663_4610 profile image

Hi Stateofgrace,

A huge well done on getting through day 1, it gets easier and easier as the days go by. I used to take one minute at a time at the start of my quit, now am 1 day at a time.

If your having a bad moment come on here and read it realy realy helps.


nsd_user663_4703 profile image

Thank you everybody for your kind words of support. It has been a struggle but I have made it to day three.:)

Regards stateofgrace

nsd_user663_2376 profile image

Well done State of grace on reaching 3 days and with a name like that no sinning please :D

nsd_user663_4703 profile image

Well done State of grace on reaching 3 days and with a name like that no sinning please :D

The story behind my user name is very long, but it is one have had for years and am so used to typing it in other others forums where I debate, I guess I am kind of hooked on it.

Thanks for the encouraging words :)

Regards stateofgrace

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