Hi peeps
I'm soo excited that I've got to day 21 that means I'll be entering my fourth week tomorrow!!! Well done to everyone whose trying to beat it, even if youve had a wobble the desire to stop is the first step. I wanted to stop for ages but the patches were left in the drawer for months, never seemed like the right time. No smoking day came and I just did it like that, felt like it would be motivating to stop with lots of others. What I've noticed about this site is that theres lots of people wanting to quit everyday and theres always someone with you to help you no matter what day you on, how grumpy or peed off you feel. I was close to cracking on day 18 and I got encouragement from others knowing that I wasnt the only grumpy cow and that it will pass made me stop reaching for the cigs. Just thought I'd take it every 5 mins and here I am!!!
Thanx everyone youve kept me positive ,dont know wether I'd have got this far!!
Feeling grrreat without the cigs, skin feeling smoother, teeth whiter and more energy and my kids are loving more time with mum. I still feel the need to rush about keeping busy, still not having long chats on the phone with my sister but that will no doubt become easier!:eek:
Bye for now see u in Month 1!!! werhoo!!