Me quitting: I have smoked for 12 years (I am... - No Smoking Day

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Me quitting

nsd_user663_3832 profile image
140 Replies

I have smoked for 12 years (I am 28 now). In the last couple of years I have smoked 20+.

I have wanted to quit for a long time, but I had many excuses for why not. My "best" and longest one has been that I am already overweight and I had to fix that first. I have tried to control my weight for long and the smoking never had its turn.

Than I started exerciseing. I have done it regularly for 6 months now. I am in a much better shape than before, but I got sick of exerciseing for 1 1/2 hours and than going outside and smoking. I want to be able to jog by this summer and that is one of my biggest motivations!

I quit on January 2nd, and this is my third day... It has been easier than I thought it would be. I am using Zyban.

Than, a question for the moderators: I would like to use this as a journal, but I get lost around the forum.Is it ok that I use the tread here in "your reasons"?

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nsd_user663_3832 profile image
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140 Replies
NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Well done and congratulations on getting to day 3 already.

To be honest I don't think anyone will mind where you post, the days 1- a year serves as a reminder of how far you have gone and many people find that helpful, but you are fine to just keep adding to this post if you want.

Exercise will help loads if you get the urge to smoke its a great healthy way to cope.

Best wishes with the quit, and post often.


nsd_user663_3738 profile image

milena,well done ,you have done the best thing you could have done,3rd day,see its not to bad,.just acknowledce your addiction,and you are half way there....we all here wish you luck,...and we are here for you ,,exerciseing,is i say keep the faith all the best tony

nsd_user663_3367 profile image

Hello milena

Please post where you think your thread would fit in best

Good luck with your quit

Moderator 2

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Welcome Melena

Congrats on your quit you will have great support on here and there are a few of you on day three so makes things easyer having someone at the same stage. xxxxx

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Thanks to you all!!!

I am a bit scared that this is going to easy and I am waiting for that big crave. I have not had them. The only thing is that I don't sleep, but I see that that is normal.

I am also afraid that I can have some problems when I finish with Zyban, so I would be very thankfull for your experiance if you have used Zyban.

The biggest challange for me is going to be going out. I know and intend to stay away from alcohol but since I for the timebeing live in Serbia, here you don't have any laws against smoking in cafees, bars, restaurants etc.

But, I think I am strong enough!!!!

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

When you finish taking Zyban it is important to have your mind set right.

Read the links in my signature, they will help, but basically you need to regard quitting as a gaining experience, rather than a sacrifice.

How you begin the quit is immaterial, how you maintain it is the important thing!

Best wishes.


nsd_user663_3465 profile image

hi Milena,

Well done for getting to day 3!! I am in the same boat - I quit on the same day so I'm on day 3 as well. I am using NRT when things get bad i.e. stressful times. My reason for stopping is that my wife gave birth on New Year's Day to a baby boy called Lincoln Malacky!!

Well done Milena, keep it up and since I'm in the same boat as you then feel free to private message me, we can be quit buddies :)

Take care


nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi My Hubby is on Zyban he starts week 6 tomorrow of not smoking. To be honest he said he forgets to take two a day. So Has said he will not take anymore once he finishes this pack. I will let you know how he gose on.

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Day 4

And than it was day 4, and I am sitting here drinking my usual cup of morning coffee without my usual sigarett and it feels totaly ok, even almost natural.

Last night I had my first good nights sleep.

Everything seems to be going better than expected.

So, I still haven't deared to go to a caffee and meet friends. I feel I am ready. I am telling myself: I choose not to smoke. But I am still afraid of that first visit.

But, I think tomorrow is the day. I'll see if my sister can join me and hold my hand..:o

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

And than it was day 4, and I am sitting here drinking my usual cup of morning coffee without my usual sigarett and it feels totaly ok, even almost natural.

Last night I had my first good nights sleep.

Everything seems to be going better than expected.

So, I still haven't deared to go to a caffee and meet friends. I feel I am ready. I am telling myself: I choose not to smoke. But I am still afraid of that first visit.

But, I think tomorrow is the day. I'll see if my sister can join me and hold my hand..:o

I used Champix, an alternative to Zyban designed to work in a similar way - to ease the cravings without giving you Nicotine. Coming off wasn't a problem, but as Nic rightly says - education is everything. If your mind is in the right place then there is nothing to fear when the time comes.

You seem to be doing really well - congratulations.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

hi milena

welcome and well done on your quit you will find everyone on here ready to help and encourage you

love margaret

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

you are doing well strong tony

nsd_user663_3712 profile image

My "best" and longest one has been that I am already overweight and I had to fix that first. I have tried to control my weight for long and the smoking never had its turn.

Than I started exerciseing. I have done it regularly for 6 months now. I am in a much better shape than before, but I got sick of exerciseing for 1 1/2 hours and than going outside and smoking. I want to be able to jog by this summer and that is one of my biggest motivations!

SNAP :D However I continued smoking and excercising, managed to run 5km per day without giving up the smokes. Its a long story but now not been to the gym for 10 weeks so can't wait to see how well I can do without the nicotene in the lungs! Well done you, I hpe you continue well and if your like me the cakes will soon be the reward for not smoking!

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Day 5

So, I went to the gym yesterday for the second time since I quit. And my pulse was amazing. There is still a long way to go, I know. But is it possible to see a difference after only 4 days...? My trainer was also a bit shocked!

I am still going strong, reading everything I get my hands on and prepering for my next couple of situations:

caffe with smoking friends

waiting for the bus

going out to a club

It sounds funny, but I dread those! But, I am strong in my beliefe that I took my last puff 5 days ago and that I am strong enough to keep myself on track!

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

It's entirely possible to see a difference so soon.

Your body is already free of nicotine! That's why.

You're doing great, seriously - just keep doing it and you will continue to feel better :D

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Day 6

And than it was a new day...

I think I feel the cravings getting fewer, but I didn't have so many in the beggining.

But, I was such a b###h yesterday. My poor sister has to put up with me. I snaped at everything, I was irritated by the way she breathes, and than when she finally snapped at me I used the "I'm quitting smoking" card, than after a few minutes and a talk with myself, I had to appologize. Me quitting does not give me the right to be rude!

But, I have a feeling that it was good it happened, I don't know why, but I feel it. So, a new day and new experiances. Here I come!

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

day 7

It is day 7 and I have gone without a puff!!!! And today is the day, I am going to town and having a drink with smoking friends in a bar where smoking is allowed... And I am actually feeling very confident!:p

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Well done Milena - a whole week without a cigarette? Fantastic!

You deserve to celebrate, but please be on your guard and don't let your resolve weaken after 1 too many drinks. It's been the downfall of many - don't let it happen to you :D

Oh.. and, please enjoy yourself!

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Thanks Stuart, and yes I don't feel that confident, so I will keep it to one drink and than go over to lemonade! I think I am going to avoid hevy drinking for a while, and maybe I can actually grow out of it for good (I'm no teenager anymore...)

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Enjoy your self. Also please keep strong you dont want to spoil all the hard work of week one. Your well on your way now hun. xxxxxx

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

I think I am going to avoid hevy drinking for a while,

Very good idea! I have made some seriously bad decisions in the past while drunk! :D:D

nsd_user663_3853 profile image

Hey, well done on a week so far. Tonight will be a proper test for you I reckon, especially considering you're going out with smoking friends. You're making a wise choice to stick to one drink, because as we all know your inhibitions are lowered after a few bevvies :).

I know what you mean about waiting for the bus; I get kind of impatient and fidgety when waiting for things to happen so a cigarette gives my mind and hands something to do.

Best of luck! Let us know how you get on.


nsd_user663_3853 profile image

Haha, too right, BibleBlack. Too right!

Tomatpots profile image
Tomatpots10 Years Smoke Free

Surely the point about waiting for a bus is, no matter how long you've been waiting, it's GUARANTEED that the bus will come the minute you spark up !

A universal sods law.

Another great reason to stop :D

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

And than I was back. I did good! Had a drink, the bar was halffull, people drinking smoking, and I did't!!! I will not say it was easy but ... I did it!!!

...I also waited for the bus...

And when we started home, my bestfriend was going craizy trying to find a place to by sigarets becouse she didn't have enough to hold her untill tomorrow. It was great not to be in that position any longer!!!!

nsd_user663_3853 profile image

Well done for resisting the temptation, milena!

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Day 9

And than I was on day 9! I was out again last night and I am still smokeFREE!!!

Yesterday my net went down and when I called it in they sad it could take 3 to 5 working days to fix... I sat in my place, looked around and went nutts! How was I going to do it without this forum and all the other places I go to read when tha monkey bastards kick in? But I came to an agreement with myself that I was going to manage it. And than this morning a repairman came and fixed it!!! I'm so glad!

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Well done Sooooooo glad your back on line your doing fab day 9 already the time is going so fast. Your well on your way to week three. xxxxx

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Maybe today has been a bit harder than previous days, but still it is totaly livable... A friend asked me yesterday how it was, and the only thing I can say is that it's not easy, but it is much easier then I thought it would be.

But, today I was at the gym again and took a fit test. Last time my score was 25 -2 months ago (it should be over 30) and today it was 33!!!!! I gess going to the gym those two months helped aswell but earlier I would improve my score by 2 - 3 points in 2 months, and now I jumped 8. I am convinced it has to do with my lungs beeing happy with me!!!!

I am also happy with me!!!:p

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

I need an answer...

Ok, I am using Zyban, and have not had any sideeffects. But today (after 3 weeks) I got a rash. On my arms. I think it is from zyban but how can it be first after 3 weeks?

Since here one buys Zyban over the counter I am not sure that a doctor here would know to give me exact info. So, what is your experiance. Should I stop? Should I wait and see? I am a bit scared. This quit has been going so good, and I think I can do it without Zyban but...

I don't know..?

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Ok, I am using Zyban, and have not had any sideeffects. But today (after 3 weeks) I got a rash. On my arms. I think it is from zyban but how can it be first after 3 weeks?

Since here one buys Zyban over the counter I am not sure that a doctor here would know to give me exact info. So, what is your experiance. Should I stop? Should I wait and see? I am a bit scared. This quit has been going so good, and I think I can do it without Zyban but...

I don't know..?

I would be surprised if the rash is to do with Zyban after so long, but it could be. Any doctor should know about the side effects of the drug, so if your concerned they should be your first port of call.

As for stopping taking it, you should do what your instincts tell you. I don't know much about zyban, do you take more than one tablet a day? If so, maybe cutting the dose down would help you decide what to do? Only you can make that decision, but I do suggest you see a Doctor if you are concerned about anything as Zyban can have some strong side effects.

Oh and by the way, you ARE doing really well... so if you think you can do it without drugs, you probably can!

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Day 11

I got really freaked out last night with the rash. So this morning I haven't taken my pill. I am strong and I can do this! So, after going CT on the cigaretts I am going CT on Zyban.

nsd_user663_3853 profile image

Congrats on the gym result, milena. The effects are clearly showing already, and a few days off week 3! Hope you can get to the bottom of the rash situation

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

I am itching all over, it comes and goes, I no longer know if it is for real or am I only imagening the symptoms. :confused:

The good thing is that I am still smoke free!!!!!! Without Zyban and with this itch, I am damn good!!!!!:D

nsd_user663_1733 profile image


Funny you are saying your itching my partner is on Zyban and hes been itching. hes only taking one a day now. Sorry hes just got home and tells me he stopped taking them about 5 days ago. but has still got a bit of an itch but it has got less. Dont know if that makes sense. xxx

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Thanks Linda, its good to here that it goes over.

I am still strong in my quit but I kind of feel that I am starting over. I mean that I have simular symptoms as in the beggining. I'm nervous and I feel like eating all the time (which I did not with Zyban).

So day 11 coming to an end and I am positive! I have a new assigment. In the first 10 days I actually lost 2kg, now I have to keep them of!!!

nsd_user663_3853 profile image

I must stop washing my underpants in Zyban :confused:

Chocolate makes my clothes shrink ;)

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Day 12

I'll soon be counting weeks!!!!

chuddy and phil: I don't get it... Maybe its my lack of humor or that I didn't sleep last night... Sorry...

And than I was at day 12. No smokes, no zyban and foodrestriction. And I have not snapped anybodys head of yet! I'm GOOD!

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Well done oly two days and your on week three. xxxxx

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

It was definetly an alergic reaction to Zyban. So, now I am on antihistamins...:( Why did I have to do that to myself? I am in pain!:eek:

But, still smokefree!:D

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

You are doing great, and will be fine without the zyban,

Stay strong


nsd_user663_3633 profile image

It was definetly an alergic reaction to Zyban. So, now I am on antihistamins...:( Why did I have to do that to myself? I am in pain!:eek:

But, still smokefree!:D

And that's the important thing!

Well done you, superb work!

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Day 14

Almost 2 weeks!!!!!

Still a bit itchy but doing much better. I would like if I could record some of the conversations going on between me and the little devil inside my head: come on, one would be so good now, NO, why not, it can't hurt, OH YES IT CAN and WHY SHOULD I DO IT, IT STINKS, maybe, but you know you liked it, NO...!!!!!

I realy don't have any physical cravings anymore, I can even sit still in a bar with a beer and no cigarett (I could not do that the first 10 days, had to keep moving). Now I am down to the odd thought and a couple of arguments with the devil each day. I think that is a realy small price to pay for FREEDOM!:D

nsd_user663_3679 profile image

Hi Milena

:) the little devil only has a few war cries , he cant say anything to you that you arent prepared to answer .

well done on almost 2 weeks , great going .

the little devils voice :) will become less frequent , but be prepared for when he remains quiet for a while as he always picks a moment to try again..... when he does this is your chance to weaken him further by stayin loyal to the truth and not to his smelly lies!!!

well done on the quit!

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Day 15

And I have officialy been smokefree for 2 weeks!!!!!

I am starting to be realy mad at myself. This has been so "easy", why didn't I do it before? On the other hand I am having problems not being the realy annoying person who goes around telling everybody to quit...

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

day 21

Tomorrow I can say that I have been smokefree for 3 weeks!!!!!!!!!! It's going so fast!

I feel great and I have menaged to keep my food under control!

So, all I have to say is thanks to you all. People and the forum!!! I realy think that that is what has made this so "easy". And I am staying with you!

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Day 26

I'm at the end of day 26. One month mark is soon coming up.

I have been feeling a bit duality in the last couple of days. This quit has gone sooooo good... (so far). It has been so easy that I have been having the:"why not one" thoughts... I'm not going to do it! I feel so good being a nonsmoker! I love the positive effects and how proud I feel!!!

This was just me confirming my stand!!!

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

I'm at the end of day 26. One month mark is soon coming up.

I have been feeling a bit duality in the last couple of days. This quit has gone sooooo good... (so far). It has been so easy that I have been having the:"why not one" thoughts... I'm not going to do it! I feel so good being a nonsmoker! I love the positive effects and how proud I feel!!!

This was just me confirming my stand!!!

Congratulations! I am very glad you feel proud! You deserve to. You're doing great!

nsd_user663_3922 profile image

Just amazing. Only just read your thread, so wish I could have joined it earlier. well done. Make sure you read back on it as well, you have been really strong. Take a really deep breath and enjoy so much more of your life :D

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Day 30


Milena - Free and Healing for Twenty Nine Days, 21 Hours and 39 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 2 Days and 14 Hours, by avoiding the use of 748 nicotine delivery devices.

So, I have done 4 weeks, on Monday it will be 1 calendar month!!!!

I kind of don't belive it... It's gone so fast!!!

Thanks to you all!!!!!!!!!!!!

nsd_user663_3845 profile image

Just read your whole thread Milena, you're going well. I remember reading your first post, seems like no time ago and here we are with a months quit under our belts :D

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Milena :D

You are doing really really well keep it going onwards and upwards

love margaretxxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Milena - Free and Healing for One Month, 13 Hours and 32 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 2 Days and 17 Hours, by avoiding the use of 789 nicotine delivery devices.

nsd_user663_3928 profile image

:DKeep it up Milena you are doing great.


nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Day 41

Milena - Free and Healing for One Month, Nine Days, 10 Hours and 26 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 3 Days and 12 Hours, by avoiding the use of 1011 nicotine delivery devices.

Hi guys,

As some of you know my biggest motivation to stop smoking has been my wish to be able to jog! (It may sound simple, but it has been keeping me strong)

And yesterday in the gym I actually ran for 12 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I maybe did that 12 years ago last time...

I felt I could go for more but my trainer didn't want to overdo it! But I am HAPPY, HAPPY and HAPPY again!!!!

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Milina

Well done just shows how your body is improving. Day 41 is great the time has gone so fast. CONGRATS. Soooooooooooo pleased your so happy.xxxxxx

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

well done you ,be strong,chin up, chest out,ready steady,you are just about ready for you jog:):) you will over come ,,you just keep the faith tony lol

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Milenna

Very well done that's wonderful keep it up :D

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Day 50

Milena - Free and Healing for One Month, Eighteen Days, 9 Hours and 27 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 4 Days and 6 Hours, by avoiding the use of 1235 nicotine delivery devices.

And I feel great!!!! I am going out of town tomorrow and will be traveling back alone on monday. As some of you know one of my milestones was waiting for the bus. I have overcome that one in town. But, it is going to be interesting when I find myself alone at a busstation in the middle of nowhere!!! But I am strong and I love it!

nsd_user663_3928 profile image

Hi Milena,

Congratulations on 50 day`s well done:D:D.


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Milena

Well done you 50 days is wonderful


nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Day 54

I had one of those moments yesterday when I realised how happy I was I was not smoking. Yesterday I was returning from a travel alone for the first time since my quit.

I had to encounter busstations, which I hate. And than I realized I had gotten away from one of the worst feelings with travel and smoke. You know when you are waiting for the bus to leave. You are standing outside and having that last smoke before you get in. You re trying not to be late, but at the same time use all the time that is left. Then you get into the bus and realize you coulde have had some more smoking time left and regret you came in.

Yestarday I just put my bag under the bus, went in, found my seat and relaxed until we left. It was so great!!

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Well done Hun. Its a great feeling when we do something we been dreading and it turns out enjoyable. Think it makes you realise it mostly in our minds. Well done again .xxxxx

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Milenna

Day 54 is great well done you hope you are proud of yourself so glad the travelling went OK for you as know you were a bit concerned about it isb't it lovely when you do something for the first time since quitting

Love Margaret

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

day 60

Or... exactly 2 months smokefree!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy, happy and extremly proud!!!!

nsd_user663_3928 profile image

Hi Milena,

Well done 2 months gone already keep up the good work:D


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Milenna :D :D

2 months/60 days who cares what matters is that you did it and are happy and as you should be extremely proud of yourself well done you

Big hug on it's way just for you

Love Margxxx

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Day 73

Milena - Free and Healing for Two Months, Thirteen Days, 11 Hours and 34 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 6 Days and 7 Hours, by avoiding the use of 1812 nicotine delivery devices.

Hihihihihihihi!!!! I have even been extremly drunk and I did not smoke!!!!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Milenna :D

Well done you 73 days is great



nsd_user663_3832 profile image

day 91

Milena - Free and Healing for Three Months, 18 Hours and 44 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 7 Days and 21 Hours, by avoiding the use of 2270 nicotine delivery devices.


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Milenna :D

Wonderful 3 months quit well done you



Marg xxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Thanks Margaret,

You are such a great support. You are always there for us. And I have to say it feels good to be able to brag and for someone to notice!!! :o

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Really well done to you,

3 months is great, yet another Monkey Bar Steward to have "made it".


nsd_user663_3832 profile image

day 109

Hi guys,

I think I have found the thing that keeps me motivated! And I wanted to share that. I am making a point over everything, even the smallest thing, that I appreciate about not smoking. And I mean everything. All the time, every time. And I go around proud of myself!!!!

Thanks for all the support!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Milenna :D

109 Days is great well done you and you have every right to be proud of yourself


Marg xxxxxxx

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

day 121

Milena - Free and Healing for Four Months, 10 Hours and 25 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 10 Days and 10 Hours, by avoiding the use of 3011 nicotine delivery devices.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Milenna :D

Four months 121 days that's wonderful Hope you're proud of yourself



Marg xxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Well done Mileina

4 month thats fab work hun. your doing great.xxxxx

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

day 130

Hi guys,

woke up on sunday after a great Leningrad Cowboys concert with my throat hurting. It was the same feeling as when I woke up after haveing smoked to much the night before. I was worried for a second and then I woke up properly. I knew I hadn't smoked so I contributed it to the singing on the concert. Then the fewer came and the runny nose, so the conclusion: it is a infection... The sick thing is I felt like this every weekend after being out. The sore throat was a normal state of things on saturday and sunday! And now finally it is an exeption!

Loving it!!!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Milena :D

Well done on 130 days and gald you enjoyed the concert


Marg xxxxxxx

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

day 152

Milena - Free and Healing for Five Months, 9 Hours and 26 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 13 Days and 3 Hours, by avoiding the use of 3785 nicotine delivery devices.

I feel sooooo good! I can officialy say that I am a non-smoker. I am free. I am sure in my quit. And it is such a wonderfull feeling!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Milena :D

152 days/5months who cares it's great whichever way you say it



Marg xxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

day 182

Milena - Free and Healing for Six Months, 9 Hours and 7 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 15 Days and 17 Hours, by avoiding the use of 4535 nicotine delivery devices.

I am so happy happy happy and I feel so great!

I cann't remember last time I had a craving. The only thing that sometimes happens is that I find myself in a situation when I used to smoke before and I think: It would be nice with a smoke... And it lasts for less then a second and I try the feeling and understand that: No, it ectually would not be nice. (I think it is just a reflex thought in a known situation)

So, I am freeeeeeee! And it is the greatest feeling in the world!

Deke profile image
Deke9 Years Smoke Free

Hi Milena,

CONGRATULATIONS on 6 months, fabulous stuff.

Have just read back over this entire thread - what a success story, it is an enlightening read. Well done to you, and I am sure your journey has also helped and inspired many others.

It is so lovely to see successful quitters coming back and posting. It certainly helps with keeping the determination going to know that so many people have succeeded.


nsd_user663_4610 profile image

Hi Melina,

6 impressed and well done.

I'm on day 46 and find each day gets easier and easier with the craves, only the odd one every now and then, they just seem to hit you when your least expecting them. I still find weekends hard but am sure that'l pass, I also LONG for the day that I don't wake up and think - oh I wish I could have just one puff.


nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Hi you,

it is nice to hear that I can have helped somebody else. Specially because this forum has helped me a lot. It is good to be able to give something back.

As for the cravings, they pass, and then they come with more time in between and then they almost never come.

But even if they still did come I would be happy and thankfull for being smokefree. There are so many benefits that they outway the cravings!!!!

nsd_user663_4610 profile image

Hiya Kate

I thought that you will hit day 50 (oh doesnt that sound good):) this Sunday and i'm on Monday

Have i got it wrong?

Hugs x


Just got my calender out to check....and 50 on Sunday with you on Monday.....oh my good god how'd that happen, woooo hoooo.WELL DONE to both of us ((((hugs to you to)))) xx

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

day 187

I have a broken tailbone!!!! And it hurts, and I remember that I always used to smoke when I was in pain. I thought it helped. But I think I have beaten it. I don't want a smoke. I just want the pain to go away!!!!:eek:

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

day 189

And my butt hurts like hell and I can hardly move and I am nervous and I am bored and my life is kind off on hold... but I don't crave a smoke!!!!!:D

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

I'm sorry to hear that you are hurting, but it is great news that despite all that you have no cravings - you have a great quit going :D

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Milena - Free and Healing for Seven Months, 11 Hours and 30 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 18 Days and 10 Hours, by avoiding the use of 5312 nicotine delivery devices.

JEEEEE! I am happy and proud and celebrate myself!:D

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Thats a long time to have come through this, well done !!! good to see this. I hit 3 weeks milestone last night, and i've been quit for 6-8 months+ before, i want to get back to my nexus as it was much much easier after several months.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Milena :D


7 Months is fantastic well done you hope you're proud of yourself for that


Marg xxxxxxx

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Hi milena

Sounds like you have it sorted!



nsd_user663_3928 profile image

Hi Milena,

You have every right to be proud of yourself, 7 months is great well done.


nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Day 231

Milena - Free and Healing for Seven Months, Eighteen Days, 17 Hours and 39 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 20 Days, by avoiding the use of 5768 nicotine delivery devices.

Hi guys,

I'm still here. I just don't have much to contribute with these days as I don't feel anything towards smoking or not smoking. It is like it has nothing to do with me.

I have been traveling, I am going out, I have been to a festival, I am drinking, I am living life without smoke.

The only reminder that I once was a smoker is that occasional thought (now I am down to maybe once a week) that a smoke would fit now... And it is over before I get time to reflect over it.

So people!!! Go for it!!! It is such a lovely feeling!!!

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

where most folk want to be ... sounds like a great place ;)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Milena :D

Well done you 7 months + is great



nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Well done Milena - I love this thread, it's a full quit diary... and thats a really good thing for a new quitter to be able to read.

Congratulations - superb stuff :D

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Thanks for posting Milena, good news is great to read.

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

day 261

Milena - Free and Healing for Eight Months, Seventeen Days, 1 Hour and 36 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 22 Days and 13 Hours, by avoiding the use of 6502 nicotine delivery devices.

Jeah!! Today I came upon another situation making it great not to smoke (I did not notis it last time). I have been a blood giver for almost 10 years now. But, I am crazy afraid of needles. So I go there and afterwards they always tell you not to smoke for at least 2 hours. And I get out of there really shaky and can never wait for so long and I get dizzy and sick. But, today I did not have that problem!!!!

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Milena - Free and Healing for Nine Months, 9 Hours and 4 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 23 Days and 17 Hours, by avoiding the use of 6834 nicotine delivery devices!


Deke profile image
Deke9 Years Smoke Free

Hi Milena,

Congratulations on passing the 9 months milestone. 3/4 of the way to the penthouse.:D


nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Oh cool! 9 months now? superb!! doesn't seem that long ago you were posting the 7 months x amount of weeks post on here.. time is flying for you now :)

Well done :)

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Thanks guys!

Jeah, time is going fast now. I hardly ever think about it anymore but I still have my phone set to remind me of the lunaversities. I love to celebrate them!!!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Milena :D

CONGRATULATIONS on 9 months or 3/4 of a year not long to the penthouse now


Marg xx

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Milena - Free and Healing for Ten Months and 7 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 26 Days and 9 Hours, by avoiding the use of 7600 nicotine delivery devices.

Jeah! I feel good...

I actually had a smoking dream a couple of nights ago. It has been a long wile since the last one, so I was surprised. It was weird. I was discussing with myself what a real craving is like. And I was telling myself that this was the real thing, that all the previous cravings had been easy and that this was the first real thing. When I woke up I didn't feel anything. No craving, no nothing. It was totally strange, but, the important thing is that I feel really strong in my quit!

And I have to give a lot of the credit to this forum and the people who supported me in the start!!!

And to all the new quitters, hold on, it gets better. Just appreciate every moment without the smokes. And be proud of yourself!!! I know I am!!!

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Check it out, take out the watercolors (like I did for the first time in years), or crayons, or tread and needles or anything and have fun.

It can actually help to keep the hands busy!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Milena :D


10 months done and dusted is fantastic not long to go now until you reach the Penthouse


Marg xxx

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

11 months!

Milena - Free and Healing for Eleven Months, while extending my life expectancy 28 Days and 23 Hours, by avoiding the use of 8350 nicotine delivery devices!

One month left till the Penthouse!

Today I had a friend coming over that I hadn't seen for a while. I put on the coffee, asked him if he wanted cream and sugar, and asked him if he needed an ashtray. He looked at me like... what? And than he was so surprised and impressed that I did not smoke any longer. He asked me how it was, if it was hard. I tried to remember, I know it was not easy, so I tried to remember what was so hard, to give him an example... I could not remember details. I know it was hard, but... I remember the first time I could run a 5km, I remember my first long flight without being crazy for a cig, I remember all the good things... It is not a clishe! It just gets better and better!

But, one thing I notice, I sometimes get that little bugger in my head telling me that I am cool now and that maybe one would not hurt. I am not craving, but when I am bored and stuff. So, I have taken up crocheting... and I love it!

Thank you guys for hearing me out!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Milena :D

CONGRATULATIONS You're almpst at the Penthouse door


Marg xx

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

day 364

Milena - Free and Healing for Eleven Months, Twenty Nine Days, 11 Hours and 20 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 31 Days and 13 Hours, by avoiding the use of 9087 nicotine delivery devices.

And now I am officially on my last temptation. It's not actually a temptation, but this is the last thing that I have to do for the first time without smoke! And I feel great! And I am looking forward to the party and fun.

And I want to wish you all a great New Years Eve and a happy New Year! And I want to thank everybody here for helping me get to this point. And I hope that I in the New Year can help someone to achieve something as big as quiting has been for me!!!!

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Congratulations, Milena - I have enjoyed following your thread, and your progress.

Enjoy your night, and celebrate well - you thoroughly deserve it.

It's a day early, but welcome to the Penthouse :D

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Milena :D

A Huge well done to you almost a full year for you enjoy your party and have a very Happy New year


Marg xx

nsd_user663_7235 profile image


Hi Milena, I have just went through some of your thread from the beginning untill now. I would like you to know that because you used your thread as a journal you have no idea how much this can help people like myself who are in the very early stages of stopping (29 days).

It explains a lot of what you have went through but more importantly the benifits and what can be acheived by stopping smoking.

Well done on Almost reaching 1 year but a big thank you and well done for your journal which will help our journey to 1 year,



nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Drunk, but made it!!!!!

Serious reply tomorrow! But, so happy my journey can help somebody else!!!!

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

day 366

Milena - Free and Healing for One Year, 9 Hours and 55 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 31 Days and 17 Hours, by avoiding the use of 9135 nicotine delivery devices!

I never thought I would get here so easy! It feels great and on the other hand I no longer feel it as such an accomplishment because it is become so natural.

nsd_user663_4016 profile image

Huge congratulations for reaching 1 year!! Jody

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Ahh lovely post :) 1 year at laaaaaaaaaaaaast :)

Superb work, i've been reading this thread of yours for some time now, and its always nice to see your latest updates.

1 year :)

Awesome quit.. you deserve this to work.

congrats :)

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Milena - Free and Healing for One Year, One Month, 11 Hours and 56 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 34 Days and 10 Hours, by avoiding the use of 9912 nicotine delivery devices.

Hi guys, I keep forgetting to come in and write. And then 2 minutes ago I decided to come in and just give you the word that I am still doing great. 2 seconds later my phone alarm starts ringing to remind me that I have been quit for 13 months!!! I had totally forgotten about that. So now I am smacking two flies with one hit.

I do not have much to add but the feeling that I am doing great. I feel like I should stop writing because I do not have anything new to say, but I do not want you new quitters to think that I have failed. I am still strong and you can do it too!!!

nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Milena, as a fallen member of the Team Monkey Bar-Stewards, may I wish you the most sincerest of congratulations. You must feel absolutely fantastic.

My best wishes to you.

Lorraine :)

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Thanks guys!!!

I have told you before about using my hands for other things and keeping them busy without the smoke. So this is my new obsession:

Hihi! I quite like how they are turning out!

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

14 months

Milena - Free and Healing for One Year, Two Months, 14 Hours and 43 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 36 Days and 20 Hours, by avoiding the use of 10615 nicotine delivery devices.

A new months is gone! And I am still smoke free!

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Bloody well done Milena, 14 months is great, how are you feeling now?

Are things becoming more natural?


nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Absolutely more natural! I mostly do not ever think about smoke, it does not enter my mind for ages. And then... suddenly, I will find myself wanting smoke more than anything... And it will last for a while, and then it will just be gone. I do not notice the moment it is gone. It just goes away. It is really strange to want something that much for a second, have the willpower to not take it at than particular moment, and the next moment it is gone.

But, that happens less and less often... Maybe twice in the past two, three months...

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

day 456

Milena - Free and Healing for One Year, Three Months, 8 Hours and 55 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 39 Days and 12 Hours, by avoiding the use of 11384 nicotine delivery devices.

And than it was 15 months. It sounds amazing even to me. My sister has been visiting, and she smokes. And in the beginning she asked me if it was ok that she smoked inside. And I said yes. Now, 3 weeks later I am actually looking forward to her leaving so that I can get that smell out of the place. It was a cool test for how far I have come. The smoking did not bother me in any other aspect than the smell! So, I think I am on a good way!

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

rarrrrrr keep on trucking milena!!!

Did you get 'headaches' from the smoke? thats one thing i do get now if i'm in the same room as smoker(s)

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

sorry for not replying...

Jeah I get headaches and my throat gets sore when I am around smoke for longer periods of time!

But now for the fun part... I am 16 months and counting!!! And it feels great!

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

ahh nice one milena.. always good to see you check in to post your milestone.

very encouraging :)

well done :)

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Thanks guys!

It means a lot to me that someone can benefit from my posts as I have benefited from the members before me. It is also therapeutic to write here.

One thing I have learned to appreciate more and more the longer I stay quit is that my quit came to me at a perfect time. And it was quite "easy" to quit so I kind of made fun of people that found it hard. And than I was brought back to reality... Somebody said: ok, if it is so easy to deal with addiction, why are you not dealing with food? (I am overweight). That really made me think... Why is it like that? So, now I have the next addiction to beat and I hope that I will make it. This one is for me much harder than smokes! So, here I go!

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Best of luck.. re. the weight gain, i've done that myself.. thats on my to-do list also.. strange though, i've not snacked or eaten more since quitting at all, but i've put on a few or so extra inches on waist.

This bit of weight gain though won't kill us, we know we need to tackle it, but lets be truly thankful that for now at least we tackled a very addictive drug head on and won.. and we can sure tackle this bit of weight in our own time now.

A friend suggested swimming for a few hours a week followed by some jogging may well sort out the imbalance in weight, but then i see my car .. sat their and think.. i could be there in 5 mins if i drive .. :rolleyes:

hehe. sure i got resolve . honest i have :)

Well done again milena :)

nsd_user663_2 profile image

Thanks guys!

It means a lot to me that someone can benefit from my posts as I have benefited from the members before me. It is also therapeutic to write here.

One thing I have learned to appreciate more and more the longer I stay quit is that my quit came to me at a perfect time. And it was quite "easy" to quit so I kind of made fun of people that found it hard. And than I was brought back to reality... Somebody said: ok, if it is so easy to deal with addiction, why are you not dealing with food? (I am overweight). That really made me think... Why is it like that? So, now I have the next addiction to beat and I hope that I will make it. This one is for me much harder than smokes! So, here I go!

Hi Milena,

I've just read all your posts and it is amazing! I love your story and so pleased that you are still smoke free! If you are interested in keeping a diary on our website or even a video blog please let me know because I think you can inspire other people.

I've put an announcement on the the forum looking for people to talk to the media so maybe you might consider that too.

If so please PM me.



nsd_user663_11476 profile image

Awesome read Milena.

Thank you so much, I love your story and believe me YOU can beat anything you set your mind to.


nsd_user663_3832 profile image

So, here I am. Smoke free for 17 months! And, hadn't my phone reminded my, I would have forgotten! And that is the lesson, it goes over.

Yes, I do sometimes get the urge, but it is sooo rarely now that it is not significant.

As for the food, I am trying to approach it the same way I did with cigarettes. I cannot even have one piece of sweet, not any white flour and and now root vegetables. But it is hard! It is harder than staying of cigarettes because it is much more socially accepted to be fat than smoke... But, I am fighting!

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

17 months, its all going by really quick this time thing now, your posts seem really close together time-wise now when really its a month each time.. thats encouraging. :)

Well done to you on your 17 months, and good job you got this date on your phone :)

Well done :)


nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi Milena, 17 months smoke free is an awesome quit, I feel proud for you.

I am also struggling with the food thing and need to lose some weight, mine went up after I quit then it went down and now its gone up again and I cant seem to shift it even though I wouldnt say I over eat, reckon mine is the lack of exercise and thats scary as I dont do a great deal and dont feel able to do loads so will have to cut out even more food, will be a waif I dont think LOL congrats again 7 months more and you will be into 2 years, now that is big time awesome.

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

Day 547

Milena - Free and Healing for One Year, Six Months, 22 Hours and 22 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 47 Days and 11 Hours, by avoiding the use of 13673 nicotine delivery devices.

And than it was 18... and feeling good!

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

18 months is excellent Milena :)

Cheers for being another successfully reformed ex-smoker.


nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi Milena, just realised why your quit is doing so well, you quit on my Birthday so I want be able to forget your 2 years will I, well done you and keep going onwards and smoke free xx

nsd_user663_3832 profile image

19 months

So, I got a new phone during the past month, and I forgot to program it to remind me of my stop smoking anniversary. So, I forgot it...

Yesterday was the 19th "lunaversity" of my quit. Happy, happy!

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