Sixteen Months: 16 months completed tomorrow... - No Smoking Day

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Sixteen Months

nsd_user663_2497 profile image
15 Replies

16 months completed tomorrow the 23rd.

Hope everyones still going strong too. This room will be full shortly I can see it now.

Quitting is easy once you believe, and know, its possible. Theres no deeper mystery behind it all, just an acceptance that you will do it.

Thanks to all as usual.


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nsd_user663_2497 profile image
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15 Replies
NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Well done SV you're a real inspiration to us following along in your wake.

nsd_user663_3554 profile image

Congrats on 16 months,Im so glad you beat this terrible addiction:D

nsd_user663_3356 profile image

Well Done Supervillain.

I didnt realise that you were so far down the line with this.


nsd_user663_2743 profile image

congrats SV :D

keep that penthouse nice and clean............we wont be long!!

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

Good job SV, an inspiration to us all. Thanks for sticking around and showing us tall that it's possible to get to the penthouse and beyond with little or no whinging required! LOL

Congratulations! :);)

nsd_user663_2497 profile image

Cheers all. Its been a good ride here for the past year and i've enjoyed it all, the banter and even the arguments from time to time lol.

Everyones helped and I also hope I have too.

However, I think its now time for me to join peeps like CatWoman and Phil in the outside world. As has been discussed on many threads before, I think eventually it can be counter productive to remain here too long. At some point you have to move on as a non smoker.

Good luck to all, I'll very occasionally check in and I know the 1 Year + room will be full soon!

Remember, get as much knowledge as you can and read the books in my sig, they're all incredibly helpful.

One last thing to remember, never have another puff!


nsd_user663_3554 profile image

Peace and agree with what you say about being counter productive to stay here to long.....Thanks for all the support you gave me and have a great

smoke free life..:)

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

OK SV I think its wise to know when its time,

Best wishes but I look forward to the 18 and 24 Month threads.


nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Yea same as Nick

Well done SV Linda xxxx

nsd_user663_3246 profile image

Reckon I missed you big day SV - but congrats and all that !!! wish I could say i'm just behind you - but alas - I fell off the wagon



nsd_user663_3029 profile image


Looking down this thread, most of the contributors are people who regarded themselves as just starting their quit when I embarked on my own in March, and they're now talking about the anniversary penthouse!

Bloody hell, you've all come a long way!

(me too, I'm beginning to think in terms of anniversaries as well.) ;)

Folks, a collective pat on the back to everyone!

And congrats to Supervillain and may your smoke-free (and forum-free(ish)) life be a success!

I smoked my last cigarette 8 Months, 2 Weeks, 6 Days, 6 hours and 33 minutes ago. I have £2,172.13 that I haven't spent on 9,249 cigarettes and saved 1 Month, 1 Day, 2 hours and 45 minutes of my life.

Tomatpots profile image
Tomatpots10 Years Smoke Free

Good luck supervillan

You were one of the people I wanted to be like when I first quit. I think I am just like you now:D

I personally dont think its counter productive to be be on here. I know I will never smoke again and quite enjoy "being here"

I dont log in as much as I used to, but a few words of advice and a well done here and there does not hurt.

All the best

nsd_user663_2115 profile image

Congrats from us too

Hey SV, long time no see - I haven't read the thread but I get the idea - and a hearty "Congrats" from me and Sharkbait.

We're still quit - and have been since 4 July (the Shark) and 4th Aug (me) 07 - so I haven't worked it out - but it's obviously over a year.

We haven't been on here for ages - but I think that's more to do with work than anything else. I haven't forgotten the support that I got from the forums that I used when I first quit - and I hope that our collective success demonstrates that we can all do it. Me and the Shark were smoking 50 cigs a day between us - and neither of us has even had a drag of one since our quit (to be honest, the thought of it makes me feel sick!!).

Good luck to everyone quitting, whether you've just started, or you've been stopped forever - "WELL DONE".

Max n Shark:):D:)

nsd_user663_2041 profile image


i need you all now more that ever .............. we see,m to have got ourselves onto stuff we would never have done before .....i never did alcohol or other things ..............what is going on ............ should i go back to smokin???

nsd_user663_2054 profile image

I'm also a rare visitor now and it works for me. I'm really enjoying the non smoker life. I've even made new friends who don't know I ever smoked. Thats a strange but funny one!

Sandie, I suggest you seek some professional advice and quick! Going backwards is obviously not the right way but nor is the way you seem to be headed. Good luck.

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