due to quit very soon...: hi all, how cool... - No Smoking Day

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due to quit very soon...

nsd_user663_3687 profile image
40 Replies

hi all,

how cool that there is a forum for stopping smoking!! very glad i found this.

iv prob got usual story. started when i was about 12, now 25. have previously quit using patches and lozenge but always end up smoking again on nights out and of course that starts the slippery slope....

i have decided that this time is going to the the last time i will ever have to "give up" cos i intend to stop and stay stopped this time. no more "just a few on a night out"

i have enrolled with a group in my local area and despite a few fears about the drug, have decided on champix as my quit method

this is becasue even when i am not smoking, i am hooked on NRT and i just want rid of nicotine once and for all

go my doctors apt monday to get the prescription

does anyone have any info (mainly sucess stories) about champix? i am feeling very positive about it but i am slightly fearful that all i can find online is negative stories about the side effects of it. i know there are hundreds of thousands of ppl that use it sucessfully and wondered if any were on here?

looking foward to getting to know you all :)


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nsd_user663_3687 profile image
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40 Replies
NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Hi there, welcome to the forum.

Not a Champix user myself but a load of people here have found it to be brilliant! I'm sure the'll be along soon :)

Most if not all of us here have failed in the past and the general consensus is that in order to make quitting easier (or less difficult) you need to change the way you think about smoking. You are not sacrificing something great by quitting and you are not depriving yourself. In reality you are gaining loads.

Read as much as you can about nicotine addiction and what to expect when quitting the following websites are a good place to start.




keep posting it does help,

All the best with it.


nsd_user663_3675 profile image

Hi, I'm on my 2nd week of Champix and Day 6 of my actual quit!

I haven't had side effects and can only report on what a great job it's done at keeping the cravings at bay whilst helping me deal with the habit side of my smoking.

It has made my quit a very positive one so far (still waiting for a negative but, I'm sure that day will come) but, for the time being, I would say go for it, you've got nothing to lose, everything to gain!

If you find yourself a bit nauseous, just suck a mint or something, it soon passes! Good luck!

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

....does anyone have any info (mainly sucess stories) about champix? i am feeling very positive about it but i am slightly fearful that all i can find online is negative stories about the side effects of it. i know there are hundreds of thousands of ppl that use it sucessfully and wondered if any were on here?

If you can find any success stories please share them.

They’re remarkably thin on the ground as far as I can tell.. that in itself is very worrying for such a successful product.

However, If it's working for you stick with it and stay strong.

Here are some statistics but they're not brilliant.

"UK Stop Smoking Services may offer the highest caliber government sponsored cessation services of any nation. Services include free individual or group counseling and support. Table 4.1, page 38 scsrn.org/policy_guidance/S... the NHS stop smoking statistics shows that at 4 weeks after starting varenicline treatment, that 63% of varenicline users were still not smoking as compared to 49% using nicotine replacement products (NRT) such as the nicotine patch, gum or lozenge. (A client is counted as having successfully quit smoking at the 4 week follow up if he/she has not smoked at all since two weeks after the quit date.)

Keep in mind that these are 4 week results, that both varenicline and NRT users still face another 4-8 weeks of treatment before trying to adjust to living and functioning with natural brain dopamine levels. The only long-term UK program evidence, an April 2005 study, did not include varenicline. But bringing together all real-world data we have so far provides a rough sense of how Champix quitters might compare at the 1 year mark in head-to-head competition with supported and counseled cold turkey quitters. It found that while 25.5% of those quitting without using any pharmacology were still not smoking at one year, only 15.2% of NRT quitters and 14.4% of bupropion (Zyban) quitters were still not smoking. "

Hopefully there’ll be a glowing study along soon to justify our multi-millon contributions…. :(

Original data source edited for newer stats whyquit.com/pr/040208.html

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

If you can find any success stories please share them.

They’re remarkably thin on the ground as far as I can tell.. that in itself is very worrying for such a successful product.

However, If it's working for you stick with it and stay strong.


Do you really have to be so negative with a new quitter?

This person has not yet started taking Champix, and already you are planting seeds of doubt in their mind.

There are people here that are having success with it, and some that have quit long term with it and once the person is quitting, the forum can help them gain the understanding to succeed long term!

nsd_user663_3687 profile image


Do you really have to be so negative with a new quitter?

This person has not yet started taking Champix, and already you are planting seeds of doubt in their mind.

There are people here that are having success with it, and some that have quit long term with it and once the person is quitting, the forum can help them gain the understanding to succeed long term!

its ok - i am aware that the stories of success seem to be few and far between and i have a few fears about it but im still going to do it. it cant be any more harmful then the crap im currently putting into my body thats the way i see it.

would just like to hear from ppl how it worked for them etc so i know what to expect

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Welcome to the site and Congrats on your quit. A lot of people here are long term quitters( some dont still post) they have used champix and from what they say its a brill quit method.Very good luck with your quit look forward to getting to know you. Linda xxxxx

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free


I am relatively new to this site and found it at the point I would probaly have caved. The guys on here are a great support of help.

Champix will make your initial quit easier. It certainly did for me. Once you start taking it and it build up (probaly around day 3-5) you will start to notice just how vile smoking actually is. When I smoked at the start it made me realise just how nasty smoking taste. I found thoughts of, why have I smoked for so long when it tastes this rank, going though my head.

I had to stop taking the champix cos they were turning me a bit moody, which I know stopping smoking can do anyway, but I think this was a bit more than that so my GP said to stop them. So I am now pretty much going the cold turkey route which is really hard and I would have failed at had it of not been for the guys on here giving me support and letting be rant when I need to.

There are people who take the champix and have no issues. My GP has several people who have quit using it and not had any problems. I had my son 4 mths ago so think I may still be a bit 'hormonal' for champix, but if I could have got on with them I would still be on them. In fact if it wasn't for the fact I have a small baby I would have carried on as it was just that I was getting snappy at him. (Don't care about snapping at my husband, he can take it) as they were really helping. I have since discovered a willpower stronger than I ever thought i had.

Have to also agree with the other guys about read read read. It really helps.

I found that woofmang.com 'the tales' section really good to read.


austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Do you really have to be so negative with a new quitter?

Nic, unfortunately it's a negative sort of area isn't it..? It's a bit like trying to cheerfully break bad news.

What you must remember about this forum is that it is entirely supported by those who are either giving up or have given up and apart from the odd spammer there is no agenda from anyone to promote anything. Yes there are the odd clashes of personality which is to be expected from any gathering of people, but ultimately everyone is here to offer or receive support.

What I have noticed is there are two distinct types of people on here, those that are happy to regurgitate government figures to explain why someone caved and whose support is, “there, there don’t smoke, we’re all behind you” and those that are using them to prevent someone caving, the, “read this stuff it’ll really help in your quit”

Both types are needed because everyone’s different.

This might sound harsh but I would rather someone didn’t quit today if they were going to cave in 3 months but rather quit in a month and then never caved.

California statistics are showing that on average people try to stop 12 times before they’re successful. In the UK I recall the figure is nearer 7. Still terrible isn’t it..?

Personally I’ve lost count of the numbers of times I’ve tried to quit so I’m probably above average, however, contrary to what a lot of people say on here I learnt nothing from each of my failures. I went through a pattern of quit, cave, quit, cave for years.

I’m now confident that I’ve achieved my goal but it didn’t take a load of failures to educate me, just a different approach that I could have tried on quit No.2 if someone had told me.

This forum is not like a random crowd talking rubbish in the pub. This forum has expertise in smoking and smoking cessation and we should be the ones aiming to alter these statistics. Telling someone who’s just caved that, “it’s ok, on average it takes 7 quits before you succeed” is, in my opinion, not constructive. When we learn through our mistakes we are almost obliged to pass that data on to those following on even if it flies in the face of a government stance. Our doctors tell us what they’re instructed to tell us, it’s the party line and unless you’re talking to a GP who’s kicked the habit you’re not necessarily in a better position.

We know for a fact that stopping smoking is all about a change in attitude. The smoke & mirrors approach of the NHS is not always useful and it’s difficult to find the true data to help make a decision.

I spend a huge amount of time on the net trawling for information. Ld13 asked for information and success stories but like I said they’re a bit thin on the ground.

its ok - i am aware that the stories of success seem to be few and far between and i have a few fears about it but im still going to do it. it cant be any more harmful then the crap im currently putting into my body thats the way i see it.

would just like to hear from ppl how it worked for them etc so i know what to expect

Ld13 was also well aware of the horrors surrounding varenicline so there was no shock there either.

Pfizer in the States are claiming 20% success versus 10% against a placebo (not figures I’d be shouting too loudly about if my name was Pfizer…) but I can’t seem to find any “proper” long-term figures that do anything to substantiate the claims.

Interestingly.. "The patient may have to go through this quitting process many times," said Dr. Martina Flammer of Pfizer, senior medical director of the Chantix global medical team. "It is inherent of the nature of nicotine addiction that the patient may actually relapse." Eeeek..!!

I honestly believe that the fact that Ld13 has found their way on to this forum is the best start they'll have in this quit.

Hopefully there will be a little showing of 12+ month champix quitters along shortly to share their experiences.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Nic, unfortunately it's a negative sort of area isn't it..? It's a bit like trying to cheerfully break bad news.

I don't think so, and there are ways and means of getting the message accross.

This might sound harsh but I would rather someone didn’t quit today if they were going to cave in 3 months but rather quit in a month and then never caved.

I prefer Carpe Diem approach. If they put it off it may well be several years before they are motivated in the same way again.

We know for a fact that stopping smoking is all about a change in attitude.

but you do not need to have that knowledge on day 1 it can be aquired over the 1st few weeks/months

I honestly believe that the fact that Ld13 has found their way on to this forum is the best start they'll have in this quit.

Yeah - we agree :D

Hopefully there will be a little showing of 12+ month champix quitters along shortly to share their experiences.

I don't give a rats a##e how they started their quit its all about how they reach their goal. Whether it be champix or NRT it only covers the 1st 12 weeks, the remaining 9 months have to be done flying solo!

But I do appreciate that you are far further along in your quit than I am.

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

But I do appreciate that you are far further along in your quit than I am.

Frankly Nic I'm not sure that makes a great deal of difference. I think you know when you've beaten it whether it's the following day or 6 months down the line.

I also think we've taken this far enough in an open forum and we'll agree to differ on a few points..!! :D

If i find some success stories I promise to post them.

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

just flicking through the forum and arent we a bunch of champix haters at the moment!!

im a champix success story ....9 month along with cword but ill remember to report back in 3month when im still quit!!

please dont be put off using any method you want to use to keep you off the cigs, people can be too forceful and vocal in promoting or dissing other methods on this forum!!

just for the record............nrt, CT, allen carr, hyponsis, gum, inhalators didnt work for me, :rolleyes:

champix did.

good luck in your quit.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Frankly Nic I'm not sure that makes a great deal of difference. I think you know when you've beaten it whether it's the following day or 6 months down the line.

Maybe, but I'm not arrogant enough to assume that after 3 months I understand as much as people that have been quit longer, well not not quite :D

I also think we've taken this far enough in an open forum and we'll agree to differ on a few points..!! :D

Very true, but if we were all the same it would be a dull world :cool:

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

oh....... and if you want to hear my success story , please just ask! im sure cword would also be happy to help.

nsd_user663_3356 profile image

ffsake Austin and Nic

at least have the decency to fight for a few more posts :D

it wasnt even a very good fight IMHO..... just a brief exchange of views from 2 rather polite gents...:rolleyes:

Get the sleeves rolled up and the dictionary's out and go for it.......:D

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Hi there Jude,

I hope you're not including me in with the Champix haters, I pointed out there were several people succeeding with it.

Its not how you do it, but how well you do it!



nsd_user663_3356 profile image

Hi Jude

please do tell us about your Champix success story....

My GF is just about to start Champix and i really hope it works for her, cos like you, none of the other methods have so far.... although i also think its not the method that works on its own, its also how you are withing yourself .

Nice to see you back btw

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

ive read a few posts where champix isnt getting a very good press off people which i find strange when the users have always highly rated it.............people cant diss something they havent used.

im not here to sell the drug but i dont think anyone who hasnt used it can comment, and the OP will find that out during the course of pills.

john, im 9month quit ....that is my success story ...im sure there is a LOT of info on this forum off me and others about champix, just search it.

if it works for you , then use it , dont give a flying f*** what others think or use.

again ...good luck in your quit.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

ffsake Austin and Nic

at least have the decency to fight for a few more posts

it wasnt even a very good fight IMHO..... just a brief exchange of views from 2 rather polite gents...:rolleyes:

Get the sleeves rolled up and the dictionary's out and go for it.......:D

Quit your vexation and bu&&er off, ya fat troll!


austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

just flicking through the forum and arent we a bunch of champix haters at the moment!!

im a champix success story ....9 month along with cword but ill remember to report back in 3month when im still quit!!

please dont be put off using any method you want to use to keep you off the cigs, people can be too forceful and vocal in promoting or dissing other methods on this forum!!

just for the record............nrt, CT, allen carr, hyponsis, gum, inhalators didnt work for me, :rolleyes:

champix did.

Jude, I don't think that the 12 months is specific..!

If you have a good surf there seems to be 3 sorts of hits. Pro-chemical groups advocating it, scare stories regarding depression and suicide and people still on it staying off the fags.

What seems thin on the ground is people who've thoroughly finished their courses and are happily quit or some good old fashioned official statistics.

ive read a few posts where champix isnt getting a very good press off people which i find strange when the users have always highly rated it.............people cant diss something they havent used.

im not here to sell the drug but i dont think anyone who hasnt used it can comment, and the OP will find that out during the course of pills.

I think like most things that if you spend the time doing the research you can make an informed decision as to whether you wish to pursue it. I've never jumped off a cliff onto a spike but i'm confident that I wouldn't like it and I wouldn't recommend it to a friend..!!

Well done on your 9 months..!!!

nsd_user663_3687 profile image

my goodness what have i started here?? :D

well tomorrow i am going to the doctors for my prescription!! i am very excited and so is my husband as he is looking forward to not having to sleep with an ashtray anymore or do random late night trips to the petrol station for my fags :rolleyes:

i am going to start them on tuesday morning so i will keep you updated on the other boards as to how i am getting on

jude - thank you for your post and your positive words! its comforting to know that you, like me, tried everything else and eventually stopped on champix!

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Ignoring all the fighting, trolling and general visciousness ( :D )

My thoughts on Champix.

I think it's a wonder drug - plain and simple.

I have suffered very little in the way of side effects *twitches uncontrollably*

But I did find the 1st couple of weeks incredibly easy. The time to now (nearly 6 weeks) has been a doddle compared to previous quits.

I am now trying to wean myself off them, but that's because I think my head is right to go without them.

My opinion is that long term success is just as likely as with any other method - once you are on your own, it's your mindset that will see you through. I shall make it, but I would this time no matter how I got to this point... because of this place and all the other information I have absorbed. This is my time and it matters not what I used to get past the physical cravings.

Have fun and stay quit :D

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

there will always be scare stories with any drug, there would have been issues when nrt first came on the market, i have throughly finished my course, am very happy and proud with my quit with no bad effects.

people should research any type of drug before use...including any form of nrt.............but comment on its success when you have tried it, maybe in a couple of years the stats will be there for it.

but as before....... use whatever works for you to get off the cigs.

ld13.........if you want to ask anything about the champix , feel free to pm me and ill try to help. good luck.

nsd_user663_3687 profile image

well this evening i have been to to doctors and i am now in possession of one prescription for champix. i start taking it tomorrow!!! very excited!

i have to keep going back to the doctors every 2 weeks tho which i find a bit odd but hey, if thats what it takes :)

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

well this evening i have been to to doctors and i am now in possession of one prescription for champix. i start taking it tomorrow!!! very excited!

i have to keep going back to the doctors every 2 weeks tho which i find a bit odd but hey, if thats what it takes :)

That's normal - due to the nature of some of the possible side effects.

The only "problem" I had was a little nausea for a few days...

Keep us updated :D

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

well this evening i have been to to doctors and i am now in possession of one prescription for champix. i start taking it tomorrow!!! very excited!

i have to keep going back to the doctors every 2 weeks tho which i find a bit odd but hey, if thats what it takes :)

Well done ld13, its a small price to pay if it gets you off the smokes.

Not a Champix user myself, how long do you use it before you stop?

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

That's normal - due to the nature of some of the possible side effects.

The only "problem" I had was a little nausea for a few days...

Keep us updated :D

I would recommend making sure you eat before you take them (you should with any tablet unless told specifically not to) as they did make me feel really sick if I took them on an empty stomach. Although the added advantage of this was I coulnd't smoke as I felt so sick lol

I would sometimes still feel a bit sick even with eating but it went within 10-15 mins and a cuppa.

I wouldn't be 'here' now if it wasn't for champix. I wouldn't of been able to stop. Although I came off them early I KNOW it's cos of champix's help in that first few weeks that I now do not smoke.


nsd_user663_3687 profile image

Well done ld13, its a small price to pay if it gets you off the smokes.

Not a Champix user myself, how long do you use it before you stop?

well they say not to set a quit date but see how it goes but to stop by 14 days max. so i may get to 5 days and stop or go to the full 14 days. i have to wait until they "take effect"

nickywalton profile image

to ID13...

Champix Rocks:D

I like many others on here have tried all the other available aids to quitting many times and failed miserably every time...

With Champix it has been a (relative) doddle... I only took half the normal dose cos I'm a lightweight...and even tho I had been smoking 20-30/day for 40yrs it still worked...

Huge amounts of luck to you and I really really hope it works for you as well as it has worked for me...

(as jude said happy to PM if you want any help:D)


NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

well they say not to set a quit date but see how it goes but to stop by 14 days max. so i may get to 5 days and stop or go to the full 14 days. i have to wait until they "take effect"

Wow, that sounds a really relaxed low pressure way to deal with it, hope it goes well.



nickywalton profile image

Wow, that sounds a really relaxed low pressure way to deal with it, hope it goes well.



Danger is you keep taking the tablets AND keep smoking LOL:p (That's what happened to me first time around...) so don't be tooooo relaxed about deciding when you're gonna quit!!

Champix never made cigarettes taste bad at all - but maybe that was because only took half dose?


NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

While the "published" statistics may not seem to be great the success of the people using it here suggests to me that if you combine the drug with the type of support that is freely given by the users of this forum, it can be winning formula.

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

While the "published" statistics may not seem to be great the success of the people using it here suggests to me that if you combine the drug with the type of support that is freely given by the users of this forum, it can be winning formula.

It certainly seems that way doesn't it?

I will only say that I have never felt so good about anything as I feel about this quit using Champix and the freely available web education.

nsd_user663_3687 profile image

Danger is you keep taking the tablets AND keep smoking LOL:p (That's what happened to me first time around...) so don't be tooooo relaxed about deciding when you're gonna quit!!

Champix never made cigarettes taste bad at all - but maybe that was because only took half dose?


i have decided that i am going no more then day 10 but i am really hoping they will work before that to give me big confidence in the drug. the good thing is, i am already smoking less and thinking how disgusting it is and really really do want to stop for good this time. i just wanted to do it "properly" this time and leave the nicotine behind. im not suggesting NRT is a poor way of quitting (my sis just quit 4 months ago using it) but for me it didnt work cos i couldnt get off the NRT which invariably led me back to the fags every so often and so on...

my mindset is nearly there and i think the drug will give me that final kick up the bum i need :)

if ANY of that babble actually made any sense lol

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

if ANY of that babble actually made any sense lol

Made perfect sense,

nsd_user663_3687 profile image

after driving round half the county trying to find a chemist with stock of champix this morning, i have finally got my paws on them and taken the first one with my steak and stilton sandwich today :D

dont feel sick as yet so its all good!

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

after driving round half the county trying to find a chemist with stock of champix this morning, i have finally got my paws on them and taken the first one with my steak and stilton sandwich today :D

dont feel sick as yet so its all good!

I only felt sick when I took it without food. Was your sandwich nice? You are making me hungry and I had a really good lunch too!!!!:eek:

By the way good luck with your quit Id we are all behind you here to give you support and advice.

nsd_user663_3687 profile image

thank you! and yes the sandwich was lovely!!! fattening but yummy :D

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Just remembered, probaly around day 4 when you increase the dose you are highly likely to have some really off the wall dreams. They do go away again so don't worry too much about them but they made me a bit shocked by how intense & vivid they were.


nsd_user663_3675 profile image

well this evening i have been to to doctors and i am now in possession of one prescription for champix. i start taking it tomorrow!!! very excited!

i have to keep going back to the doctors every 2 weeks tho which i find a bit odd but hey, if thats what it takes :)

ld13, I too have to go to see the nurse but, every week. I have my blood pressure checked as Champix can cause palpitations and they also like to monitor your progress as this is an expensive drug and if you smoke whilst taking it, they'd rather you didn't have it. I find it beneficial going to see the nurse and telling her how well I feel, how positive I feel, almost like pleasing the teacher, lol:)

Good luck with the tablets and the side effects only hit me on day 7 of taking the tablets and they had gone by day 10 which was my quit day.

nsd_user663_3675 profile image

well they say not to set a quit date but see how it goes but to stop by 14 days max. so i may get to 5 days and stop or go to the full 14 days. i have to wait until they "take effect"

ld13, I set a "wooly" quit date for day 10. When I increased my dosage on day 8, I felt quite nauseous but it went. On day 9, on the increased dose, every smoke I had tasted foul!! It was bitter and left a nasty taste in my mouth, a bit like that nasty nail varnish that's supposed to stop you biting your nails, YUK!!! Determined to finish my last pack of ciggies, I stayed up until 3am to smoke them and I was relieved when I had forced myself to smoke the last one, they were disgusting!!

Hope that Champix has similar effects for you because it certainly is a taste that's stayed with me so far!

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