how to stop.: i have been smoking for26 years... - No Smoking Day

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how to stop.

nsd_user663_3331 profile image
25 Replies

i have been smoking for26 years and i want to stop.

i went to my doctors to enquire about champix,but whilst i was there he discovered i had high blood pressure so he didnt mention it again.

i dont think i can do it on my own,but i am finding nicotinell very unpleasant.

i have cut down from 15 aday to 8.

is there anything else i can use?i dont like the thought of patches.

many thanks.:)

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nsd_user663_3331 profile image
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25 Replies
nsd_user663_3331 profile image

Coudl you not work on your blood pressure then ask for champix?

edit... Welcome to the forum :)


i suppose i could,but i have never felt this strong urge to give up before.i have always been,well i enjoy smoking.

i really do not want to be a smoker anymore,and i am afraid if i dont tackle it now,i never will.

nsd_user663_3246 profile image

The is also Zyban - don't know if this is available if you have blood pressure problems though.

welcome by the way




nsd_user663_3331 profile image

Grrr, I hate that word, sorry to put a downer on it, but that stuff is lethal, I wont post what it did to me, although I have before, but my advice is stay away from that shite! :mad:

Sorry Sue, rant over ;)

well i am now thinking i am going to go cold turkey as there doesnt seem to me any point in prolonging it.

i hate myself every time i have 1 and view them as a waste of money.

when is the best time of day to give up?

nsd_user663_3331 profile image

The is also Zyban - don't know if this is available if you have blood pressure problems though.

welcome by the way




hello.:)its sort of nice to be here.

nsd_user663_3331 profile image

well i have decided to stop tomorrow morning,after a nice long sleep.i have 4 ciggies left and i am not going to buy any more.


i think i might get a pot to put all the money in.

any tips that make this easier?

nsd_user663_3246 profile image

Hi again

Personally I have found it best to stop at night, all my quits have with planned with millarty precsion, I have set the date, I have installed a quit counter

one available at and I have read and posted questions to with relation to my quit up to two weeks before my actual quit date, there are people who quit just like that, alas I am not one of them.

So basically read all you can, seek advise via the net, and seek support via the forum. It you have made to decision to go CT - well done, catch you later




nsd_user663_3331 profile image

Some good ens here -

Here too -

thanks for those.i am going to make my self a list to carry round.also i was unaware that you should stick to your routine,i was going to do everything different tomorrow.(which would have been difficult for me as i like my routine.)

i am sort of looking forward to tomorrow.

nsd_user663_3332 profile image

Just found forum

Hello all, I am new here, after a few days of climbing walls and wondering whether I have done the right thing.

I decided to go CT last weekend. Have major health problems and don't want to put anything more into my body than what I have to. (ie patches)

First few days I seemed to do quite well and not have too many problems, from what I had read the nicotine is out of your system early, so I can't get my head why I have started cravings now!

I am struggling finding any distraction.

Anybody got any survival tips!


nsd_user663_3331 profile image

Hello all, I am new here, after a few days of climbing walls and wondering whether I have done the right thing.

I decided to go CT last weekend. Have major health problems and don't want to put anything more into my body than what I have to. (ie patches)

First few days I seemed to do quite well and not have too many problems, from what I had read the nicotine is out of your system early, so I can't get my head why I have started cravings now!

I am struggling finding any distraction.

Anybody got any survival tips!


hello.i am new here too.

i cant help you though as i am going cold turkey tomorrow.

all i can say is good luck.

how many days is it now?

nsd_user663_3332 profile image

Hi Imogenkate, sorry, I didn't realise I had hijacked your thread.

Today is my 8th day. I just hope that each one will get easier.

Good luck.

nsd_user663_3331 profile image

Hi Imogenkate, sorry, I didn't realise I had hijacked your thread.

Today is my 8th day. I just hope that each one will get easier.

Good luck.

dont worry,we can share it.

8 days,wow,well done to you.:D

so far i have been decided to go cold turkey and to write a list of why i am giving up.

i am also going to start a blog,just for myself and my family.

why did you decide to give up?

and what has been the worst bit?

so you really feel no better even though the nicotine is out of your system?

very very difficult.

nsd_user663_2 profile image

Hello all, I am new here, after a few days of climbing walls and wondering whether I have done the right thing.

I decided to go CT last weekend. Have major health problems and don't want to put anything more into my body than what I have to. (ie patches)

First few days I seemed to do quite well and not have too many problems, from what I had read the nicotine is out of your system early, so I can't get my head why I have started cravings now!

I am struggling finding any distraction.

Anybody got any survival tips!


Welcome to the forum Mimosa and Imogenkate

Good luck with your quit attempts.

My understand is the nicotine does leave your system fairly quickly but it is your brain that wants the craving. The cravings last only a few minutes so have a glass of water and go for a walk!


nsd_user663_3246 profile image

You two could maybe form a quit team, always helps to have a quit partner, you would encourage each other and you could compare feelings/notes/ etc




I have been quit for 4 Months, 2 Weeks, 6 Days, 19 hours, 9 minutes and 6 seconds (141 days). I have saved £1,565.63 by not smoking 7,089 cigarettes. I have saved 3 Weeks, 3 Days, 14 hours and 45 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 06/02/2008 21:17

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Hi Imogen, first of all, welcome and well done on deciding to quit.:) You may find that the first 3 days are quite hard, BUT, if you are really determined, sometimes the euphoria/elation you feel at the beginning of your quit, will help you enormously. I found that when l had a really bad craving, coming on here and reading or writing a few posts, really helped me. The cravings do not last very long, and by the time l had finished reading a few posts, the cravings had gone. I had smoked probably 50 a day for over 47 years and stopped with the aid of Champix, but l can honestly say, that coming on here, helped as much as the Champix. I had my last cigarette on New Years Eve, and stopped taking Champix completely, by the end of January, so l did not take them for very long really, but l still came on here frequently at that stage. Good luck with your quit and come back here often, as there are many

quitters on here, who are always ready to give encouragement when needed.:D

Love Josie XXX

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

You two could maybe form a quit team, always helps to have a quit partner, you would encourage each other and you could compare feelings/notes/ etc




I have been quit for 4 Months, 2 Weeks, 6 Days, 19 hours, 9 minutes and 6 seconds (141 days). I have saved £1,565.63 by not smoking 7,089 cigarettes. I have saved 3 Weeks, 3 Days, 14 hours and 45 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 06/02/2008 21:17Thats a good idea Sue, it does help if you have a quitting partner.

Love Josie XXX

nsd_user663_3331 profile image

Hi Imogen, first of all, welcome and well done on deciding to quit.:) You may find that the first 3 days are quite hard, BUT, if you are really determined, sometimes the euphoria/elation you feel at the beginning of your quit, will help you enormously. I found that when l had a really bad craving, coming on here and reading or writing a few posts, really helped me. The cravings do not last very long, and by the time l had finished reading a few posts, the cravings had gone. I had smoked probably 50 a day for over 47 years and stopped with the aid of Champix, but l can honestly say, that coming on here, helped as much as the Champix. I had my last cigarette on New Years Eve, and stopped taking Champix completely, by the end of January, so l did not take them for very long really, but l still came on here frequently at that stage. Good luck with your quit and come back here often, as there are many

quitters on here, who are always ready to give encouragement when needed.:D

Love Josie XXX

:)thankyou.i am quite nervous as i dont want to let this get the better of me.i am excited aswell as i feel it might help me put on weight as i am slightly under.

really worried about the bad temper.

nsd_user663_3331 profile image

You two could maybe form a quit team, always helps to have a quit partner, you would encourage each other and you could compare feelings/notes/ etc




I have been quit for 4 Months, 2 Weeks, 6 Days, 19 hours, 9 minutes and 6 seconds (141 days). I have saved £1,565.63 by not smoking 7,089 cigarettes. I have saved 3 Weeks, 3 Days, 14 hours and 45 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 06/02/2008 21:17

that sounds like a sensible idea.:)

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

:)thankyou.i am quite nervous as i dont want to let this get the better of me.i am excited aswell as i feel it might help me put on weight as i am slightly under.

really worried about the bad temper.Hi Imogen, l have put on some weight, BUT, i'm not going to let that worry me too much at this stage, as l think that after a period of time, it will sort itself out. :D In the meantime, l shall just carry on wearing Marks & Sparks Magic Knickers TEE HEE :eek::eek:

Love Josie XXX

nsd_user663_3331 profile image

Hi Imogen, l have put on some weight, BUT, i'm not going to let that worry me too much at this stage, as l think that after a period of time, it will sort itself out. :D In the meantime, l shall just carry on wearing Marks & Sparks Magic Knickers TEE HEE :eek::eek:

Love Josie XXX

i just cant wait to go out and not have to worry all the time about going for a ciggie.

and we spend alot of time in hospital with our son and i keep missing doctors as i keep having to nip off.:eek:

nsd_user663_3246 profile image

Hi Imogen, l have put on some weight, BUT, i'm not going to let that worry me too much at this stage, as l think that after a period of time, it will sort itself out. :D In the meantime, l shall just carry on wearing Marks & Sparks Magic Knickers TEE HEE :eek::eek:

Love Josie XXX

Me too Josie - just had to buy the bigger size! but hey so what - i'm still not smoking, just must remember to write to M&S to ask they to consider 'enlargling' their size range!




nsd_user663_3246 profile image

i just cant wait to go out and not have to worry all the time about going for a ciggie.

and we spend alot of time in hospital with our son and i keep missing doctors as i keep having to nip off.:eek:

I can really relate to you with that - )sorry to hear that you son has problems with his health) How embarrassing that the nictotine monster drags us of outside when we have such important issues to deal with.

The sad thing is when we come back in having sprayed ourselves with pong and stuffed our mouths with mints are we really conning ourselves that the others are none the wiser - course not - we stink! (or in my case I used to stink).

good luck, come on for support - you can beat this.




nsd_user663_3331 profile image

I can really relate to you with that - )sorry to hear that you son has problems with his health) How embarrassing that the nictotine monster drags us of outside when we have such important issues to deal with.

The sad thing is when we come back in having sprayed ourselves with pong and stuffed our mouths with mints are we really conning ourselves that the others are none the wiser - course not - we stink! (or in my case I used to stink).

good luck, come on for support - you can beat this.




thanks.i really hope i can.

nsd_user663_3246 profile image

Just one more thing,

Far from me to try and change you quit once you have made you mind up go for it - as others have said read all you can, to understand what is happening to you as nico leaves the system and seeing nicotine as an enermy who is trying to kill you unless you kill him first will give you strength.

Back to the point, nothing is worth jepodicing your quit for nothing at all and if you feel the need to suck a bit of gum go ahead (I hate the stuff).

all the best



I have been quit for 4 Months, 2 Weeks, 6 Days, 21 hours, 37 minutes and 19 seconds (141 days). I have saved £1,566.78 by not smoking 7,095 cigarettes. I have saved 3 Weeks, 3 Days, 15 hours and 15 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 06/02/2008 21:17

nsd_user663_2913 profile image

Hi and welcome Imogenkate you will get lots of good tips and advice on here.

Best of luck withyour quit. we all deserve a smokefree life. xx:)

nsd_user663_3331 profile image

Hi and welcome Imogenkate you will get lots of good tips and advice on here.

Best of luck withyour quit. we all deserve a smokefree life. xx:)

thanks.not long to go now.:eek:

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