1st day today: hi all ,, i,ve been on champix... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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1st day today

nsd_user663_3126 profile image
10 Replies

hi all ,, i,ve been on champix for 13 days, felt sick a few times but nothing really bad ,well anyway gave up this morning its only been around 6hrs now and craving really bad for a smoke but determined not to smoke again, well done to all you who have stopped ,

best wishes

ady :)

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nsd_user663_3126 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_3117 profile image

Well done on taking the leap Ady. My sis has been quit for 2 1/2 weeks with Champix and says it's been her easiest quit attempt to date. Have you tried to quit before?

I'm currently on day 3 using NRT, am all at odds with myself but didn't really think I would get this far if I'm honest!

I've heard lots of good things about Champix, so keep your chin up!!

Good luck, Jane

nsd_user663_3117 profile image

PS Noticed you're in Brighton, I'm in Worthing - virtual neighbours!!!

nsd_user663_3097 profile image

stay strong, never give up, stop yourself smoking at all costs, take each day and each hour at a time, slowly but surely it gets better!!!

if every you want a fag, post here FIRST - once you relapse your quit is dead, do not forget that, keep building the hours and days, no retreat, no surrender!

nsd_user663_3106 profile image

Hi Ady! Today is my quit day too. I have been on Chantix for about 8-9 days and decided last week that after this carton, no more smokes!

I think the Chantix is really helping. It's not been 'as' hard as previous attempts to quit. I do have a few cravings, but I just find something else to do (like post in forums).

Stay strong!

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

hi all ,, i,ve been on champix for 13 days, felt sick a few times but nothing really bad ,well anyway gave up this morning its only been around 6hrs now and craving really bad for a smoke but determined not to smoke again, well done to all you who have stopped ,

best wishes

ady :)Hi Ady, l am also on Champix - l should correct that -, l WAS taking Champix.:cool: I started taking them on the 18/Dec/ 07, and had my last cigarette on 31/Dec/07.

After about 2 weeks, l cut down to 1 tablet a day, and on 31/Jan/08, l stopped taking them completely.

Initially, the reason l cut down to 1 tablet a day, was because l kept forgetting to take it. I then found that l didn't actually feel any different, just taking the 1 tablet a day.:)

When l stopped taking them completely, it was something of an experiment, just to see if l could manage without them. On the 1st day, l said to myself, " if l can't manage without them, no probs., i'll just take a tablet." l didn't find it too bad, and just took it from there. One day at a time, always reminding myself that if l really wanted a cigarette, l always had my tablets to fall back on.

Although some days l have quite bad cravings, they are never enough to make me have a cigarette, or a tablet, and it is nearly 12 weeks now since l quit.

I smoked about 50 a day for 47 years, so if l can do it, l am sure that you will too.:D

Good luck, and keep coming back on here for support as l think it was the support which l got on here, in the beginning, which helped me the most.

nsd_user663_3097 profile image

hi all ,, i,ve been on champix for 13 days, felt sick a few times but nothing really bad ,well anyway gave up this morning its only been around 6hrs now and craving really bad for a smoke but determined not to smoke again, well done to all you who have stopped ,

best wishes

ady :)

How you doing ADY???

nsd_user663_3126 profile image

How you doing ADY???

hi all ,, today went well , had cravings for most of it but still not smoked:)

not feeling bad at all at the moment and im my mind i think im going to do it

this is the 1st time trying to give up ,been smoking for 24yrs and about 30 roll ups a day ,

time for bed

goodnight all and goodluck and thanks for all the replys


nsd_user663_2863 profile image

Hi Ady,

Good to see it's easing up a bit.

Jeez, it's not easy sometimes, is it?

i've been stopped seven weeks and just thinking about knocking off the NRT (puffers). Even that's a bit scarey...sometimes you just gotta jump and not look back!

Keep going. You'll have good days and bad days and better days..and sometimes great days!


nsd_user663_3126 profile image

Hi and Welcome

I am on champix and I to had numerous unsucessful attempts to quit . The one thing I will assure you is that it has worked for me - as I believe it has many others on the forum.

OK the first day was not easy BUT - what I used to do was to focus back on the last cigerette I smoked - that cigerette had made me feel really sick and I have trained my mind to think of that one now - rather then the one's that I thought I enjoyed.

Have you read Allan Carrs book? - I feel it does give support with whatever method you choose.

There is a programme run by champix that is very supportive - they do not avertise it very well and I did not find out about it until after I have quit for two weeks - think its called life rewards - if you know nothing about it I can look for the details for you



I have been quit for 1 Month, 3 Weeks, 11 hours, 37 minutes and 5 seconds (50 days). I have saved £549.76 by not smoking 2,524 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Week, 1 Day, 18 hours and 20 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 06/02/2008 21:17

hi sue ,, yes ,,please look for me that would be great

many thanks

ady :)

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

Hi Ady & Gracie - Welcome to you both and good luck with your quits. :D

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