moving in: :D day 3 , still feeling... - No Smoking Day

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moving in

nsd_user663_2743 profile image
15 Replies

:D day 3 , still feeling good although im finding first thing in the morning a bit hard, after that urge goes , im fine for the rest of the day.

im wondering if its coz im due to take a champix, or just habit :confused:

have a good day everyone :)

jude xx

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nsd_user663_2743 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_2743 profile image

ta xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :)

nsd_user663_2722 profile image

Hi Jude

How are things? I had my last one last night and this is my first day - so glad to see you are hanging there!

I had a big urge this morning but much better now.


nsd_user663_2743 profile image

hiya , im good , im still having a slight problem with my mornings but apart from that everythings going well.

glad to see your doing ok and hanging in, your doing great!

jude xx

nsd_user663_2722 profile image

Thanks J!

Can I ask you what time you take the pills?

I take mine at around 7-45 - 8 am after breakfast and then around 8 pm.


nsd_user663_2743 profile image

i take them 8.30am if im at work, then about 7pm at night

im wondering if im taking the night one to early, any one know?

i hate mornings too :(

jude x

nsd_user663_2722 profile image

I was actually thinking of taking the evening one earlier - the dreams are waking me up...

They are not too scary (apart from the one where my 3 1/2 year old went piloting a boing 777 by himself) but very vivid and I remember them all!

nsd_user663_2512 profile image

:mad: Get the idea of having a habit right out of your head ....

Your probably experiencing your old triggers and you need time to lose them ...

Triggers are those things that used to spontaneously cause us to light up, for me one of my many triggers was a car driving one, pull up at a red light = light up a cigarette. Fight the triggers they will soon fade and pass. I laugh about it now but there was a time between Week Two and Week Four when my triggers would have me spontaneously reaching for an imaginary pouch of tobacco about 4-5 times a day.

I'm into Week Ten now and my triggers are down to just a couple a week.

Congrats on Day Three (takes you past the 72 hour milestone) roll on Monday :)

nsd_user663_2790 profile image

Day 2 of Champix

Hi all!

It's the 2nd day of taking champix and it's not to bad, just a bit tired but its nothing a strong cup of coffee can't sort out, lol. Still smoking but the urge is becoming less and less and they're starting to taste funny, is that normal?? I'm a bit scared to quit, think about all the times i'll not be smoking but i'm trying to look at the positives of it all, better health and MORE money lol. Who was it who said, "We've nothing to fear but fear itself" ??

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

i havent any dreams, and i was quite looking forward to them!!

i might try to take tonights a bit later.

i do think your right about the habit, ..get up...have a cuppa.....have a cig...

ill work on that in the morning.

hi littlemiss, yep, your cigs do start to taste funny, and im always tired.

good luck

jude xx

nsd_user663_2176 profile image

hello littlemiss,

with stopping smoking, as with a lot of other things, the thought of it is so much worse than actually doing it. Once you've started your quit I bet it won't seem anywhere near as scary.

nsd_user663_2722 profile image

Yes - I was on the flight too (BTW, the plane looked like the lego plane he had for Christmas) and wondering why I was the only one worried about him being in charge!

nsd_user663_2263 profile image

Hello Jude

I think you will really benefit from Champix..I am on day 3 and find no cravings at fact, I have no cravings for wine either. I am abstaining from alcohol while taking this and definitely taking it with food. I read somewhere that it is ok to take the evening pill a little earlier (around 3pm) so that it has less effect on your sleep. I havent gotten to the second pill stage yet and am thinking of not doing it at all and just taking the one in the morning. I have a feeling that 2 is too much for my body, I am not used to drugs at all. Good luck to you - you are doing great!!!!


nsd_user663_2811 profile image

I think you will really benefit from Champix..I am on day 3 and find no cravings at fact, I have no cravings for wine either. I am abstaining from alcohol while taking this and definitely taking it with food. I read somewhere that it is ok to take the evening pill a little earlier (around 3pm) so that it has less effect on your sleep. I havent gotten to the second pill stage yet and am thinking of not doing it at all and just taking the one in the morning. I have a feeling that 2 is too much for my body, I am not used to drugs at all. Good luck to you - you are doing great!!!!


Interesting to hear you have no cravings for wine either... I'm into my thrid week on Champix, off the cigarettes for over a week now and have also gone from drinking fairly heavily (i.e. far more than the recommended 'safe' level) to drinking NO alcohol at all for over a week. This was not a conscious decision, just haven't felt the desire.

As for your comment 'not used to drugs at all' ... lol, I assume you mean except for nicotine!?! My own feeling is that I want to give Champix my very best shot, and that means following the instructions to the letter. It's certainly been an amazing experience so far.

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

hi steve, it has and still is an experience :)

as for the drinking, i associate drink and cigs together, that might be why you havnt bothered, or are the pills making me not think of drink either?

mmmmmmm interesting :)


nsd_user663_2722 profile image

Day 3!

I must admit that I do not feel any different from the last couple of days - still some urges but actually a lot of time actually spent not thinking about the quit an/or smoking at all.

Champix does help tremendously (little withdrawal symptoms thus making the urges manageable) and the experience is nothing like my previous quit attempts. Still - it can be hard to fight the little voices at times (I found myself saying loudly "no" to one urging me that I wanted a smoke and my son thought I was telling him off :o


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