Last Day on Champix: Hi folks, how are you... - No Smoking Day

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Last Day on Champix

nsd_user663_1968 profile image
19 Replies

Hi folks, how are you all doing

I have one champix tablet left and i am visiting my gp on wednesday, the big day is dawning, no tablets to rely on can i manage it has been 6 months since i have quit, i still get the ocassional bad craving but its gone in minutes. Its is scary not having the tablets to fall back on, i have to be on my guard as there is still a way to go, especially when you see Buffy have a ciggy after all that time. I was worried about when i get stressed because i used to smoke more when stressed but i have coped, i have been really stressed recently with problems with my ex wife and daughter etc but have managed.

So fingers crossed, i feel a lot better, smell better, just annoyed that i have put on 19kgs but working hard to get rid of it.

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nsd_user663_1968 profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_2421 profile image

Hi, its hard to part with a crutch, in your case champix, in my case patches. Ive just done my first week without them. Its like leting go of a crutch and doing a few unsteady steps alone. but i felt the same way every time the dose droped. We can go on without them. They are a aid, and a very good one. But at the end of the day thats all they are, and not a substitute or replacment for cigs indefinately. Im sure i would not be here without my patches, I have weaned away slowly but surely. and am now free of nicotine or any drugs or aids. If i can do it. anyone can. keep focused mate you will be ok. xxx

nsd_user663_1968 profile image


well done to you, yes i agree with what you say.

I would not be here if it wasnt for the champix and also the wonderful people on this forum.

I have tried all sorts before the Champix and failed miserably so to manage 6 months + is brilliant. I AM A NON SMOKER now

Now just need to lose all this weight that i have put on.

nsd_user663_2421 profile image

Ha! tell me about it lol. i dont have scales so no idea how much ive gained. But i do know how many of my clothes dont fit, He He! much more of this and i wont be able to get out of my pj's. :confused:

nsd_user663_1744 profile image


I'm still taking champix - am down to .5g tablet once a day. I stepped down gradually (2mg,1 and 1/2mg,1mg now 1/2 mg. Each time I stepped down a dose I had a dodgy couple of days but soon settled down. Don't worry about huge cravings or nothing rearing their ugly heads after 6 mths. When you smoked your body artificially released dopamine form your brain . This was nicotine induced.Non smokers release dopamine naturally. Your brain therefore has to re-learn to do this again without cigs. This process takes 3 - 4 months.

The champix helped to release the said dopamine 60% for 2mg dose leavingyou doing the remaining 40%. As the dose of champix is reduced your brain gradually produces more of the dopamine by itself. EG I have taken 15weeks of champix.

I'm down to 1/2mg per day so the champix is helping dopamine production by only 15% meaning I'm doing 85% of the job.

By the end of treatment in approx 3wks time I will have taken champix for 5 mths. This is long enough after my last cig to enable my brain to produce dopamine on its own without champix (or nicotine!)

Remember you've also lived without the 'habit' of smoking for the last six months,changed your routines etc.

Sorry if I went on a bit but I want you to know Andy,there is no need to be worried! Karen x

nsd_user663_1968 profile image


yes very long winded but useful information thank you very much,

all the best with your quit. I have been on 0.5mg tablet for about 2 months and the last month every other day. I think of the tablet as a safety blanket as i know i have them there if i need them but as from wednesday i wont scary.

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Ah no worries Andy you have taken your time to step down properly and wisely.

I don't think you'll be as stupid as me as you are aware of the nic monster!!

My problems were, my partner continued smoking, in the house so it's been there the whole time! he now keeps his cigs on him, not lying around! and smokes outside!! about time! :rolleyes:

Also, my quit wasn't a planned quit, it was a forced one, I reckon that played on my mind a lot too.

This time is me quitting through choice and starting here from day1 and already I feel different and more confident in this quit.

*hugs* Andy x x I am so sorry for disheartening yourself and many others here :( But really, not many people out there are as daft as I.

x x ~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1968 profile image

Ah no worries Andy you have taken your time to step down properly and wisely.

I don't think you'll be as stupid as me as you are aware of the nic monster!!

My problems were, my partner continued smoking, in the house so it's been there the whole time! he now keeps his cigs on him, not lying around! and smokes outside!! about time! :rolleyes:

Also, my quit wasn't a planned quit, it was a forced one, I reckon that played on my mind a lot too.

This time is me quitting through choice and starting here from day1 and already I feel different and more confident in this quit.

*hugs* Andy x x I am so sorry for disheartening yourself and many others here :( But really, not many people out there are as daft as I.

x x ~Buffy x x


I wasnt having a pop at you, its just made me realise the battle is not over yet, its like scary you made it to 9 months then had a smoke. I understand what you are saying about quit being forced on you and hubby still smoking.

Whenever i was with my ex she carried on smoking in the house and there was allways ciggies laying around and i would pinch puffs or even light her dog ends (thats sad) so the temptation was allways there and i couldnt resist, this time i have been on my own at home so no one smoking i threw all my rolly gear tobacco papers etc away, although i used the filters rolled in a rizzla paper as a subtituite ciggy for a while which helped give something to do with my hands but havent used them for about 3 months now.

The Champix has definately helped me quit but also people like yourself on this forum have been a great help to me and helped me stop i have made a lot of friends on here as well, so thank you.

Do you have a cigarette so that you have to start all over again and stay No 1 agony aunt on this forum :rolleyes:LOL.

All the best with your quit, you will have to sort hubby out.

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Hehe @ starting over again to stay here :p

I know you was having a pop hun x x x x x I just wanted to explain so you can keep your confidence if you see what I mean. x x x x x x

He is doing his health and weight first off, he's been riddled with injuries 2007 having had 17 weeks in total off work! :eek: If he leaves them lying around again though I am so gonna put them under the tap and throw them away :p

nsd_user663_1968 profile image

Hehe @ starting over again to stay here :p

I know you was having a pop hun x x x x x I just wanted to explain so you can keep your confidence if you see what I mean. x x x x x x

He is doing his health and weight first off, he's been riddled with injuries 2007 having had 17 weeks in total off work! :eek: If he leaves them lying around again though I am so gonna put them under the tap and throw them away :p

Yeah you go girl, throw away all his ciggies, dont let him smoke in the house.

nsd_user663_1998 profile image

Hi Andy,

Ive still got 1mg x 28 tablets that I'm hanging onto like a safety net. I dont feel strong enough to throw them out just in case I'm tempted to smoke in the future although Im confident that I wont. (contradiction I know).

The only thing is will they work second time around or have the chemicals in the brain been altered permanently?? Should I just bite the bullet and throw them away?

nsd_user663_1968 profile image

You are going to be just fine Andy,

anyway we made a promise to each other and you can never break a promise or I will have to get a train up to yours and give you a good telling off :p

I know you feel you are only doing this quit because of the tabs but this is not the case you are doing this quit now because of you, you no longer need the tabs you can do this alone

you have come a very long way Andy and now is the time to test your wings and I know you will find out you can fly and sore above the clouds :D

like a seagull or a pigeon not anything as elegant as a bird of prey of course

Miss B

I have no intention of breaking my promise to you, but the sound of you coming up on the train and sorting me out sounds like fun, Bradford on Avon is the station you need and its a 10 minutes walk.

The tablet thing is a safety net thing sort of physological (spelling) problem i just feel happier knowing i have a tablet handy if i need one. you know in a glass box with "break in case of emergency" written on it. I know i need to grow a pair and be a man. i have a drawer fiull of nictine gum at home so if i get really desperate i can have a chew. I am upset at being compared to seagull or pigeon S.h.i.thawks, i love birds of prey so would like to be a falcon

nsd_user663_1968 profile image

Hi Andy,

Ive still got 1mg x 28 tablets that I'm hanging onto like a safety net. I dont feel strong enough to throw them out just in case I'm tempted to smoke in the future although Im confident that I wont. (contradiction I know).

The only thing is will they work second time around or have the chemicals in the brain been altered permanently?? Should I just bite the bullet and throw them away?


Yeah totally agree it would be nice to have a few tablets for emergencies just in case, i have a drawer full of nicotine gum if i get really desperate.

I was the same with ciggarettes every time i ran out of tobacco instead of saying no and start on the champix i went and bought more tobacco, then when i had started the tablets i ran out just before my stop day and i just said no if you go and buy more tobacco then i might as well forget about stopping. I was allright without the tobacco so i hope i can be allright without the tablets.

nsd_user663_1968 profile image

Saw GP yesterday thats it no more champix for me, i have one .5mg tablet in a bottle which i will keep for emergencies.

I have a problem with weight i have put on another 2 kgs since i last weighed myself, gp confirmed thyroid test was normal, there has got to be some other explaination as to weight gain, i am going to the gym, watching what i eat and the pounds keep piling on WHAT CAN I DO.

nsd_user663_2421 profile image

i have thyroid problems and gain weight rapidly. but dont let that weaken you. your a non smoker now and will live loads longer with a better quality of health. we all a bit under active this time of year. dont get the collywobbles yet mate, i know its a bit scary without your champix but worst comes to worst... just get some more. xxx

nsd_user663_1968 profile image

Yeah thank fvck its friday.

I have been champix free for 4 days now and all is fine at the moment. My biggest concern was when i got stressed i would chain smoke, but i have been stressed on several occasions in the last couple of months and i havent even thought about smoking at all.

Number 1 priority now is to lose the 3 1/2 stone that i have put on, i have been doing a lot of work at gym, my mistake seems to be with my calorie intake been going over my daily allowance, i have been keeping my fat intake down and forgeting calorie intake. So i am cutting out all snacks, going to go out running and use the gym, and hopefully weight will come off, I have been informed that i will lose more weight by going out running rather than cv work in the gym.

I am wish everyone a good weekend smoke free

nsd_user663_1998 profile image

Good morning Andy

Theres a running plan in Zest this month 'Run Yourself Slim' with a promise of running 5k in 10 weeks (I know its a girly mag but theres lots of pictures of girls in skimpy exercise gear to get your interest up!)

I havent had a pair of trainers on in ages so Ive committed to running the Tamworth 10k run on the 4th May but for the RNLI. Max is up for it too and my Niece who has just stopped smoking as well last week is also entering.

Its a challenge that I'm frankly very scared of :eek: but the benefits in confidence will be soooooo worth it. And my chosen charity will be a little better off as well.

I just wouldnt be able to contemplate doing something like this if I was still smoking.

nsd_user663_1968 profile image

Well done Sharkbait to you, a 10k run that will be some acheivement and as you probably would have been unable to do it if you had still been smoking.

I am ok running i run up to 4.5miles but i just find it boring and prefer working in the gym, but i am going to start going out running again as i have to lose this weight soon.

nsd_user663_1968 profile image

Hi folks

I have been off the Champix for about a week now and everything is fine.

Not thinking about ciggies or smoking at all. Just concentrating on losing the 3+ stone that i have put on. I am happy to be a non smoker but will be even happier when i have lost this weight.

Been smoke free for 6+ months now and have to thank the Champix and the great folks on here for there support thank you.

nsd_user663_2253 profile image

Hi folks

I have been off the Champix for about a week now and everything is fine.

Not thinking about ciggies or smoking at all. Just concentrating on losing the 3+ stone that i have put on. I am happy to be a non smoker but will be even happier when i have lost this weight.

Been smoke free for 6+ months now and have to thank the Champix and the great folks on here for there support thank you.

Well done Shellfish!! You started champix same time as me, but I stopped 'em some 5 or 6 weeks ago now. Unlike you, I had a few drags here and there but now keep my inhalator with me 'in case'.:)

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