HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!!upload.wikimedia.org/wikipe...
halloween: HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!!upload... - No Smoking Day
Tis a SPOOKY day so who knows???????????!!!!!!!
Ps Is that your trick or treat costume for tonite?
pps How do you put pics in your posts???
Gooooooooooooood Moooooooooooooooorning Boudee n Karen
YAy!!!!!!!!!!!! Go me! Go me!:D:D
smileys.smileycentral.com/c... smileys.smileycentral.com/c...
Happy Halloween all
Happy Halloween to one and all.
Happy Halloween to one and all
well today has allready been a f'ing horrorshow for me and its still AM here EST.
Happy Halloween to you all though
damn and i thought you was blonde lol
Pic of me after eating all leftover trick or treat sweets.
I need to eat more chocolate! Must be the healthy food making my arse wider! Who knew???:eek:
I need to eat more chocolate! Must be the healthy food making my arse wider! Who knew???:eek:
The 1/2 bottle of red wine is a diet aid must!!!!
sounds like a plan!
The 1/2 bottle of red wine is a diet aid must!!!!
Is that why it is good cause i will sleep & not eat! Good one! I will try it!:cool:
Pic of me after eating all leftover trick or treat sweets.
This looks like my daughter! well her hands anyway :rolleyes:
We had a glo stick situation and her hands were like that before i marched her to the bathroom to wash them 20 times!! her walls are still glowing :rolleyes:
Ahh now, that makes a lot more sense
sweetanimo's advice~
I found a bottle of Robert Mondavi /cabernet sauvignon in the pantry. I figured what the heck~why not! Well 4 glasses later I feel no pain and just dumped the rest of the candy into the last herd of teenagers bags! I am feeling pretty wonderful at the moment and ready to lapse into a smoke-free coma!:cool: Great advice girl! I haven't craved a smoke either like I would if I had a beer.
I found a bottle of Robert Mondavi /cabernet sauvignon in the pantry. I figured what the heck~why not! Well 4 glasses later I feel no pain and just dumped the rest of the candy into the last herd of teenagers bags! I am feeling pretty wonderful at the moment and ready to lapse into a smoke-free coma!:cool: Great advice girl! I haven't craved a smoke either like I would if I had a beer.
The red wine is a wonderful thing.... and think of all the antioxidants
hehe that happened to little man when we went camping and the glow stuff was all over the bedding and him
glad your little dude has managed the same feat as my little dude of actually getting into glow stuffy stuff in the middle, makes them kinder shine, well glow anyway :rolleyes:
Hehehe!! lollol likewise glad my kids aren't the only ones capable of such lunacy!!