6 days since my last smoke today. Doing ok at the moment. Had my toughest day yesterday. I'm at my mum's at the moment (going home this afternoon) and cigarette's are at hand should I require one - all I'd have to do is ask my mum. The great thing is I've not had to ask for a smoke as I've not given in. I feel as though I've passed a little test this weekend. When I was at home I never really had the chance to smoke but I've had the opportunity this weekend.
6 days since I smoked! I can feel some benefits already. I used to get chest pains down where my lung is when I smoked - I'm only 32! Since stopping those have gone. I wake up with a clear throat. I haven't coughed since stopping, I've saved £30, I have this feeling of satisfaction inside, almost like a sense of achievement, I always considered myself weak willed yet here I am determined not to give in.
I'm going for my first run this afternoon. I'll get back to my house about 3pm, start loading my ipod with songs whilst watching Man united V Chelsea on TV. I should be running from 6-7pm I think. I used to run all the time, even when smoking, and it used to be hell. I'd be panting away after 5 minutes. I remember running last time when I stopped smoking for 8 months, it was so much more enjoyable - I remember thinking how great it was. There cannot be a more horrible feeling than smoking 20 a day and going for a 7 mile run on a night! - it was absolute torture. I'll report tonight how my run goes..
Enjoy what's left of your weekend.