newbie on Champix: This is my first post. I... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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newbie on Champix

nsd_user663_2137 profile image
34 Replies

This is my first post.

I am on day 7 of taking Champix with no feelings of wanting to cut down or stop yet. Most people seem to want to at least cut down by about day 3 or 4. I'm really scared that Champix will not work for me. Has any one else felt like this or am i just panicking for nothing. :(

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nsd_user663_2137 profile image
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34 Replies
nsd_user663_2044 profile image

hi there,

im on champix too and i know what you mean cos i felt the same way to begin with. I wasnt ready to quit until day 12 of tablets and even then i was worried about it. In fact i think i started smoking more as my quit day got closer! :( Think it's one of those things thats different for everyone, but once you make that decision to quit it does seem to get easier. Still have up and down days tho ( slipped up at wkend :mad: ) but im back on track now and dont want to waste the effort iv put in to quitting. Stick with it and you'll be fine! :) Mel :)

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

Hello, I'm not sure it's working either but it may that most people feel like that because once you're 'inside it' you haven't got a comparison to make. I recall that when I was taking Zaiban, I felt like it wasn't having any effect and only when I'd stopped taking it did I realise that I'd missed an opportunity.

My advice: stick with it 'cos you can do it and that'll be brilliant. Won't it :D

nsd_user663_2137 profile image

Hi Mel

Thanks for that its made me feel a bit happier. Can I just ask? Why did you stop on the 12th day. Was it because the Champix was making you feel less like smoking or was it just that you set it as your quit day. Glad you are now back on track. Good luck.:) 3k5k :)

nsd_user663_2044 profile image

yeah i set it as my quit day because i might have never have stopped otherwise! But like i said once i had made the decision to quit thats when it seemed to ' kick in' for me. Its hard to explain until you try it, but once you do hopefully you'll see what i mean :) I can honestly say after four weeks of not smoking ( apart from 1 minor slip up ! lol ) this has been the best method ive tried and have recomended it to everyone i know who has struggled to quit. Maybe you should set a quit day and just go for it too? I'll keep my fingers crossed for you :D

nsd_user663_1724 profile image

I planned to stop on day 14.Day seven i was smoking as many,but i had stopped before day 14

nsd_user663_2044 profile image

how long you been quit for justin?

nsd_user663_1998 profile image

Hi Guys,

I set my quit day for day 8 - didnt feel ready but stayed with it. Went with it and delighted to say I'm now approaching week 7 of not smoking. Not One Puff. (smoked for 20+ years)

Go for it - I smoked more and more on champix cos I wasn't getting anything out of the cigs I was smoking so I kept going knowing I was stopping very soon. Doubled my usual amount :confused:

It seems (from reading posts on here) that some people naturally cut down, some smoke more - I was one that smoked my head off right up to my quit date.

I am sooooooo happy I have stopped - been to vist my sick father in hosiptal tonight (he stopped 24 years ago after a number of heart attacks and a triple heart bypass). Loads of really sick people coughing their lungs up, heart surgery, etc etc.

Good luck all.

nsd_user663_1968 profile image

Welcome 3k5k i am on day 47 with Champix and feeling fine, i smoked right up to my quit deadline and then thought thats it no more tobacco go for it.

i smoked 30+ a day for 30+ years and have tried everything else to stop smoking and have failed miserably, this is the longest i have ever gone without a ciggy and dont intend to smoke again.

the Champix and this forum have helped me tremendously

nsd_user663_2041 profile image

no easy way out this hell

hi 3k5k

i am on day 44of no smoking. I stopped the first day of champix because when i made my mind up i wanted to start. The first 10 days were hard, but i think the champix kicked in and it got better (or would it have anyway??) my advice for what it is worth, it to just stop, dont wait for it to happen , coz i dont think you will ever wake up and 'not want one' while smoking. Although champix is absolutely fantastic and i highly recommed it, you do need to have to put in a lot of effort. there have been days for me and i know others who are on champix, where it has been hell.

so just go for it !!!!!

there is no easy way out of it

take care and let us know how it goes. x

nsd_user663_2096 profile image

Hi 3k5k,

Welcome aboard,

I can only echo what shellfish said, I didnt feel any different when I started on the champix and smoked about 40 a day until day 10 but i did give in on day 10 and smoked and had to start again on day 11. Since then I haven't had one and it is definately working well as I am finding it easier than I have when I have quit before.

We are all different and you just have to do what suits you best.

Good luck with it,

Befly x x:) :)

nsd_user663_1873 profile image

From everything I can find/read on champix, you do have to set a quit date. Here in America the insert says day 8. I quit the evening of the 7th when I was out of smokes. I was scared what the morning would bring as that was my heaviest time. Wasn't bad at all. I know the drug has to build up in your system for it to be and maintain an effective dose. Thats what they give you a number of days into the program.

I would be smoking without it.

nsd_user663_2149 profile image

This is my first post.

I am on day 7 of taking Champix with no feelings of wanting to cut down or stop yet. Most people seem to want to at least cut down by about day 3 or 4. I'm really scared that Champix will not work for me. Has any one else felt like this or am i just panicking for nothing. :(

hi on day 2 my worried i wont do it fel no diffrent smoked since age 13 that 34 years. tryed a few time b 4.

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Hello Bristol,

Day 2! well done!!

Thats a real achievement I am sure you can find the strength to continue ticking off the days!!

You'll find this site very supportive and behind you 100%

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2150 profile image


Another noob here:eek: ...had my first Champix tablet today - intend giving up on day 8, only had a few ciggies today but I had been cutting down with the anticipation of starting the tablets.

Felt as sick as a dog about 30 mins after taking the tablet - one tick in the nausea side effects and have a mouth as dry as ghandis' flip flop now.

I had previously been prescribed Zyban, but after having a quiet night at work and reading a web site from people who had suffered terribly from its side effects (mental health issues, lost jobs/families etc) I decided not to take it and go with the Champix instead as I could not find a site saying anything bad about it!!

I am attending smoking cessation clinic as well, which is good as it is one on one. My only worries are my trigger points - ie my car as soon as I get into it and the sign on the dual carriageway that it is 3 miles to where I work!! ie: just enough time to get one in and finish it by the time I get in the car park! The break in Coronation street - even the dog knows the music and the fact that I go out for a ciggie - I am hoping that Champix is going to take away the desire that much that I won't even think about it.

Wish me luck, reading your success stories on this has given me hope!

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Turbogal x x x x

Well done on the decision to quit!

I heard eating before then drinking water with the pill helps and if it still bad you can split the pill in half and take a half pill twice as regular as 1 whole pill, do i make sense? :o

Just take each day as it comes and prepare yourself for those tricky times x x even champix requires 'will power' maybe have gum for the car and a snack at add breaks :D

find your own ways of pleasing yourself without smoking.

Cessation nurses can be great mine was very good and it gave me a goal to reach each week.

We will be here for you too x x ~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

Hi turbogal, almost missed your first post!

Welcome to the best site I know of to help you! There's loads of people here who have been through it and we all help each other in the ups and downs. So, best of luck, keep strong and look forward.

:D :D :D

nsd_user663_2150 profile image

Thanks for the welcome:D

I have a plastic cigarette which I will suck on in the car for now, I am thinking of the positives about not smoking in the car - like not having to get ash out of awkward places and having to vacuum so often.

I am concerned about eating more - after shedding just over a stone recently, so going to take some carrot sticks into work and suck on them as well!

I am motivated for this - just worried about getting through it, I shall be on here a bit I think! :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Dear Turbogal - what a great name it's so strong!!!

Welcome to the happy mad house!! I have been nibbling on seeds - sounds kind of 'yeah right', but if you go into Tescos (or whereever) you can get these mixed bags of seeds (and before anyone says no not the ones you plant - ie like Buffy's avocado seed)! and they're really yummy and not calorific and taste of nuts and toast. And as they're so small it takes ages to eat just a few as you've got to chase them around in your hand a bit or on a plate. So two purposes in one - keep your hands and mouth busy - way hay!!!!

Best of luch Turbogal - you go for it -YOU CAN DO IT!!!!


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

I like shell on pumpkin seeds, because they are fiddly, i get to eat continuously for hours and consume very little :D

nsd_user663_2149 profile image
nsd_user663_2149 Bristol

Are you day two of quitting or day 2 of the champix?

now day 3 of taking champix.But fell no different thought i would.but saturday is my quit day as i go on holiday.

nsd_user663_2026 profile image

Welcome and the very best of luck. Stay strong.

xxxxx Pupalup xxxxx

nsd_user663_2096 profile image

Hi Bristol mx5,

Welcome to the forum,

I am on champix and I read all the posts on here and thought well I don't feel any different from before i started taking them. I quit on day 10 and I ended up having a cig on day 10. I came back on here feeling a right failure for caving in on my first day but I got so much support and encouragement that I was determined not to give in, so I quit again on day 11, I have now not had a single ciggy for 18 days. I think champix is by far the best thing I have used but it doesn't do it all for you, there is still alot of willpower involved.

I think everyone is different coz some people on here say that they didn't even want a ciggy after a couple of days of taking champix and then people like me who didn't feel any different until about day 14.

You will just have to see how it goes but as long as you are determined to give up you will be fine and once it kicks in you won't look back.

Good luck and keep posting your progress, we are all here to support each other.

Befly x x:D :D

nsd_user663_2137 profile image

1st day for newbie on champix

This is my second post. I posted last week with (I am on day 7 of taking Champix with no feelings of wanting to cut down or stop yet. Most people seem to want to at least cut down by about day 3 or 4. I'm really scared that Champix will not work for me. Has any one else felt like this or am i just panicking for nothing)

I am now on day 14 of Champic and stopped smoking this morning so not quite on day 2 yet. It's easier with Champix than without it but i have already had an argument with my husband and think that i am going crazy.

It's your encouragement that got me to this stage so thank you.

Hope to talk again tomorrow. Do i move to the day 2 section?

Thanks 3k5k

nsd_user663_2096 profile image

Hi 3k5k,

Welcome to our mad house,

Don't worry you are quite normal! well as normal as me( sorry you must be weird then lol) I think we are all under this strange impression that champix is a wonderdrug. Of course it is a wonderdrug but you still need alot of willpower and that is where we start to think it isn't working. It is only a crutch and we still have to learn to walk all on our own.

You will be fine if you stay focused on what you want and come on here for support. It has helped me so much.

As for posting, you can post on day 2 tomoro or follow up on posts that you have on here.

Good luck and stay strong,

Befly x x:D :D

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Good morning 3k x x x

Any method of quitting requires 'will power'

I am sure your hubby is understanding and takes it with a pinch of salt :p

Keep yourself busy and find things to do instead of smoking x x x

Don't forget to save up the money!! and give yourself rewards x x

Stay strong x x

~Buffy x x

P.s yes you move up to day 2 ;)

nsd_user663_2150 profile image

Hi again,

On the 3rd day of tablets and still smoking.This may sound pathetic, but I used to smoke superkings and have taken to buying normal sized ciggies of which I am barely smoking half of...First day back at work today after 6 days off and I realised this is where my problem is going to be. Sometimes it is quite quiet at work and I smoke out of boredom. My hubby bought me some new games for my Nintendo DS so I will take them in and concentrate on those instead if the urge takes me, if my bosses say anything I will ask them if they would rather I was outside smoking!! Felt yukky again after taking the tablet this morning even though I ate first - took tablet - then more food - a glass of milk soon sorted me out though. I am quite looking forward to upping the dose tomorrow to see what effect that has. Have read a few good tips on here - I particulary like the Jif Lemon tip...great site and full of inspiration!:D

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Ah sounds like your ready to go to battle :D the ds will be ideal for those times at work and the other tips you have picked up will all steer towards a positive quit!!

The coming down of cigarettes is a very good sign too!

Well Done for grasping this with both hands x x ~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2115 profile image

Top tip

Hey Turbogal, great that you're doing so well so far !! Hang in there !!

One of the best things that I've bought was a plastic cigarette (I got it from the chemist - it's called a "Crafe" I think). I took it home and took out the dodgy filter thing in the middle (it was supposed to making it harder to "draw" on and was supposed to taste like a cig. neither was true!) and give it a good wash.

Whenever I want a "boredom" cig - I just get me plastic one out and smoke away. I don't think it's for everyone (which is why I've not mentioned it so far) but I think that I enjoy the "ceremony" of smoking, rather than the taste of a cigarette - so it has some real placebo value for me. I am at the stage where I can go outside with the smokers at work and still not want to smoke (because I constantly reaffirm just how much I hate the taste/smell etc) so it might not be the best idea for everyone (which is why I'm kinda loathe to say about it as I don't want anyone to try it and then decide that actually they really do want to smoke) but it works for me.

Mind you, I always was a cheap date.

The opposite is true though if you are feeling very strong. It allows me to enjoy "smoking" fresh air - which in turn reminds me how much better it tastes (the fresh air) and how much I don't miss ram-raiding my lungs with lumps of tar in exchange for their jewels (cilia).

Anyway, just thought I'd mention it !!! Whatever you do, remember always that it's your choice. You're in charge of whether you smoke or not. You wouldn't let anyone else run your bank account, why would you let someone else tell you when to smoke ?

Good luck, stay strong, sorry for the long post - just having first large (and I do mean large!!) vodka of the evening and feeling pontificatious.......!!!


nsd_user663_2026 profile image

Welcome Turbogal, sorry I haven't welcomed you to the forum yet. Best of luck with your quit, I play my Nintendo as well it helps me keep my mind of cigs.

xxxxx Pupalup xxxxxx

nsd_user663_2150 profile image

Good evening all!!

Feeling rather proud of myself today :) My intention has always been to chuck the fags on day 9 of my induction course...but today I had a ciggie on the way to work, but not straight away as usual, waited for the 5 mile to work marker post, I didn't smoke all of it though...then that was it, I didn't even fancy having another cigarette. This is my second day of 2 x 0.5mg I was quite busy at work which helped, I looked at the clock and saw that it was nearly lunchtime, I said to myself that I would wait until midday..midday came and I thought, I have made it this far, lets go the whole day without one and I did...including the drive home!!

I work for the police (Civvie who nags the officers on the radio) and I have found a good substitute at work for something to put in my mouth...its one of those plastic bits that are attached to the breath test machines, they have a one way valve and make a satisfying click noise when you suck on them:D , I have been asked numerous times today why I have one in my mouth but now they have realised that I am giving up they are very supportive!

Thanks for reminding me about the name of the placebo cigarette Max - have found a website and ordered myself a few - including one for my supervisor who has started on patches today and was climbing the walls, but like me refrained at work! Feeling good at the moment, however, I am under no illusions that not all days are going to be as easy as this. As a foot note I have been really on the ball at work, thinking outside the box and getting results - is that lack of nicotine fugging my brain!

Sorry for the long post:o

nsd_user663_2041 profile image


hi turbogal!!!

welcome and well done for making the decision :D i am on day 54 and i think its getting easier, the only time when i get a bit 'caught out' is when i am at a loose end. I know its bordom so i try and ride it out. i am still, however looking forward to the day when i dont think about a cig when i am bored. Im sure there is such a day :confused:

nsd_user663_2150 profile image

Thanks Sandie, and all the rest of you for your support:), its much appreciated... Managed a FULL day today, first time in 10 years that I haven't had a cigarette :D - haven't even thought much about having one to be honest, it flashed in my head and then out again that I wanted one. Feeling good and positive at the moment, my Mum said tonight that she thought that I looked better...which makes me worried what I looked like before:eek:!

I received my Crafe cigarettes in the post today - they will come in useful in the car.

nsd_user663_2041 profile image

what did we look like before :eek:


Loads of people have said i look great now :eek: What did i look like before??? Also someone said i smelt nice OMG, i was a stinky before :eek: :eek: ..... funny how people tell u these things lol

nsd_user663_1704 profile image


I got the face thing quite soon after quitting 'oh your face !! you look so different!'

then the smell!! to be honest no one commented yet :D but i notice i can smell calvin kleins eternity through a nicotine haze and think my god!! what a waste of money!!!

I sooner use johnsons soap and remain smelling that way throughout the day :)

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