First day off work and not smoking ..... so I really had to occupy myself with something else. Decided to spend sometime in the kitchen .... cooking something nice. Feel that I just need to keep busy. Day 4 is nearly over and I still have not smoked.
I've been smoking 25 years .... since I was 12. I'm 37 now. I feel 10 years younger today. I've tonnes more energy. The muscle pain in my forearm is going (its been there for 2 months probably due to bad circulation). The corns on my feet are healing properly - been there for about 1 year (again probably due to bad circulation).
Tomorrow will be good - first time going for a jog since I was 13 where I won't be coughing my guts up when I finish.
I feel like such as idiot. I'm 37 now and have given up for 4 days. I feel fantastic. I've spent the last 20 odd years tired .... lethargic ..... I cannot imagine how better life would have been had I never smoked a cig.
I just hope I don't go back on them