Scientists have discovered an important gene whose loss lies behind follicular lymphoma:
Gene involved in Follicular Lymphoma - Non Hodgkin's Lym...
Gene involved in Follicular Lymphoma
I searched but could not find a Sestrin 1 trial. If you know of such a clinical trial, please post a link to it.
I don't have any sites for clinical trials but maybe someone else could post some?
Considering I have an identical twin brother who is not affected by lymphoma this brings up a multitude of questions about my condition, why me, and of course whether there is a treatment path to cure etc
I watched an interesting video yesterday of an interview with a Stanford university scientist who is studying the effects of diet on gene expression (epigenetics). It gets a bit technical but is worth persevering. She has a strong Italian accent so worth cLicking the cc button to get subtitles.
This is not specifically lymphoma related but indicates that genes can be turned on or off depending on lifestyle factors; that might explain why one person gets FL and another does not.
Four out of five of my family have been diagnosed with cancers but I am the only one with a lymphoma.
Here's the link for anyone interested: