When I was diagnosed first I was referred by the surgeon to an oncologist, whom I still see. Do you see an oncologist or a haemotologist or has anyone seen both? Is there any difference in approach to NHL? I wonder is it customary in some countries to be referred to one or the other?
Oncologist or Haemotologist? - Non Hodgkin's Lym...
Oncologist or Haemotologist?

I see a specialist who specializes in hematology oncology.
Me too, my bloodwork was off, so they referred me to hematologist and he specializes in onocology.
I went through a totally different route. Without getting into a lot of detail, I was very ill; I had rapidly lost 60 lbs., my abdomen was grossly distended like being about 7 or 8 months pregnant (I was 56 at the time and not sexually active), dry heaves, severe nausea, extreme difficulty breathing, etc.
After much cajoling the doctor to initiate some sort of action, she finally agreed to an abdominal sonogram and then the radiologist order her to send me for a CT scan. The CT scan came back indicating that there was a fairly large cancerous mass in my abdomen.
I was fading fast and there wasn't time for her to dither about trying to establish what type of cancer I was presenting with. I immediately went to the Emergency Department and was promptly admitted to hospital. (Good thing because they tell me I was about 6 weeks from death.) In any event, it was fairly quickly established that I had lymphoma and it was then that I was blessed with my fabulous hematology oncologist. Needless to say, as soon as was convenient that family physician was replaced.
If possible, see someone who specializes in CLL. It is the most important action you can take to improve your outcome. Lots of list of CLL experts available. We have one in our toolkit on CLLSOciety.org. ACOR has one too.
I was initially referred to an oncologist who, after reviewing my case, sent me for blood, blood marrow and pet scan. He reviewed these and referred me to a haematologist.
Similar beginning for me but stayed with the oncologist and was not offered the option of a haemotologist. My country's (Ireland) medical system is pretty much stretched to the limit so I'm not complaining as my oncologist is excellent and very clued in to NHL .
TezzM what was the diagnosis from your oncologist?
I see oncologist and just my family Dr for my NHL, Mantel Cel.
I see an oncologist with specialty in hematology. I did get a 2nd opinion with another oncologist with specialty in Lymphoma who agreed with the staging, biopsy and watch & wait approach.
I was referred to an oncologist/hematologist....who I continue to see
My Doctor is both, I think a lot of the doctors here in the US are. Not only do I have NHL but I had blood clots in both kidneys and spleen. I'm now on a blood thinner.
I think they might specialize more in the US as the population is so much bigger and they see more cases than here . A lot of the doctors here have trained in the US though . Hope you are continuing to improve . We are all being well monitored anyway .
Hi Shar0n
Interesting comment, hadn't thought about it, as I only see a haemotologist, would be interesting to see what happens in other countries
My oncologist is both. He handles all of my blood work and interprets it. If he thinks I need to see some sort of specialist he will refer me.
I see a hematologist oncologist every three months...she said I can go every six months but I prefer to go every three
I have seen a hematology specialist in Toronto but now live outside of Toronto so I am now referred to a blood specialist and oncologist referred by my specialist at PMH.